Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 11, 2009, Black History Month, Page 11, Image 11

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    Ih'Portland ©Beemer Black H istory MOilth
February li. 2009
Page A l I
R eligion
Allen Temple CME
St. Andrew Expansion Success
Celebrates 60 Years
The public is invited to join
A llen Tem ple Christian M eth­
odist Episcopal Church, 4236
N.E. Eighth Ave., as it celebrates
60 years as the first C.M .E.
church in the Pacific Northwest.
O rganized on Feb. 6, 1949,
the church was nam ed in honor
of Re v. J. Claude Allen who later
was elected Bishop and is now
d e c e a se d . R ev. D r. L eR oy
H aynes Jr. is the current pastor.
Allen Tem ple began with 12
charter members and 25 original
members. Z eola T hom pson is
the sole surviving charter m em ­
Several events planned for
the 60th church anniversary,
including a N ight o f Reflections
& Fam ily Reuniting dinner and
program on Saturday, Feb. 21 at
5 p.m. at H arriet T ubm an Lead­
ership A cadem y, 2231 N. Flint
St. T he cost is $25.
On Sunday, M arch 1, a Fam-
In a sign o f hope in bad eco­
nomic times, St Andrew C atho­
lic Church has secured more
than 50percent of its $3.4 million
modernization project.
T h e n o r th e a s t P o rtla n d
c h u rc h re p o r ts c a m p a ig n
pledges o f more than a half a
million dollars from church mem­
bers and a substantial grant from
the Terrell Fund o f the Oregon
C om m unity Foundation.
W hen com pleted, the over
8,000 square-foot expansion o f
church facilities on N ortheast
E ighth A venue an d A lberta
Street, will allow St. Andrew to
respond m ore effectively to the
more than 7,000people who turn
to it annually forem ergency ser­
vices o f food, clothing, furni­
ture, utility and rent assistance.
M ost of the fam ilies served are
non-Catholic and live at or be­
low the federal poverty level.
“This expansion will provide
the facilities to accom m odate
ily Reuniting in O ne V oice cel­
ebration at the church will fea­
ture the congregation’s past and
present choir members. The pro­
gram starts at 4 p.m.
For more inform ation regard­
ing anniversary events, call 503-
Northeast Portland's St Andrew Catholic Church is half
way through a $3.4 million fundraising campaign to
modernize church facilities.
Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr.
In Loving Memory
Family and Friends Day
In Loving Memory
Cleveland Haynes III, PhD
Shawn Anthony Mayes
Services for C leveland H aynes III, PhD., were held on
Jan. 26,2 0 0 9 at V ancouver A venue First B aptist Church.
He was bom on Dec. 24,1960, the beloved son o f Audrey
H ouston H aynes and C leveland H aynes Jr.
He was a m em ber o f V ancouver A venue First Baptist
C hurch until he relocated to Seattle and transferred his
m em bership to M ount Zion Baptist Church.
He was a graduate o f John A dam s H igh School, E ver­
green State C ollege and The Union Institute. He loved the teaching
profession and was a teacher at M iddle College H igh School in Seattle.
In his youth he was very active and enjoyed participating in physical
activities that included dancing, cross country running, broad jum ping,
basketball and soccer to only nam e a few.
His m other affectionately described him as "passive aggressive" b e­
cause he would attentively listen to the opinions o f others, then proceed to
follow his ow n calling.
He traveled extensively and an exam ple o f this was a trip to Brussels,
Belgium to give a presentation with his Aunt, Dr. A lice V ivian H ouston, at
the International C onference on Education. The title o f their presentation
was, “The Im pact o f C om puters w ith R eluctant W riters.” This presentation
was right up C leveland's alley, in that he was once a reluctant writer.
W hile w orking on his PhD in Education, C leveland was diagnosed with
M ultiple Sclerosis. H ow ever, he refused to give in or give up. He tirelessly
persevered until he achieved his goal o f earning his D octorate in Education.
He taught full tim e until M.S. robbed him o f his physical strength, causing
him to transition to w orking part tim e and subsequently forcing him to retire
from teaching.
He fought a courageous battle and our fam ily and friends learned so much
from his courage and patience. His family and friends all have trem endous
and everlasting love for him.
Dr. C leveland H aynes HI was preceded in death by his father and leaves
to m ourn his m other; a sister T oni D enise H aynes and a host o f uncles, aunts,
cousins and friends. He was a bright and shining star to all o f us. W e will
m iss him and hold his smile in our hearts always.
A rrangem ents entrusted by Cox and Cox Funeral Chapel.
S e rv ic e s fo r S h aw n A n th o n y
M ayes will be held on W ednesday,
Feb. 11, 2009 at Cox & Cox Funeral
Chapel, 2736 N.E. Rodney Ave.
He was bom Sept. 16,1970, in Port­
land, the fourth child o f Louis Jam es
M ayes Jr. and Lucille Elizabeth Brown.
He also had the honor and privilege to
be raised by his M aD ear G lenda Joyce M ayes.
He attended Boise Elementary School and laterG rant
High School. W hile growing up, he worked with his
father doing janitorial work and also worked at Califor­
nia Snackery, a neighborhood store. He later w orked for
A BM Janitorial Service.
In 2005, he m arried Kristie G ates. Shawn entered the
m arriage with four wonderful children w hom he loved
and adored.
H is sense o f hum or brought laughter and sm iles to
many. He will most definitely be remembered for his fun-
loving and positive attitude.
O ne o f his favorite activities was playing basketball.
He also loved family functions and barbeques and
playing dominoes.
Last year was a turning point in Shaw n’s life when
he started reading the Bible and praying. M ost im por­
tantly, he asked for forgiveness for his sins and re­
ceived salvation.
He leaves to m ourn, his wife; and children, Javontae,
Jordan, Tyrell and LaShay Mayes; his father and madear;
sisters, Cheryl, Debra, Sharon, Patricia, Sandra, Sonia
and Krystal M ayes; brothers, Steve and Louis Jam es
M ayes III; and a host o f aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces,
great nephew s, great nieces and friends.
A rrangem ents entrusted by Cox and C ox Funeral
Ask Deannal
Real People,
Real Advice
An adrice
calti tn n
known Jar
reality based
subjects !
Dear Deanna!
I’ve met an older white guy who
treats m y son and me very well! He
gives me the attention I' ve longed for
in previous relationships. I'm cau­
tious about pursuing a serious rela­
tionship because o f past hurts. He
tells m e that he will never hurt my
child or m e and will treat m e as a
queen. My question is should 1 lower
my wall and allow a relationship to
happen? -S .B .; On-Line Reader
Dear S.B:
If this situation, regardless o f the
m an ’s age and color, has the poten­
tial to be a healthy relationship for
you and your child then take the
risk. H ow ever you have the re ­
sponsibility o f discussing goals,
your c h ild 's future and the long­
term p rospects o f this relationship.
Y o u 're in the honeym oon phase
right now and everything looks and
feels good. T ake your tim e, pay
attention and if this is w hat G od has
for you then it w ill be.
Dear Deanna!
M y best friend that I grew up with
stabbed m e in the back and started
dating m y d au g h ter’s father. T hey
are now m arried and we don't talk at
all. T he only thing I want from her
isa n apology. S h e’sa C h ristia n and
has ruined m y church life c o m ­
pletely. I h a v e n 't talked to m y
friend in over three years and 1 don ’ t
want m y d aughter in the m iddle o f
this. W hat suggestions do you have
to help me deal with this? - S a d ­
dened; L as V egas, Nev.
Dear Saddened:
A c ce p t the fa c t you p ro b a b ly
sh a red e n o u g h about y o u r fo rm er
b o y frie n d to m ak e h e r go a fte r
Saluting Black
History Month
him . S h e o w e s y o u an e x p la n a ­
tio n o n ly i f you d id n 't see this
h a p p e n in g . Y our d a u g h te r still
has to in te ra c t w ith th e m so th is
n e ed s to be a d d re sse d a n d put to
re st. C h r is tia n o r n o t, y o u ’re
p e rso n a lly re sp o n sib le fo r y o u r
soul a n d c h u rc h life. S ince y o u ’re
the c o n c e rn e d one tak e the first
ste p by a d d re ss in g th e issu e and
seek a so lu tio n th at y o u b o th can
deal w ith.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M.
Write Ask Deanna! at the email
askdeannal @yahoo.com or 264 S.
LaCienega Blvd. Suite 128J Beverly
H ills. CA 90211. W ebsite:
New Hope M issionary B ap­
tist Church, 3725 N. Gantenbein
Ave., under the direction o f
Pastor Robert C. Jointer, in­
vites the com m unity to the
church’s second annual “Fam ­
ily and friends D ay,” on Sun­
day, Feb. 22 with a 3 p.m. cel­
ebration service.
The musical group Family
Choirs, com prised o f som e of
the most gifted fam ilies in the
City, will be jo in ed by D arlene
W arren and G enesis, Roslyn
W ilder, the Jubilation Dancers
and more!
A gourmet reception will fol­
low the program.
For more inform ation, call
503-698-5447o r503-281-0163.
Your Care
Our First Priority
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
Call for an appointment!
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
“ A Community
& J
Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD
P astor/T eacher/R evivalist
“ The Voice Speaks"
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
“God, The Father”; “God, The Son”; and “God, The Holy Spirit"
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
us at our appointment with Jesus.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
To inquire about our Church or Ministry
call 503 863-6545 or email hodgehspks@msn.com
T erry F amily
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
New Zion Ministries
We make the service personal,
You make the tribute personal.
Willie X. Hurst II
P e g g ie R. Hurst
the growth o f our com m unity,
and the num ber and variety of
services we provide,” said Fr.
Charles J . Lienert, church pas­
D eveloped from a master
plan that began in 2004, the
expansion will include a new
3,000 square foot building for
com m unity services and of­
fices, an enlarged food storage
and service area; new eco-roof
courtyard; w elcom ing office
an d lo b b y ; an d im p ro v e d
A m ericans with D isabilities
A ct access.
A 2,000 square foot a d d i­
tio n to the p resen t C o m m u ­
nity C enter w ill p rovide a
large, flexible m eeting room ;
new ch ild care cen ter; new
com m unity k itchen; and new
A D A re stro o m s. A 3 ,3 0 0
square foot ad d itio n w ill also
be m ade to the Je su it-ru n St.
A n d re w N a tiv ity M id d le
E very tim e w c a r r a n g e a p e rs o n a liz e d fu n e ra l service, w e ta k e sp e cia l p rid e g o in g
th e e x tr a m ile
W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o e v e n m o re
F rien d s a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t se rv ic e in fo rm a tio n , v ie w p h o to s, re a d o b itu a ry .
o r d e r flo w e rs a n d leave p e rs o n a l m essag es o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , a n y tim e
S im p ly g o t o o u r w e b s ite .
"Bringing O u t
The V icto ry In Y o u '
2 Corinthians 4:7
Sunday Service - Sunday’s @12:00pm
Mid-week Service - Wednesday’s @ 7:00pm
"D ed ica ted to p ro vid in g excellent service
a n d superior care o f y o u r lo v e d o ne ”
D w ig h t A. T erry
Oregon License C O -J 644
1560 NE 172nd Ave. Portland, OR 97230
(Off of 172nd and Halsey)
A m y S. T erry
Oregon License 1 S-0395