Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 04, 2009, Black History Month, Page 10, Image 10

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    February 4, 2009
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With Super
(AP) - Jennifer H udson had
a spectacular return to the spot­
light at the N FL Super Bowl in
Tam pa, Fla. Sunday.
H udson made her first public
appearance since the O ctober
slay in g s in C h ica g o o f her
mother, brother and 7-year-old
nephew. H er estranged brother-
in-law has been charged in the
W earing a flow ing w hite top
with black leggings and a m ili­
tary-style dark jacket, the 27-
y ea r-o ld sin g e r and ac tress
looked apprehensive and took a
deep breath before launching
into the national anthem .
Jennifer Hudson sings the national anthem before
H udson, who clocked in at 2
Sunday's NFL Super Bowl XLIII football game between the
m inutes, 13 seconds, looked
Arizona Cardinals and Pittsburgh Steelers in Tampa, Fla.
relieved when she was through.
(AP Photo)
W hen she returned to her
great place, with such great spir­
dressing room , she anxiously Press after the perform ance.
"This was such an im portant its and time can heal her wounds.
asked pre-gam e show producer
Rickey M inor "How did I do?" perform ance, because it's the She's on fire right now and to­
"I told her 'T ouchdow n!'” first tim e everyone has seen tally grounded."
M inor, the m u sic d irecto r
M in o r to ld T he A sso ciated Jennifer. But she's in such a
Dixion ’s Rib Pit
Hudson Returns to Spotlight
Dinners $9.50
Sandwiches $8.50
A nd Soul Food
Try us once y o u ’ll com e back again
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
“ A Community
Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD
P astor/T each er/R evivalist
fo r A m erican Id o l, has p ro ­
d u ce d nu m ero u s S u p er Bow l
p re-g am e p erfo rm an ce s, in ­
clu d in g W h itn ey H o u sto n 's
1991 an th em in T am p a th at's
co n sid ered the b en ch m ark fo r
sin g ers.
He said H udson's tw o cell
phones lit u p " like slot machines"
follow ing her perform ance, and
she received a m oving text m es­
sage from Jam ie Foxx, her co-
star in "Dreamgirls."
"His text said 'Am azing. It
brought tears to my eyes,'" M i­
nor said. "She's ju st getting so
m uch love."
A lthough en tertainers can
perform live, M inor insisted that
Hudson and Faith Hill, who sang
"A m erica the Beautiful" before
the national anthem , use the
tracks the N FL requires them to
subm it a w eek before the gam e.
H udson m ade h er p erfo r­
m ance personal.
"S he's fro m the ch u rch ,"
M inor said. "So we w anted to
give it a gospel feel, use a little
organ, rhythm and really give it
a feel that m atched Jennifer. W e
w anted her to em ote the lyrics
and connect w ith the song."
‘'The Voice Speaks"
Art Showon
Street Life
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
“God, The Father”; “God, The Son”; and “God, The Holy Spirit”
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
us at our appointment with Jesus.
Fresh perspective of the ur­
ban landscape are behind “U n­
expected Beauty, Street V iew s”
a new ju ried art exhibit at the
Broderick Gallery, 814S.W . First
Ave. The m onth long exhibit
opens with a First Thursday
reception, Feb. 5 from 6 p.m. to
9p.m .
A dm ission is free with sales
from the show benefiting Street
Yoga, a local non-profit that
teaches yoga and w ellness to
hom eless youth and youth at
risk o f hom elessness.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
T o in q u ire a b o u t o u r C h u rc h o r M in istry
call 5 0 3 8 6 3 -6 5 4 5 o r em a il h o d g e h s p k s@ m sn .c o m
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
4009 N. Missouri Ave, Portland, OR
Gene Gill's downtown Portland street scene.
DR. Johnny Pack, IV, Pastor
2 Chronicles 714 My people who are called by My name shall
humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their
wicked way», then 1 will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and
will heal their land
Fe biliary 7 ,2009 10 am
Evangelist Melanie Pichon-Smith
New OrleansLA
Renowned Japanese Comedy Troupe Tours
Y anomi and Kuronatsu o f the
J a p a n e s e c o m e d y tro u p e
Shoshinz will draw audiences to
three show s this week at the
C urious C om edy T h eater in
Vanport Village, 5225 N.E. Mar­
tin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Shoshinz is Japanese fo r" shy
tim id people," but these two
surreal T okyo m aids are subser­
vient to nothing and no one.
T heir delicate silences and coy
dem eanor will lure you in, and
then they will bend your mind
with brilliant physical theater,
dance, absurd music and song.
Form ed in 2005, Shoshinz is
now one o f the m ost renowned
com edy troupes in Japan.
Show s this w eekend at the
Curious Com edy T heater are
Thursday, Feb. at 8 p.m.; Friday,
Feb. 6 at 8 p.m .; and Saturday,
Feb. 7th at 10 p.m.
T ic k e ts a re $ 1 2 . V is it
curiouscom edy.org or call 503-
Yanomi and Kuronatsu
from the Japanese
comedy troupe Shoshinz will
perform this weekend at
Curious Comedy Theater in
Vanport Village, 5225 N.E.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Sisters’ Winterfolk Concert this Saturday
Current Grammy award nomi­
nee Rosalie Sorrels will headline
the annual W interfolk concert
to benefit Sisters o f the Road,
the dow ntow n Portland organi­
zation that w orks to help people
w ho are hom eless and poor.
D onation...........$20.00 (LIMITED SEATING!!!
Sorrels was Phillips' longtime
friend and frequent musical part­
ner. She just released a highly
acclaim ed album o f his songs.
“T he idea was to m ake some
money for his medical expenses
and his family," Sorrels said.
The show, scheduled Satur­
day, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. at the
Aladdin Theater, will be in re­
m em brance o f folk hero Utah
Phillips who appeared at almost
every W interfolk since 1991. He
died last May.
‘E verythin g I do is co lla b o ra tive . It's ju s t my way. I'm re a lly very
in te re ste d in how the o th e r m u sicia n s perceive the song.”
Cassandra W ilson
KMHD radio is a collaborative effort;
without the generous support from our
listeners we wouldn’t be on the air! Show
us that Jazz & Blues music is important to
you and your community!
A lso perform ing will be Kate
Pow er and Steve E inhom ; Hanz
Araki and friends; Anne W eiss;
Andrew Calhoun; andT om May
and friends.
Tickets are on sale at M usic
M illennium , Ticketm aster; and
the Aladdin Box O ffice at 3017
S.E. M ilwaukie Blvd.
Mail to KMHD/V1HCC/261M10 SE Stark. Gresham. OR 97030
E*p. hate:
A broadcast service of M t. Hood Community College
Idaho folk legend Rosalie
Sorrels will perform Satur­
day, Feb. 7 as part o f the
annual Winterfolk concert at
the Aladdin Theater to
benefit Sisters o f the Road.