Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 04, 2009, Black History Month, Page 11, Image 11

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February 4, 2009
Facets of Love
Set again st the backdrop o f turbulent
1955 A rg en tin a, T e llevo en la sangre is
an aw ard -w in n in g black com edy that
clev e rly w eaves to g eth er the infam ous
b ack stag e lives o f a rad io n o v ela (radio
so ap o p era) cast w ith the d ream s o f
M abel, an o b sessed fan.
M a b el’s d elu d ed fantasies can as e a s­
ily aw aken love as provoke a m acabre
crim e, one in w hich gift boxes bearing
body parts m ysterio u sly begin to arrive
at the studio. T he in tersectio n o f show
b u sin ess and p o litics exam ines ou r flee t­
ing p assions an d illu sio n s o f gran d eu r in
the face o f an ag g ressiv e w orld.
T he play is p resen ted in S panish w ith
photo by
R ussell Y oung
Nurys Herrera plays Linda Ducase, the grand dame o f 1950s radio in Buenos
Aires, in Te llevo en la sangre, a dark comedy from Argentine and part-time
Portland playwright Monica Silver, onstage through Feb. 21 at Milagro The­
atre, 525 S.E. Stark St.
E nglish su b titles at M ilagro T h eater,
525 S.E. S tark St., on T h u rsd ay s at 7:30
p.m .; F rid ay s and S atu rd ay s at 8 p.m .,
an d S undays at 2 p .m ., th rou g h Feb. 21.
T ic k ets can be p u rch ased by v isitin g
m ilagro.org o rca llin g 503-236-7253.
Just in tim e for V alentines
D ay, Portland Story .Theater
brings you Sm itten! a brand
new show about the kind of
love that stuns you, lifts you,
shakes you by the neck and
takes you on a w ild roller
coaster ride.
The world prem iere, a co l­
lection o f intim ate and reveal­
ing stories about he jo y s and
the struggles o f love, opens
Friday, Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. at
H ip b o n e S tu d io , 1847 E.
B urnside, S u ite 104. T w o
shows, with curtain calls at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. are scheduled on
Saturday, Feb. 14andaSundaym atinee,F eb. 15, begins at 3 p.m.
Tickets are $12 at the door.
Stale Farai'
Providing InsuMtite and financial Vrrrvices
Hom« Office. Bloomington Illinois 61/11)
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
Dynamic Puppet Play Opens Friday
Tears o f Joy Theatre presents
“W hen Anim als were People,”
a dynam ic new puppet play.
The production incorporates
tales from M exico and A rgen­
tina with Spanish w ords and
phrases along w ith colorful new
puppets and original music com ­
posed and recorded by G erardo
C alderon o f M exico.
As the play begins, G ra n d ­
fa th e r V u ltu re , T u rtle and
S q uirrel are m aking d elicious
stew w hen a stran g e r asks to
jo in them . The stranger is W olf
w ho w ants to have T urtle and
S q uirrel fo r d in n er rath er than
the stew .
W hen A nim als w ere People
o p en s F riday, F eb . 6 at 7:30
p.m . at D olores W inningstad
T heatre, 1111 S.W . Broadway.
R epeat show s are S aturdays,
Feb. 7, Feb. 14 and Feb. 21 at 11
a.m .; and S undays, Feb. 8,
Feb. 15 and Feb. 22 at 2 p.m .
and 4 p.m .
494b N Vancouver Avenue. PoitlnnrJ. OH 9721 7
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Platinum Fade
A turtle and squirrel are two of the lovable characters in ‘When Animals Were People,'
opening Friday, Feb. 6 with shows continuing through Feb. 28.
A closing perform ance is
scheduled Sunday, Feb. 28 at 11
a.m. at the D urst Theatre in
Food and Entertainm ent — Sliders Grill,
3011 N. Lom bard, features an eclectic as­
sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage,
accom panied by delicious food. Call 503-
459-4488 for more information.
First F riday’s at C hildren’s M useum -
T he Portland C h ild ren ’s M useum has
partnered with T arget to provide free ad­
m ission to everyone on the first Friday of
each month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
P .O .S . c o n c e r t —
R h y m e sa y e rs’ a rtist
P.O.S. will hit Portland
Saturday, Feb. 7 for a
concert at Satyricon,
125 N.W . Sixth Ave.
H e’s touring to sup­
port his soon to be re­
leased “N ever B etter,”
C D an d w ill h a v e
Doomtree guests Sims,
Lazerbeak and Hand
O ver Fist in tow n on
this jaunt.
O regon Zoo Buck T uesdays - On the 2nd
Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-
Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the
zoo during regular zoo hours for the dis­
counted price o f $2 per person!
M o d e rn M a sterp ie ce - Based on a Henry
Jam es tale, Benjam in Britten’s opera The
Turn o f the Screw com es to Portland on
Friday, Feb. 6, Sunday Feb. 8, Thursday,
Feb. 12 and Saturday, Feb. 14 at the Keller
A uditorium . The show is a psychological
thriller w rapped in a gothic ghost story that
puts audiences on the edge o f their seats.
Poetry at M iracles — Local and national
artists and m usicians share an evening of
spoken word and music at the M iracles
Club, 4069 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr.
Blvd, each W ednesday,
between 7:30 p.m. and
Norman Sylvester Band
— W ednesday, Feb. 4,
th e
T illic u m
Beaverton at 8 p.m. and
alsoon Feb. 7, the Gemini
Lake Oswegoat 9:30p.m. For more informa­
tion, call 503-281-5989.
V ancouver, located at 32nd and and $16 adults. For tickets, call
M ain Street.
A dm issionis$14forchildren visittojt.orgorticketmaster.com.
S H IS !
W rite A round Portland - will host a free
10 week w riting w orkshop, for those who
have family members serving or have served
in Iraq and A fghanistan cam paigns. For
more information, call 503-796-9224.
L ive J a zz - E very Friday and S aturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m ., the T hird D egrees
L ounge at the R iverP lace H otel, 1510
S.W . H arbor W ay, will host the o ngoing
w eekend series featu rin g P o rtlan d ’s rich
ja z z scene w ith no co v er or m inim um
p u rchase. For m ore inform ation, visit
pdxjazz.com .
International F ilm s—The Northwest Film
C enter presents the 32nd Portland Inter­
national Film Festival, Feb. 5-21 with 115
com pelling new film s from over three
dozen countries. T he festival opens
T hursday, Feb. 5 at the A rlene Schnitzer
Concert Hall. The full festival program is
available online at nw film .org.
T he W iz - Tickets are now on sale for
perform ances o f “The W iz," the all-black
adaptation of the “W onderful W izard of
O z,” under production by Stum ptow n
Stages and scheduled Feb. 13 through
M arch 11 at the Jefferson High School
A uditorium .V isitstum ptow nstages.com
or call the box office at 503-381 -8686.
O regon Historical Society Party - Satur­
day, Feb. 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
Sunday, Feb. 15, from noon to 5 p.m., the
Historical Society, 1200 S.W. Park Ave.,
host the State o f Oregon birthday party
with cake, ch ild ren 's activities, tours, and
free adm ission.
Yard, ( iarden & Patio Show - Friday, Feb.
27 thru Sunday, M arch 1, at the Oregon
C onvention Center, stroll through lavish
display gardens, enjoy free sem inars, wine
tasting and more. For m ore inform ation,
call 503-342-6401.
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Enchanting Com edy - Lakewood Theater
C o m p a n y p re se n ts “ B ell, B ook and
C andle,” a rom antic com edy about a witch
who casts a spell on her handsom e young
neighbor and her life is turned upside down.
Perform ances are scheduled through Feb.
22 at the Lake C enter o f the Arts, 368 S.
State St. in Lake Oswego. Call 503-635-3901
or visit lakew ood-center.org.
Open Mic Night - Every Wednesday night
at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats Market and Café, 8638
N. Lom bard St., host open mic night.
OM SI $2 Days - The first Sunday o f every
month can spark your passion for science
at the OM SI w hen adm ission is ju st $2. For
more inform ation, v isitO M S I.edu.
M usic M illennium Free Show s - The
Music Millennium, 3 158 E. Burnside, hosts
in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free
music and the opportunity to meet local
artists. Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule.
Bob the Builder - TVs Bob the B ui Ider and
his Can-Do Crew in vite aspiring young bui Id-
ers to help get the job done in a hands-on
traveling exhibit at the Portland Children’s
Museum. The 2,(XK)square-foot, multimedia
exhibit invites exploration and teamwork for
children and families. The show has been
extended through until June 7.
A pollo NASA scientist - NASA scientist
are portrayed in a world prem iere, Apollo
plays through Sunday Feb.8 at Portland
center stage, G crding Theater at Armory,
128 N.W. llth A v e .
O M SI A fter D ark - OM SI After Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 2 1 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ lOfee. For more information call 503-
797-4tXM)or visit om si.edu.
L ive B lues - C D release party by the late
Isaac Scott “King o f S eattle’s Blues".
Saturday Feb. 2 1 ,9 p.m. at Prime Time in
Forest G rove and also Wed. Feb. 2 5 ,6 p.m.
Billy Bangs in Portland.
O ld S chool M aster B arber R e g g ie B r o w n
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