Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 11, 2009, Black History Month, Page 6, Image 6

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Black History Month
Februaiy II. 2009
B lack H istory M onth
Muhammad Ali Inspired a Generation
‘The Greatest’
earns NAACP
Image Award
The legendary M uham m ad Ali will
receive the N A ACP's 2(X)9 President's
A w ard at the 40th N A ACP Image
A w ards, from 8-10 p.m. on Thursday,
Feb. 12 on FOX, KPTV Channel 12.
"The Greatest" will be presented
with the prestigious award, which is
g iv e n in re c o g n itio n o f sp e c ia l
achievem ent and distinguished pub­
lic service.
“M uham m ad Ali inspired a genera­
tion,” said NAACP president andchief
executive officer Ben Jealous. “We
are honored to recognize the accom ­
plishm ents o f one of the most respected
and admired men of all time, who earned
a special place in our hearts and minds
not only for his success inside the
boxing ring but for his role as an out­
spoken, charm ing and witty leader,
activist, hum anitarian and artist. He is
truly ‘T he G reatest o f All T im e’ and
incredibly worthy o f this aw ard.”
A cadem y A w ard-w inner H alle
Berry and acclaim ed screenwriter/ac-
tor Tyler Perry, both recipients o f an
N A A C P Image Award, will host the
40TH NAACP Image Aw ards broad­
cast, live from Los A ngeles' historic
Shrine Auditorium.
The star-studded event, w hich co­
incides with the N A ACP's 100th anni­
versary, will kick off the civil rights
organization's year-long centennial
As a boxer, Ali brought unprec­
edented speed and grace to his sport,
w hile his charm and w it forever
changed w hat the public expected o f
a cham pion. His accom plishm ents in
the ring are the stuff o f legend as he
becam e the first three-tim e world
heavyw eight cham pion.
There was alw ays far more to the
man than w hat took place w ithin the
confines o f the ring. Ali's life and
career have been played out as much
on the front pages o f new spapers as
Muhammad Ali, known in those days as Cassius Clay, realized the prediction that he'd knock out Archie Moore in the
fourth round in their 1962 bout.
on the inside o f sports pages.
His early relationship with the N a­
tion o f Islam and his insistence on
being called M uham m ad Ali instead
o f his "slave name," C assius Clay,
L um pur signaled a shift from super­
pow er dom inance to a growing aw are­
ness o f the developing world.
D aring to go against the political
establishm ent to help people in need,
Ali has m ade goodw ill m issions to
A fghanistan and North Korea; deliv­
ered sorely-needed m edical supplies
to an em bargoed Cuba; traveled to
Iraq to secure the release o f 15 A m eri­
can hostages during the first G ulf War;
and jo urneyed to South A frica to m eet
with N elson M andela upon his re­
lease from prison.
In the last tw o decades, Ali has
been instrum ental in providing more
than 232 m illion m eals to the world's
hungry. Traveling across continents,
he has hand-delivered food and m edi­
cal su p p lies to ch ild ren in C ote
ment of the 1960s. He becam e an influ­
ential figure in the civil rights m ove­
ment, inspiring millions o f A m ericans
tow ard political change, with his out­
spo k en b ut u ltim ately w id ely -re-
We are honored to recognize
the accomplishments o f one of
the most respected and admired
NAACP president and chief
men o f all time. - executive
officer Ben Jealous
heralded a new era in black pride.
His refusal to be inducted into the
U .S. Army during the V ietnam era fore­
shadowed the growing antiw ar m ove­
spected statements and actions.
His willingness to stage well publi­
cized fights in such far-flung locales
as K in sh a sa, M a n ila and K u ala
D 'Ivoire, Indonesia, M exico and M o­
rocco, am ong other countries.
In addition to his international e f­
forts, Ali is equally devoted to helping
causes at home. He holds an annual
fundraiser, Fight Night, to raise m il­
lions o f dollars for Parkinson's dis­
ease research and treatm ent. He testi­
fied before the United States Senate
advocating for more federal funds to
find a cure for the disease.
He is also an advocate and the
nam esake of the M uham m ad Ali Box­
ing Reform Act, a federal law that
regulates professional boxing to pro­
tect athletes from unscrupulous pro­
moters, as well as poor health and
bout conditions. He has appeared
before com m ittees o f the U.S. Senate
several times regarding boxing reform.
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Black History
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Vanport Square, the new minority-owned development on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard, has earned certification for its environmentally sustainable construction and
energy efficiency.
Vanport Square Earns Gold
underserved com m unities," said
Ray Leary, aprincipal in Vanport
Partners. “Because o f the high
level of disregard, pollution was
relatively unchecked, and now
developers m ust try in every
instance to not only correct this
historic imbalance, but to set a
new standard as
T he first phase of
/a n p o rt Square, the
V a n p o rt
lew m inority-ow ned
S q u a re
in te ­
om m ercial develop-
g rated a storm
n en t o n N o rth e a st
w ate r m a n a g e ­
dartin Luther King J.
m ent plan that
J o u le v a r d ,
achieves an 80
ichieved L eadership
p e rc e n t sto rm
n Energy and Envi-
w ater m itigation
o n m e n ta l D e sig n
r a te ;
c r e a te d
landscaping and
The project, which
ir rig a tio n s y s ­
ip e n e d in J a n u a ry Ray Leary
tem s that reduce
1008, was developed
>y Vanport Partners, LLC and water usage by 79.6 percent;
lartially funded by the Portland and installed dual flush toilets
developm ent C om m ission and and low-flow fixtures that save
an estim ated 36,415 gallons per
he Portland Family o f Funds.
im p o r ta n c e
o f year.
The com plex also gets I (X)
lu stain a b ility is m ore pro-
of its energy needs with
to u n c e d
th a n
Certified for
energy savings
ren ew ab le energy purchases
and reuses 76.8 percent o f the
existing building shell and struc­
ture. C redits were also earned
by making 100 percent o f the
m ixed-use spaces and 96 per­
cent o f the retail and restaurant
spaces have views to the out­
d oors
“ W e at PD C are very proud
to h av e h elp ed th is p roject
rea ch a su c c e ssfu l c o n c lu ­
sio n ,” said B ernie K erosky o f
the PDC. “ R eceiving LEED
G o ld ce rtifica tio n is an o u t­
standing ach iev em en t for this
p ro ject - and for the d ev elo p ­
m ent team .”
Vanport Square includes 16
for sale flexible retail and com ­
mercial spaces targeting local
and small businesses. Fourteen
of the units are sold with two
units currently available. In ad­
dition, the project includes an
enhanced pedestrian environ­
m ent designed to support exist­
ing business and foster com m u­
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