tl'’ ^Jortlanb ©bserver B líic k H lS tO Q / M O flth Page A4 O pinion February 4, 2009 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to The Real Work of Governing racism are busy and are already trying to re-write history, using right wing media, and sad to say some reli­ gious program m ing to by E verette L. R ice make their foul lies heard L ike m ost o f you, I and possibly believed. spent Jan. 20 glued to This is where we have the TV w atching non­ responsibilities. stop coverage o f the D o you know w ho I n a u g u r a tio n of Barack O bam a to the Presidency y o u r U .S. rep resen tativ e is? o f the United States o f America. Your U.S. senators? W rite, fax, Like the entire world, my wife e-m ail o r call them and let them and 1 w atched history unfold k n o w y o u s u p p o r t th e before our eyes, the pageantry, P re sid en t’s stim u lu s package; beauty, tradition, and class o f th a t you support his ch oice the new First Fam ily. As we fo r A tto rn ey G e n e ra l, E ric w atched the events unfold, tears H older, that you w ant your w elled up in us both, like most sen ato rs and rep resen tativ es to supp o rt P resid en t O bam a did. I felt the presence o f my in his effo rts to m ake this n a­ grandfather T heodore Rice Sr., tion a better place for all people the son of a runaw ay slave from and to bring back econom ic North C arolina. W hen I was 15, sta b ility and p ro sp erity . They need to hear from you back in the late 1960s after get­ because believe me they are ting in trouble, he sat me down and told me som ething 1 will hearing from those who sup- PAY /* A Y B E A .BV ACK VA/AWX W1LU CO/AE T o VW E H E R E - Are you up to the task? r We were all blessed to be alive and see the events o f Jan. 20. But we also have responsibilities now that Barack Obama is our president. never forget. He told m e “Everette, the w orld is yours; you will have doors open for you that 1 and your parents never did. It w on't be easy, G et your education, follow your heart, make us and your com m unity proud, and re­ m em ber, one day you will see a man who looks like you become President.” Sadly at the tim e I thought these were the illusions o f an old m an trying to snap a young boy back to reality, but now I see the w isdom o f w hat grand­ father was doing. He was giving me hope and inspiration. As a result o f those words, the work, prayers and support o f family m em bers, friends, and com m u­ nity members, that boy was able to achieve things his parents and grandparents never even dream ed of. M y grandfather, w hile being a wise man, always spoke about the responsibility o f “blessed” people. W hether we know it or not, we w ere all blessed to be alive and see the events o f Jan. 20. But we also have responsibili­ ties now that Barack O bam a is our president. W e have to sup­ port and back him up in the positive changes he will and is making. T he forces o f opposition and port racism , bigotry and w hat led us to econom ic collapse. Here are some website re­ sources: For your representative, visit w; U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy P e lo si, s p e a k e r.h o u s e .g o v ; House Minority (GOP) Leader Jo h n B o e h n er,; O r­ egon U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer,; Oregon U .S . S en. Ron W y d en ,; Oregon U.S. S en. Je ff M e rk le y , W hile you are giving your thoughts, have you contacted your local, state representatives and senators'? They are making difficult choices that affect you and your family also. They need to hear from you also concern­ ing local, regional, and state is­ sues. C ontact them at the website The tim e for sitting back, re­ laxing, and letting others do it is over. The time for action is now. Please feel free to e-m ail me if you want other ideas on getting involved and m aking a differ­ ence ateveretterice@ em Everette L. Rice is a member o f the Oregon Commission on Black Affairs and the Human Rights Commission o f Portland. Returning to Our Civil Rights Ideals Obama charts a new course by K athryn K olbert W ith George B ush and Dick C heney finally out o f power, our country is returning to its i deal s so quickly and in so many ways that it’s dizzying. Recognizing the rule of law? Check. Follow ing the C onsti­ tution? Check. K eeping poli­ tics out o f law enforcem ent? C heck. R eco g n izin g our right to know w hat our own governm ent is doing? Check. W hat about equal­ ity for lesbian, gay, b i­ sexual and transgender (LGBT)people? President G eorge W. Bush worked to enshrine discrim i­ nation against gay and lesbian A m ericans into the U.S. C on­ stitution, supported laws that put gay and lesbian couples in prison for the crim e o f having sex in their ow n home, and fought to continue to allow w o rk p la c e d is c rim in a tio n against LG BT Am ericans. Already, President Barack O bam a has charted a very d if­ ferent course. T he new W hite House website spells out Presi­ dent Obama's agenda for LGBT equality, and it's pretty terrific. O ur new president not only o p p o s e s a c o n s titu tio n a l am endm ent to prevent gays and lesbians from marrying, but he supports expanded legisla­ Black History Month Alberta Street Market , 909 N.E. Alberta Street * 503-282-2169 ★ Hot Food A Best Chicken 4 Wings In Town Best Selection o f Micro Brew and Wine Mon-Sun • 8 A M -1 2 PM Fri-Sat • 8 AM - I PM " The Obama administration is framing LGBT issues in a way that sets the terms o f the conversation around basic fairness and equality fo r all. m ilitary, and the latter prevents rights agenda. The O bam a adm inistration is sam e-sex couples who are le­ fram ing L G B T issues in a way gally married from receiving fed­ that sets the term s o f the co n ­ eral protections. A nd O bam a versation around basic fairness supports civil unions that would and equality for all. provide m any o f the same rights The radical right dishonestly as m arriage. paints their anti-equality posi­ These reform s aren't particu­ tions as pro-fam ily, pro-values, larly earth-shattering. Indeed, Rep. Barney Frank has described and pro-religion, a dangerously the so-called gay agenda as “get deceptive fram ing that the m ain­ married, jo in the Army, and earn stream m edia tends to blindly a living,” m aking it perhaps the accept. For the last eight years, Presi­ m ost m agnificently boring plat­ dent Bush and his allies on the form to attract such vigorous rig h t u sed gay an d lesb ian national debate. Yet each one is an im portant step tow ards full A m ericans as a political wedge legal equality for all Americans, issue, to divide and distract A m ericans aw ay from his un- gay or straight. popular initiatives at hom e and abroad. N o more. U sing the bully pulpit o f the W hite House, Presi­ dent O bam a can m ake it clear that LG B T equality is an essen­ tial part o f his com m itm ent to justice under law for all A m eri­ cans. T hroughout the cam paign, he's constantly m entioned gays and lesbians as part o f our na­ tional com m unity, not only in liberal enclaves, but in high- profile speeches like his speech at the D em ocratic convention. President O bam a's stance on gay rights isn't perfect - ju st look at his opposition to the right o f sam e-sex couples to be legally m arried, and the choice o f anti-gay Rev. Rick W arren to d eliver the invocation at his sw earing in — but it's a m om en­ tous step in the right direction. A nd we will continue to push him tow ard a better position on these issues. In the co m in g y ears, o u r n atio n is g o in g to face u n ­ p rec ed en ted ch a lle n g es in the e c o n o m y a n d th e e n v iro n ­ m ent. A fter the last eig h t years o f d iv isio n an d p artisan sh ip , it's a w elco m e re lie f to see O b am a talk ab o u t p ro g ress for L G B T A m erican s as a basic q u estio n o f fairn ess th a t e v ­ ery o n e can (o r sh o u ld ) be able to ag ree upon. Kathryn Kolbert is president o f People for the American Way. Education Stimulus: It’s About Time An investment in our future by J udge G reg Salutes tion to protect people from anti­ gay violence, supports w ork­ place anti-discrim ination legis­ lation, and is in favor o f repeal­ ing tw o equally insidious provi­ sions, the so-called “Don't Ask D on't T ell” rule and the Defense o f M arriage Act. T he fo rm er d iscrim in ates against LG B T Am ericans in the And w hat's m ost notew or­ thy is not ju st the substance o f the agenda, but also w here it's placed on the website. Rather than cravenly avoid­ ing LG B T rights altogether or putting them in a category like “social issues” or “cultural is­ sues,” as a num ber o f others do, the W hite H ouse places them exactly w here they belong: as part o f our nation's broad civil M athis The U.S. H ouseof R ep­ r e s e n ta tiv e s re c e n tly passed an $800 plus bil­ lion reco v ery p ack ag e d e ­ sig n e d to s tim u la te o u r country’s flat lining econom y. The bill, w hich still needs to be approved by the Senate b e­ fore it lands on the President’s desk, provides tax cuts and earm arks funds for healthcare, energy and infrastructure re- ! pair. O ver $100 m illion o f the money will go directly to the nation’s schools, resulting in the biggest ever increase in federal funding for education. It’s about time. O ver the years, our nation’s schools have fallen further and further behind those in other countries. O ur children aren ' t learning the econom y fast enough’, this dram atic increase in education spending fin ally show s that A m erica has leaders w ho un­ derstand the value o f a good education. Indeed, tens o f billions of dollars will - and should - be spent on the creation o f green and infrastructure jo b s for low- skill and non-skilled workers. W hile these positions are des­ perately needed, they are only tem porary. There w on’t neces­ sarily be a need for these types o f w orkers after the nation’s ing and math scores are often far President Bush. Funds are also allocated for infrastructure is repaired and from im pressive, especially in inner cities. America is no longer school repair and m oderniza­ the greening o f A m erica is com ­ the innovator it once was and tion and for state aide to school plete. An education lasts a lifetime. m any of our m ajor com panies districts to prevent cut backs in If our young people get the tools m ust out source highly skilled key services and to prevent they need to succeed in the tech n ical p o sitio n s to other teacher and adm inistrator lay­ global m arketplace, they will be countries because they c a n 't offs. A dditionally, m oney will able to successfully transition be provided to public colleges Find qualified w orkers here. as societal and business needs and universities, typically more A fter decades o f polite re­ change. affordable than private colleges, quests - and outright dem ands T he current recession has - for increased education fund­ to shore up their programs. presented difficult tim es for us Though critics say the plan ing, we finally get an opportu­ all. B ut it has also o pened is ‘to o b ig ’ and ‘w o n 'tstim u late n ity to in v e st m o re in o u r A m erica’s eyes to its w eak spots. From this, the new edu­ cation package w as bom . And M O T H E R COOSE A C TIVITIE S that is truly som ething to be FOR FAMILIES W ITH CHILDREN 2 -5 YEARS OLD! thankful for. W HEN: M O N D AY, FEBRUARY 9. 2 0 0 9 , 7PM-8PM Judge Greg Mathis is vice president o f Rainbow PUSH WHERE: T R IN ITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL and a board member o f the 5 5 2 0 NE KILLINCSWORTH ST. S O 1 -2 8 8 -6 4 O 1 Southern Christian Leadership W W W .T R IN IT T P O R T L A N D .O R C Conference. the basics, let alone developing skills that will help them suc­ ceed in college or the workforce. W e’re now seeing the results of that decline. O urchildren’s read- ch ild ren ’s, and our n atio n 's, future. The education dollars ear­ marked in the stim ulus package will support the grossly under funded No C hild Left Behind education plan passed by form er The only way to ensure our young people receive a quality education is to invest in it. bedtime S tories with mother goose !