^'ÏJnrtlanô (Dhseruer Black H istory M onth February 4. 2009 Page A9 C o m p u te r R e p a ir W o F ix L a p to p s & D e s k t o p s 1 • Screen replacem ent • K eyboard • Custom systems if ESK • Data Backup/Recovery • Virus & Spyware Removal • H ardw are/Softw are Installs 311 NE K illingsw orth 503-247-3169 Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries ‘Zaina: Rider o f the Atlas,' a beautiful, timeless tale from Morocco about a girl who discovers her power and her destiny alongside the horsemen o f the Atlas mountains, opens this year's Cascade Festival o f African Films on Friday, Feb. 6. Film Festival Honors Black History Call for an appointment! Leisure Hour Jr. Golf Program Open Enrollment 2009 continued ^ ^ f r o m Front ers from the African Diaspora. The film will be shown at 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 7 in the M oriarty Arts and Humanities auditorium on the Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth. A lrick Brow n will open the Thursday Evening D ocum en­ tary series w ith his film, “Death o f Tw o Sons.” The screening, docum enting the death o f a G uinean im m i­ grant who was shot to death by a New York City pol iceman and the death o f an Am erican Peace C orps volunteer who lived and worked with D iallo’s family in G uinea, will be at 7:30 p.m., T h u rs d a y , F eb . 12 a t th e M oriarty auditorium at Cascade. Brown w as recently nam ed Sunday, February 22,2009 2pm - 5pm Final Registration Sunday, March 8, 2009 2pm - 5pm For New a nd Returning Members a n d Mentors 3800 NE Mallory Portland. O regon Charles Burnett Alrick Brown Kevin Akadie one o f A m erica’s top young docum entary artists, and will answ er questions and discuss the film ’s quest for cross-cul­ tural understanding. Fam ily Film Day on Satur­ day, Feb. 21, will feature the animated film, “Azur and Asmar: T he Princes’ Q uest.” It tells an enchanting tale that has capti­ vated the im aginations o f chil­ dren and adults alike. The festival will conclude with Women Filmmakers Week, w hich is set to go from M arch 5 through M arch 7. It will feature films by w om en directors that will be show n in the M oriarty auditorium at Cascade. For listings and information, visitafricanfilm festival.org. Applications will be available to do w n loa d a t our website on February 13.2009 www.eteqm z.com /leisurehourirgolf/ Fee for Jr. Goiters $15.00 for I Child per Family $25.00 for 2 Children per Family $40.00 for 3 Children per Family $55.00 for 4 Children per Family F«c for Mentors $20.00 Police Precinct Closures Considered continued J ^ f r o m Front buildings will be staffed by a desk clerk so that citizens can still walk in with questions or concerns. C ity C o m m issio n e r D an Saltzm an, w ho oversees the police bureau, described it as "a good solid response" to eco­ nomic times. Saltzm an said that the reor­ ganization will take about 21 or 22 officers o ff o f desk jobs and put them on patrol. He added that it w ill save $3.6 million. The O regonian reported that the bureau w ould lose 34 posi­ tions and will result in some d em otions. H ow ever, w hen asked who would be cut from the force and how the decision would be made, W heat said that plans to shed any officers have not been finalized. W heat stressed that ju st be­ cause two precincts would close it doesn't mean that there would be less police officers on the streets in southeast and north Portland. She said it also won't affect response time. “Officers don't hang out at the precinct," she said. The number o f officers assigned to patrol each (503)228-6140 area o f the city should stay about the same, she added. "W e're pretty m uch reas­ sured," said C atherine Benson, a m em ber o f the Laurelhurst N e ig h b o rh o o d A ss o c ia tio n who attended an inform ational meeting on the subject. She said that she appreciates why this plan is being proposed. The reorganization needs to get the final nod from City Coun­ cil. Saltzm an said that so far, the Additional Fee for Uniform Per Person $25.00 w h ich includes Hat and Shirt rest o f council has appeared understanding. "W e're not hom e free," he added, explaining that it's hard to be certain with budgetary matters in such volatile economic times. If you have any questions, please call (5031 936-8568 Debbie M oaning or (5031320-0! 23 Angie Harris TH E Double J Tires SPINAtCOLUMN New & Used Tires Overstock & Used Tires $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tire- 30 years in business 2 locations to Serve You limited to stock on hand 6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437 4510 SE 52nd & Holgate 503-771-1834 An ongoing series ot questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 5. WHIPLASH: It doesn’t take a serious accident to cause serious damage. Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Agent We m oved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Q How can I tell if whip :«o, T erry F amily 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 Aï : W hiplash often exhib its sym ptom s such as sore neck, arm or shoulder, nausea, blurred vision A: W hile m ost people think of and headaches. If not treated whiplash only as the result o f immediately, these problems can a rear end collision, it can occur lead to other m ore severe ones. as a result o f a fall or other T o com plicate matters, it som e­ sudden jolt. In car collisions, tim es takes years before w hip­ speeds as low as 5 MPH (a lash sym ptom s occur. brisk walk) have caused w hip­ What should I do if lash. W hat's more, m ajor stud­ I've had a fa llo ra c a r ies show there is virtually no accident? correlation between dam age to the car and its occupants. : How bad an accident does it take to actually cause whiplash? Q S tate F a rm * Providing Insurance and Financial Services M ic h a e l E H a rp e r Dr. Billy R. Flowers Q lash has happened to me? 503-249-1788 D o n ’t ta k e an y chances. Schedule a com plete chiroprac­ tic exam imm ediately. O ur of­ fice specializes not only in re lie v in g w h ip la sh s y m p ­ tom s, but also in m aking sure th o se p ro b le m s d o n ’t b e ­ com e bigger ones dow n the road. For d iag n o sis o f p o s­ sible w hiplash, or answ ers to any q u e s tio n s you m ig h t h a v e a b o u t y o u r h e a lth , p lease call us at the n um ber listed right below . A' Flowers* Chiropractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 287*5504 Peninsula Little League 2009 (S erving th e Youth o f Inner N orth & N o rth e a st P ortland ages 5 -14) visit our website at. w w w .e te a m z.a ctiv e .c o m /p e n in s u la little le a g u e We make the service personal, R eg istra tio n a va ila b le o n-line b e g in n in g Ja n u a ry 15, 2009 Yon make the tribute personal. E very tim e w c a r r a n g e a p e rso n a liz e d f u n e ra l serv ice, w e la k e sjiccial p rid e g o in g th e e x tra m ile. W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o ev en m o re Softball Program F riends a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t se rv ic e in fo rm a tio n , v iew p h o to s, rea d o b itu a ry . Level Ages order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime M inor M ajor Junior 8 -1 0 1 0 - 12 1 3 -1 4 Simply go to our website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one " Dwight A. Terry Oregon License C O -3644 Amy S. Terry Questions contact M ark W ashington 503-288-0033 iimkwrrporllnwlnb.inn torn Items to bring In sign-ups Birth ( 'ertificate Proof o f Address Doctor Insurance Info Plaver Fee Regular Sign ups S64/T Ball. S74 All other levels This fee includes the pepperoni Fund raiser Sell one bag o f pepperoni and get $24 o ff fee Each bag contains 24 sticks Peninsula Park ( (immunity Center 700 N Portland Blvd Saturdays: February 7, and February 14 10 00 am to 1 00 pm Thursdays: February 5, and February 19 6 30 pm to 8 30 pm Pegrsvaiion toms can Be completed >n advance By downloading from our weBsite Oregon I ¡cense FS-0395 I M ir I rag n r Raw bal. In, m p « » Ir» 4 n r, not Ilm» puttklpallnn In » . »,ttv«lr» on » Ih» bad. n t dhahlHIy. m e . need. ratei. iwltenal M tfte ( m ò r i tr s iu l f l t t n w m i.H aten. f t n t m n r t Baseball Program Level T-Ball Farm M inor M aior Junior Ages 5 -6 7- 8 8 - 10 1 0 -1 2 1 3 -1 4 Questions contact: •Ijay Lincoln - llnÀ» rrfiivnl coal