|Jnrtkntò Q^bacruer B ic ic k H ¡StOfy M o n t h February II. 2009 PageAI5 A rts ' V mu ISIIII4ISHIM To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com Platinum Fade S A L O N Best Barbers in Town & Razor Line Cuts 5010 NE 9th Unit A Portland Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 photo by Hours o f operation: M-F 9 am - 6 pm Sat 8 am - 9 pm Sun 11 am - 6 pm P aul F ardi *. Angela Freeman stars as Dorothy and Quincy Hickson is the Scarecrow in the Stumptown Stages musical ‘The Wiz, ' opening Friday at the Jefferson High School auditorium. ‘The Wiz’ Opens Friday Wizard of Oz, the musical is an African-American adaptation of the tale we all know by heart. Dorothy is blown by a tornado into Munckinland where she m eets the S carecro w , the Stumptown Stages’ fourth Tinman, and the Cowardly Lion season of bringing quality mu­ and they all go off to see the sicals to Portland audiences is Wizard of Oz. marked by the presentation of The Wiz features one of the ‘The W iz,’ the Broadway show Northwest’s most noted per­ that won 7 Tony Awards, in­ formers Julianne R. Johnson- cluding Best Musical. Weiss as Evillene, and reunites Based on the W onderful cast m em bers Y ohannes ‘Come on and ease on down the road’ Murphy, Eugene Blackmon, AmberC. Cobb III, Loretha Gar­ ner, and Yasmine Moore from last se a so n ’s hit m usical Dreamgirls. Returning to the Jefferson stage are alumni Shawn PnceasGlindaandShalandaSims as The Gatekeeper. Performances open Friday, Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. at the Jefferson High School Auditorium, 5210 N. Kerby Ave., with shows con­ tinuing each Friday and Satur­ day at 8 p.m. and each Sunday at 2 p.m. through March 1. A special benefit performance for Jefferson High School and the Portland Public School Dis­ trict; will be held a day earlier, on Thursday, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. Admission is $27 for general admission, $25 for students and seniors, and $18 when pur­ chased in groups of 10 or more. Tickets s can be purchases online at stumptownstages.com or by calling the box-office at 503-381-8686. « W M /tt ¿S IS l* F eaturing IO » R IO R M A A I N i IS BY P i l RI O RM pH k Bishop ILL. Hodge, I’ li. I ) . , Pastor N o rtlw iM Voice fo r ( lir is i Ministries AND Political Satire at Curious Comedy Pastor Ju lia N e ufeld K in g d o m Ifuth Ministries Curious Com edy Theater, 5225 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd., presents presents Are We There Yet? o r D on't Make Me Turn This Country Around. S a t u r d a y . Through sketches that range from smart, sharp and witty to the downright 1 I BRUARY 2 8 2 (X )9 0 :0 0 P M super silly, the talented Curious Com edy M ainslage cast including Bob Nf iOm stmis PoRInNI» OK Ladewig, Bri Pruett, David Saffert, Stephanie Cordell, Kathryn Durkin, and Scott Rogers explore the vas’ expanse between hope and reality, anticipation and reality, expectation and reality, and fantasy and reality. Damn reality. veryone is welcome Directed by Stacey Hallal, this sketch show is funnier than you can hope, Like t»iH d in n e rs jv .tU .ih k ih e r convert more entertaining than you could ever anticipate, will exceed your highest expectations, and be more satisfying than your wildest fantasy. I M M A M II I I I M I’I I t i l l 1 R < H « n t e r i t e t i ! » » Perform ances are Fridays and Saturdays \ \ ( I M I N S M IN IS I RS Htti|K»«Kn.rMN through M arch 7. host * otzwzki Curious Com edy Theater is a non-profit comedy theater that seeks to improve the lives i i o f the Portland com m unity through the art com edy. E ■ :I * ’ 1I1BTTEBS OF T H E FREE ‘C om breti’ Spoken Word Debuts The non-profit soul food café Po’Shines will begin hosting a weekly spoken word and open mic nights for youth readers and performers. T he p ro g ram c alled “Combred” will debut on Fri­ day, Feb. 13 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Since opening in the summer o f2007 at 8189 N. Denver Ave., Po'Shines has been active in its mission to empower the com­ munity. One of their first moves was to become a partner in Teach Me to Fish, an initiative designed to empower at-risk and troubled youth by providing job training, life and performing arts skills. T h is p ast fall, the cafe partnered with Write Around Portland to host a weekly writ­ ing workshop for youth writers. "In working with a lot of young people in our commu­ nity, we are increasingly aware of the hunger that they have for a place to express themselves," says Mackenzie Doyle, a gen­ eral manager at Po'Shines. "We are very excited to be able to offer our cafe as a place of cre- I ative refuge for a burdened and For more information, visit misunderstood generation of poshines.com or call 503-978- youth." 9000. OOOQOOO OfcJO OO O O O wom ens workshop S atu rd ay Feb 14. 9 a m w Sunday o t o s Feb worship IS , 5pm C o n tin e n ta l B re a k fa s t & M o rn in g W o rs h ip I O aubJpm W o rk s h o p , w ith Broken. D am a g e d 4 Crocked B ut StIM V • Discovering th e Greatness i n MCI Enero*‘tic and Interactive Keynote Dr Brenda Caldwell \ Memphis, TN * P ot cló n ete Pratse 4 W o rs h ip • Special Testim onies • S to c trtfyin g P raise D an ce Anointed Speaker Pastor Tammic Gibson Ontano CA