Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 11, 2009, Black History Month, Page 5, Image 5

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    February II. 2009
Page A5
B lack H istory M onth
9 1 (9 0 * -
Black United Fund of Oregon’s
1 2 th a n n u a l c o m m u n iti/ banquet
Proceeds go towards scholarships for African-American High School Seniors and
non-profit organizations serving Oregon's low-income communities.
Thursday, February 19,2009
6:00pm Reception & S ilent Auction - 7:00pm Dinner
Presenting Sponsor
The Governor Hotel, H eritage B allroom
614 SW 11th and A lder
$80.00 per person / $80 0 .0 0 per table o f ten
Attire - Semi-Formal or Professional
For more info., to purchase tickets or to sponsor the banquet, please visit our website at
www.bufor.org or contact Christina Jenkins at cjenkins@bufor.org or (503) 282-7973.
Media Sponsor
photo by M ark
W ashington /T he P ortland O bserx er
Pastor B.E. Johnson (from left), Dr. Rev. Leroy Haynes, New Seasons Market President
Lisa Sedlar, Rev. Renee Ward and Portland City Commissioner Dan Saltzman lend their
support to the re-naming o f the Max Light Rail Station on North Interstate Avenue and
Rosa Parks Boulevard in honor of the civil rights leader.
Ready, Set, C onnect... to Kindergarten
A great resource for parents and kids ages 4-5
• Explore classroom learning stations.
• Meet kindergarten teachers.
• Discover programs and services PPS offers.
• Learn what you can do now so your child is ready for
school next year.
• Take home free educational materials.
• Interpreters available at all events.
Max Station Honors Rosa Parks
Commemorates role in Civil Rights Movement
TriM et has officially renam ed the Port­
land Boulevard Max Yellow Line Station in
north Portland in honor o f Rosa Parks.
The new station signage w as unveiled
Feb. 4 on the an niversary o f P a rk s’ birth,
in w hat w ould have been h er 96th b irth ­
A short dedication cerem ony included
music by Ockley Green students and a
birthday cake in the New Seasons M arket,
located across the street.
The historic m arker tells how Parks'
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courageous act drew national attention to
two simple truths: A public transit system
said for by all must benefit all, and civil rights
must be protected for all.
On Dec. 1, 1955, Parks was arrested in
M ontgom ery, Ala., after refusing to give up
her seat to a white man while riding on a
segregated bus.
T he P o rtla n d C ity C o u n c il, u n d er
Saltzm an’s leadership, renamed Portland
Boulevard as Rosa Parks Way shortly after
Parks died in 2005.
For m o re in fo rm atio n , call 503-916-3205 o r visit
w w w .re ad y setco n n e ct.p p s.k 1 2 .o r.u s
Families are welcome io drop in at these free events:
I Regente Boys & Girls Club
10a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21
4430 N. Trenton St.
I Blazers Boys & Girls Club
10 a.m.-2 pm . Saturday, Feb. 28
S25O N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.
■ OMSI family Sdence Night
6-8 p.m. Monday, March 2
1945 S.E. Water Ave.
(OMSI Café w ill be closed)
Portland Public Schools • 501 N. Dixon St. • Portland • www.pps.k12.or.us
We stand together,
richer for our differences.
We celebrate the w isdom of collaboration
and the strength in diversity.
Possibility. In every direction.'