^'^ortianò o^bserucr Black History Month Page A I4 Februaiy II. 2009 CQMIVpLus K e e p i n g y o u In Touch IMIIIMSHIM We flash & unlock cellphones Cell Phone Repairs Fix screen* Water damage • Powersupply Puppet Love for Valentine ’s Day 303 N.E. Killingsworth I 503-735-1422 L -._ — *10% o f flashing with this coupon — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O ld S ch (X) l M aster B arber R e g g ie B r o w n Hours/Days\ 11-7 Tues-Fri • 10-7 Sat Reggie ’s Barber Shop 3213 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd 503-280-0222 Specialize in all hair types; Straight razor cuts/lines /shaves; Sheers, Clippers and Fades Ask about our Special - Tightwad Tuesday Tickets are $14 students and $16 for adults, plus ser­ vice charges and available by calling 360-695-3050 or 503 248-0557, going online at tojt.org, and also available through ticketmaster.com. Tears of Joy Puppet The­ atre presents “PuppetLove,” a Valentine’s Day showcase for adults on one night only, Saturday, Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. at Dolores Winningstad The­ atre, 1111 S.W. Broadway. From the ridiculous to the sublime, with hearts full and hearts aching, the show is a journey from cynicism to sur­ render, from the falsity of love, to love for humanity, to rom antic love and “Schrodinger’s Cat.” Lady Mai Marionette stars in ‘Puppet Love. ' Join in the Asian New Year Celebration Portland Community College is celebrating the "Year o f the Ox" with m usic, entertainm ent, food, vendors, door prizes, and much more at this year's Asian New YearCelebration. The PCC Southeast Center staff and students are hosting the annual event at Legin Res­ taurant Banquet Room, 8001 S.E. Division, next door to the PCC center, starting at 9:30 a.m., M onday, Feb. 16. It is free and open to the public. This is an excellent event for children. The event features a lion dance, Chinese dances, mar­ tial arts, and activities for chil­ dren, such as how to use chop­ sticks, face painting, and more. Food is $ 1 and parking is free. W rite A ro u n d P o rtla n d W orsh op s Winner of 7 Tony Awards Including Best Musical W rite A round Portland has em barked on a “ 10 D ays o f W riting” cam paign with a series o f com m unity w orkshops, Thegroupofferscreativew rit- ing help at no-charge to people C o m p u te r R e p a ir W e F ix L a p to p s & D e s k t o p s February 13 fa March 1,2009 • • • • . • COMfOTf« StKvîces 311 N E Killingsw orth CPCS February 12 Special Benefit Performance Screen replacem ent K eyboard Custom system s D ata Backup/Recovery Virus & Spyware Removal H ardw are/Softw are Installs 503-247-3169 State Farm e Providing Insuumce and-Ficanoa’ Ser A IN IV M N C I living with HIV/AIDS, veterans, survivors o f domestic violence, adults and youth in recovery from alcohol and drug addictions, low- income seniors, people in prison, teen parents and others who may not have access to writing re­ sources because of income, iso­ lation or other barriers. U pcom ing w orkshops in the African A m erican com m unity will include sessions on T hurs­ day, Feb 12, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at T alking Drum Bookstore & Reflections Coffee House, 446 N.E. Killingsw orth St. and Fri­ day, Feb. 13 from 5 pm. to 7 p.m. at P o ’Shines Café de la Soul, 81 3 9 N . D enver Ave. Home Office. Bioomingron. Illinois 61710 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vanctxivef Amine. Portland, OH 977'7 503 786 1,03 fax M3 2861146 etna; lull hMityiSstatefarin com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service" for tickets Dixon ’s Rib Pit 503-753-0868 Hours 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. M onday thru Saturday Sunday after church at 3:00 p.m. Pick up Delivery and Catering Dinners $9.50 Sandwiches $8.50 S T A G E S And Soul Food Try us once you 'll come back again “ E verythin g I do is co lla b o ra tive . It's ju s t my way. I'm re a lly very in te re ste d in how the o th e r m usicians perceive the song.” Cassandra W ilson KMHD radio is a collaborative effort; without the generous support from our listeners we wouldn’t be on the air! Show us that Jazz & Blues music is important to you and your community! Mail to KM HD/M HCC/26000 SE Stark, Gresham. OR 9703(1 ! h i -i Same: Amount: Address: Cits: State: __ ♦ I " Phone: Zip: Esp. Dale: Card # Signature: A broadcast senke of Mt. Hood Community ( olirne I rfueoue African Dance Music Njuzu Mbira will play the beau­ tiful and traditional dance music o f the Shona people o f Zimba­ bwe in an all ages and no cover concert, Sunday, Feb. 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mississippi Pizza Pub, 3552 N. Mississippi Ave. T his tim eless m usic, p er­ form ed on a metal -keyed instru­ ment for at least 1,000 years, has been played at religious cer­ em onies throughout the ages and more recently incorporated into electric pop music in Z im ­ babw e by m usicians such as Thom as Mapfumo. Some songs played today are as old as the instrument itself. U sually two or more musicians play interlocking parts that re­ sult in layers o f rhythmic m elo­ dics. Shakers (hosho) are usu­ ally played as the timekeepers. The mbiras are placed inside large calabashes for resonance. N athan Beck and Marian Grebanier, who formed Njuzu Mbira, have studied this music since the early '90s and have spent prolonged time in Zimba­ bwe studying with mbira mas­ ters.