Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 11, 2009, Black History Month, Page 13, Image 13

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February II. 2009
t S
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M ichael T ille ry
Oregon’s 150th Birthday Bash
The classical music group
Fear No M usic and other O r­
egon com posers have arranged
a series o f concerts in Portland,
Eugene and Salem as part o f
O regon’s 150th anniversary o f
statehood. Some m odem dance
and ballet will also be m ixed in.
The first perform ance will
take place on Friday, Feb. 13 at
Disjecta, 8371N. Interstate Ave.,
follow ed by concerts in at the
University o f O regon in Eugene
on T uesday, Feb. 17 and at
W illam ette University in Salem
on T hursday, Feb. 19.
F ear No M usic m usicians
Inés Voglar, Joel Belgique, Mika
Sunago, and Joel Bluestone will
jo in g u e s t a r tis ts T o m a s
Svoboda, Evan Kuhlman, and
N ancy Ives; the A g n ieszk a
L ask a D an c ers; an d G avin
Larsen from the O regon Ballet
T heater for the concert series,
to present a world prem iere o f
three new works, w ritten espe­
cially for this grand occasion.
Tickets are available at the
door or online at artixpdx.com .
B ro k e r
m ichael@ bridgetownrealty.com
Please call me, your neighborhood
specialist, for any o f your Real
Estate needs. My success is built
on a com m itm ent to quality service
Leisure Hour Jr. Golf Program
Open Enrollment 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009 2pm - 5pm
photo by C harles
Final Registration
Sunday, March 8, 2009 2pm - 5pm
N oble
Fear No Music musicians Joel Bluestone (from left), Joël Belgique, Inès Voglar and Jeff
Payne will perform Friday, Feb. 13 at Disjecta, 8731 N. Interstate Ave., as part o f concert
arranged by Oregon composers to celebrate 150 years o f statehood.
For New and Returning Members and Mentors
3800 NE Mallory
Portland. O regon
Frankie and Johnny
Victor Mack and Valerie Stephens are swept into a romantic relation­
ship by fate in 'Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, ’ currently on
stage at CoHo Theater in northwest Portland.
Film Festival Honors Black
H istory — The 19th annual
Cascade Festival o f A frican Films
held in honor o f Black History M onth a£
Portland Com m unity C ollege’s C as­
cade Cam pus, runs through M arch 7.
Free and open to the public. For a
c o m p le te
s c h e d u le ,
v is it
First produced in 1987, Frankie and Johnny in the
C lair de Lune is a much beloved rom antic com edy
(w hich has been seen throughout the U. S. and was
adapted into a m ovie in 1991) focusing on two rather
ordinary people: the dream er and rom antic Johnny and
the hard edged realist Frankie.
T he central question in this play, as in all rom antic
com edy, is can these two people with all their differ­
ences and all their idiosyncrasies som ehow swept
together by fate find happiness together?
The play is presented by C oH o Productions and co ­
produced and directed by veteran Portland theatre
artist Tony Sonera. The production does contain adult
language, them es, and nudity.
Perform ances are currently on stage through Feb.
21 on Thursday through Saturday nights at 8 p.m. and
Sunday m atinees at 2 p.m. at C oH o Theater, 2257 N . W .
Raleigh St. A dm ission is $25 for adults and $20 for
students and seniors. For tickets call, 503-220-2646.
International Film s - The North­
w est Film C enter presents the
32nd Portland International Film
Food and Entertainm ent - Sliders
Festival through Feb. 21 with 115
G rill, 3011 N. Lom bard, features an A frica through A frican lenses
com pelling new film s from over
eclectic assortm ent o f perform ers on
three dozen countries. The full festival program
the main stage, accom panied by delicious food
is available online at nw film .org.
Call 503-459-4488 for more information.
X box360T een( lam e Tournament - With break­
neck chases and spectacular highw ay battles,
teens should com e ready to race in this gam ing
tournam ent at O M SI for grades 6-12 on Feb. 21
at 4 p.m. Sponsored by G am e C razy, adm ission
$ 10 at the door and $7 for pre-registered players
and OM SI members.
Enchanting Comedy - Lake-
w ood T heater C om pany
presents “Bell, Book and
C andle,” a rom antic com ­
edy about a w itch w ho
casts a spell on her hand­
some young neighbor and
her life is turned upside down. Perform ances are
scheduled through Feb. 22 at the Lake C enter of
the Arts, 368 S. State St. in Lake Osw ego. Call
503-635-3901 orvisitlakew ocxl-center.org.
Explore O regon History - Free adm ission, Sat­
urday, Feb. 14 and Sunday, Feb. 15 at the Oregon
H istorical Society, 1200 S.W . Park Ave., as the
m useum hosts a State o f Oregon 150th birthday
party with cake, children’s activities, tours, and
free adm ission.
Zoo Buck T uesdays — On the 2nd T uesday of
every month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays
when guests can tour the zoo during regular zoo
hours for the discounted price o f $2 per person!
M odern M asterpiece - - Based on a Henry J ames
tale, Benjamin B ritten'sopera,"T heTum
o f the Screw ” plays T hursday, Feb. 12
and Saturday, Feb. 14 at the Keller A u­
ditorium . The show is a psychological
thriller wrapped in a gothic ghost story
that puts audiences on the edge o f their
Poetry at M iracles -- Local and national artists
and m usicians share an evening o f spoken word
and music at the Miracles Club, 4069 N.E. Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd, each W ednesday, between
Yard, Garden & Patio Show - Friday, Feb. 27 thru
Sunday, M arch 1, at the O regon Convention
Center, stroll through lavish display gardens,
enjoy free sem inars, w ine tasting and m ore. For
more information, call 503-342-6401.
The W iz — Tickets are now on sale for perfor­
m ances o f “T he W iz,” the all-black adap­
tation o f the “W onderful W izard o f O z,”
under production by Stum ptow n Stages
and scheduled Feb. 13 through M arch 11
at the Jefferson High School Auditorium .
V isit stum ptow nstages.com or call the
box office at 503-381 -8686.
Facets O f Love -- Portland Story Theater
brings you Smitten! A brand new show about the
kind o f love that stuns you, lifts you, shakes you
by the neck and takes you on a wild roller coaster
ride. The world premiere is Friday, Feb. 13 at 8 p.m.
with repeat show s on V alentine’s Day, Saturday,
Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. an d 9 p.m.; and a Sunday matinee
on Feb. 15 at 3 p.m.. Hipbone Studio, 1847 E.
Burnside, Suite 104 Tickets are $12 at the door.
Live Jazz - Every Friday and Saturday from 8p.m.
to 11 p.m., the Third D egrees Lounge at the
RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor W ay, will
host the ongoing w eekend series featuring
P ortland's rich jazz scene with no cover or m ini­
m um purchase. For m ore inform ation, visit
Puppet Play - W hen Animals
were People plays at D olores
W inningstadTheatre, 1111 S.W
Broadway on Saturdays, Feb. 14
and Feb.21 at 11a.m.; and Sun
days, Feb. 15 and Feb.22 at 2 p.m.
and4 p.m. A closing performance
will be held at the Durst Theatre
in V ancouver on Feb.28 at 11a.m. located at 32nd
and Main Street. Admission $ 14 Children and $ 16
adults for tickets, call 360-695-3050 or 503-248-
0557 visit tojt.org or ticketm aster.com .
X T / 'N
Fee for Jr. Golfers
¿M p.
$15.00 for 1 Child per Family
$25.00 for 2 Children per Family
$40.00 for 3 Children per Family
$55.00 for 4 Children per Family
Fee for Mentors
Additional Fee for Uniform Per Person
$25.00 w hich includes Hat and Shirt
If you have any questions, please call
(503) 936-8568 Debbie M oaning
(503) 320-0123 Angie Harris
____________ THE____________
7:30p.m. and9:30p.m .
N orm an Sylvester Band -
Friday, Feb. 13 and Saturday, Feb.
14at9p.m.atTillicum in Beaverton.
For more information, call 503-281 -
Applications will be available to do w n loa d at our website on
February 13, 2009
AV.^y.otcarn: ';o rn /.o s o rc t'q i.:.'g a j;'
An ongoing series d questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 6. HEADACHES: Why Chiropractic is
nature’s long-lasting pain reliever.
: / alw ays seem to be Y our problem s could be nerve- cause o f the headache. W hat’s
p lagued with head related and therefore, stand a m ore, drugs have serious side
aches. They com e up very good chance o f being re­ effec ts. T he only side effects
o f C hiropractic are relief from
over m y head and seem to stop lieved by C hiropractic.
pain and a healing o f the cause
a t m y eye. What can C hiro­
: W hy s h o u ld I go o f pain. T o find out how C h i­
p ra ctic p o ssib ly do to help
through a fu ll course ro p ractic co uld help relieve
m e?
o f C hiropractic when y o u r h ead ach es or for an ­
: About 70% o f all
experience drugs often relieve m y head­ sw ers to any q u estio n s you
m ig h t h a v e a b o u t y o u r
headaches o f one sort a ch es?
: D rugs w ork prim arily h ealth , p lease call us at the
or another. The type you d e­
on re-
lieving pain, telep h o n e n um ber listed d i­
scribe is quite typical. The pain
but not On treating the rectly below .
can range anywhere from m od­
erate to nauseating. The top
three nerves in the neck go up
over the back o f the skull in a
2124 NE Hancock,
very sim ilar pattern to what
Portland Oregon 97212
you describe. Any type o f pres­
sure or irritatio n on these
Phone: (503) 287-5504
nerves can cause extrem e pain.
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Peninsula Little League 2009
(Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-14)
visit our website af. www.eteamz.active.com/peninsulalittleleaque
Registration available on-line beginning January 15, 2009
Softball Program
8 -1 0
Regular Sign ups
$64/T-Ball, $74 All other levels
This fee includes the pepperoni fund raiser
Sell one bag of pepperoni and get $24 off fee
Each bag contains 24 sticks
Peninsula Park Community Center
700 N Portland Blvd
Questions contact:
M ark Washington
uu«V.w?/poi1laHloli<a va can
Items to bring to sign ups
Birth Certificate
Proof of Address
Doctor "Insurance Info
Plaver Fee
Baseball Program
5 -6
7 -8
8 - IO
1 0 - 12
1 3 -1 4
February 7. and Febniary 14
10 00 am to l 00 pm
Questions contact:
lliuke'ñrmail coin
February 5. and February 19
6 30 pm to 8 30 pm
Registration for ma can Oe completed m adva nee By
downloading from our weBsite
ta n e Leani» B aielial. Iw n ip n iated dors nof Inn« p m i« (pation In Mi actlvMlei on I lie hana of
dhaliltMv i ace. creed, roioi national oittMi «elidei lesnal pie feiern» nt i ehdoin pieferenre
.Ijay Lincoln