February II. 2009 Page AIO B lack H istory M onth Renowned Director Presents ‘Namibia’ As centerpiece in African Film series The 19th annual Cascade Festival of African Films celebrating Black History Month will feature the film ­ maker Charles Burnett and so m e o f h is c a st o f ‘Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation,’ starring Danny Glover. Burnett will present the epic film as the festival’s centerpiece presentation on Friday, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. the H ollyw ood T heatre, 4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd. B u rn ett, acto r C arl Lumbly, and the film’s edi­ tor, Edwin Santiago, will be Charles Burnett in attendance along with Port­ land Mayor Sam Adams. “Charles Burnett is one of the country’s foremost Afri­ can-American directors, a truly great filmmaker,” said Michael Dembrow, Portland Community College compo­ sition and literature instruc­ tor, film festival organizer and state representative. “His 1977 film, ‘Killer of Sheep,’ was designated a national treasure.” B u rn ett, a nativ e o f V ick sb u rg , M iss., is a MacArthur Award-winning filmmaker. He grew up in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angels and eventually earn ed b a c h e lo r’s and master’s degrees at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. His work concentrates on the lives of the African- A m erican m iddle class, which were seldom treated in films. • Forced Sterilizations Cast Ripples wrights. T he e d g e -o f-y o u r-se a t drama is directed by Drammy ment. The play is written by Helen winner Brenda Phillips and stars Hill, a founding member of Bay Andrea White, Habiba Addo, City Arts Center, a thriving arts Josh Belville, Veronica Everett, center dedicated to supporting G arfield W edderburn, Alex creativity inTillamook County. Fuchs, Brian Kettler. This month’s performances She has focused on social ju s­ at the Interstate Firehouse Cul­ tice issues for stage and radio tu ral C e n te r, 5340 N. for over 10 years. Killingsworth are each Thurs­ Chosen by New York's Black day through Saturday nights at Experimental Theatre to be part 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. of the 2006 Core Project, "Per­ Admission is $16-$20. For fection" went on to win the 2006 tickets call 503-205-0715 or visit Radiant Theatre's Emergence Festival of New Women Play­ ifccarts.org. continued ^ ^ f r o m Front “His films take us to the heart of the African-Ameri­ can experience with hon­ esty and great beauty, free from the stereotypes that usually plague Hollywoodi film s,” added Dem brow. “We are extremely honored to bring Charles Burnett to Portland to show his new film from Nam ibia.” The Cascade Festival of A fric a n F ilm s fe a tu re s more than 20 films from or about the African continent. All of the screenings are free and open to the public with most of the films play­ ing on the PCC Cascade campus in north Portland. For complete listings and The cast and crew of the play based organizations or public m ore in fo rm a tio n , v isit "Perfection,” are supporting the agencies. africanfilmfestival .org. ‘Perfection’ Play benefits King School O u r ancestors, our grandsparcnts, our parents have made history. And we also will make history. B A R B E R S H O P COMMUNITY BUILDS CH AM PION S. BE ONE! Martin Luther King SUN School Program with a benefit perfor­ mance at the school, located at 4906 N.E. Sixth A ve., on Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 8 p.m. SUN schools are operated as p a r tn e r s h ip s b e tw e e n s c h o o ls an d c o m m u n ity - Subscribe! The plfcy, based on real sto­ ries, is about the forced steriliza­ tion of men and women, espe­ cially minorities and disadvan­ taged populations, which oc­ curred from the early 1900s through as late as 1971. Tickets are $15 at the door. 503-288-0033 F ill O ut & Send To: il'1 IJortlanò (Dhsemer Attn: Subscriptions, PÜ Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 Barbershop is an upscale barbershop that offers the community a place to relax and experience champion level of grooming and services. s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r HOURS: 9-7 TUESDAY-SATURDAY 3827 N.E. MLK JR. BLVD. 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