January 28. 2009 Page A 8 C lassified /B id Advertise w ith diversity in C a ll 5O 3-288-O O 33 (O h s e v U i’ r a d s @ p o rt 1 a n d o b se rv e r.c o m I® Summer Run Retirement Apartments • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments • Affordable Rent with No Costly Buy-Ins or Application Fees • Federal Rent Subsidies Available • Ideal Urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and more! 7810 SE Foster Road Portland, Oregon 97206 5 0 3 * 7 7 4 .8 8 8 5 g j • Enjoy our small community atmosphere that’s relaxed and friendly! R e tire m e n t L iv in g Smith Tower Project Co-Coordinator (.75 FTE) position available at Ecumenical M inistries of Oregon to w ork on a p ro je c t to en d c h ild h o o d obesity w orking through faith com m unities. Coordinator will h e lp d e v e lo p a c o a litio n to create congregational wellness p la n s ; d e v e lo p e d u c a tio n a l m a te ria ls ; m a n a g e g ra n t tra c k in g ; re s e a rc h best practices; and provide technical assistance to project partners. The coordinator will be willing to w ork w ith p eo p le o f d ive rse backgrounds, have high level organizational experience and a b a c h e lo rs d e g re e or equivalent experience in a public health, com m unity organizing a n d / o r w o rk in g w ith fa ith c o m m u n it ie s .S p a n is h proficiency preferred. To see full jo b description, call (5 03 ) 2 2 1 -1 0 5 4 o r send an em ail to em o@ em oregon .org. Send resum e, three references and cover letter: mail to EMO, Attn: K rystal S h arin gh ou se n , 0245 SW B a n cro ft, S u ite B, P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 3 9 ; fa x to (503) 223-7007; or em ail to em o@ em oregon.org. Deadline fo r a p p lic a tio n : F e b ru a ry 2, 2009. 515 Washington Street Yaicuver, Waskingt oa 360.695.3474 • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments • Federal Rent Subsidies Available • No Buy-In o r Application Fees • A ffordable Rent includes all Utilities except telephone & cable television • Ideal urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and much more! f i REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EAST CAMPUS RESIDENCE HALL, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON The U n ive rsity o f O re go n is s o lic itin g q u a lifica tio n s from arch ite ctura l firm s interested In p rovidin g design through co n stru ctio n a d m in istra tio n service s fo r an East Cam pus Residence Hall on the University of Oregon cam pus in Eugene, Oregon. Briefly, the East Cam pus Residence Hall project currently Is en visio n e d as an a p p ro xim a te ly 4 0 0 -5 0 0 -b e d m ulti-le ve l student housing facility with a variety of different student living spaces, com m on areas and shared spaces, dining facilities, and academ ic program space. The facility will be designed to accom m odate the needs of freshm an and upper-level students. Architectural firm s responding to the Request for qualifications (RFQ) m ust have an office location in Oregon and be licensed or have an application in process to practice architecture in Oregon. Firm s may obtain the RFQ by registering electronically at the follow ing w eb address: http://uplan.uoregon.edu/ArchSelect/ECRHfonn.lrtinl or m ay phone or w rite to: Cam pus Planning and Real Estate 1276 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1276 Telephone: (541) 346-5562 C H IE F C O M M U N IC A T IO N S OFFICER - Com m unicate with d iv e rs e g ro u p s o f p u b lic ed stakeholders statewide to train, inform and advocate. In-state tra vel and eve n in g/w e e k e n d w o rk in h e re n t to p o s itio n . U n d e rs ta n d in g o f O re g o n 's p ublic ed system , le gis la tive process and current ed issues preferred. Exce lle n t benefits. Salary DOE. Call 503-588-2800 o r e -m a il ¡n fo @ o s b a .o rg fo r application. Shop my store: youravon.com/llinder Contact ME Today ! Latoya Linder 503-360-2096 Retirement Living A Absolutely New Queen Plllowtop Mattress with Box S e t Still Sealed W estm oreland’s Union M a n o r In Plastic. Can Deliver 6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202 $150. (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7 5 0 3 * 2 3 3 .5 6 7 1 M ars h all Union M an o r City of Portland, Risk Management is recruiting for a Loss Prevention Business Partner, to enhance its lo s s c o n tro l e ffo rts w ith additional expertise in tort risk a s s e s s m e n t, ris k tr a n s fe r techniques and risk loss control. W e are see kin g an individual with risk assessm ent and risk b u s in e s s c o n s u ltin g s k ills relevant to the prevention of tort lia b ility . Approximate Monthly Salary: $4,834 to $6,446. For more Information or to apply on- lin e p le a s e go to www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/09- 0 03/09-003.htm 2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209 5 0 3 *2 2 5 *0 6 7 7 K irk la n d Union M anors 3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266 5 0 3 * 7 7 7 .8 1 0 1 K irk la n d Union Plaza 1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660 3 6 0 .6 9 4 .4 3 1 4 Information Representative * P o s itio n : T h e C o m m u n ity O u tre a c h a nd In fo rm a tio n Representative will im plem ent and operate The Independent Review Division's (IPR) public outreach, community education and media relations activities. The Representative will engage c o m m u n ity m e m b e rs by participating in and organizing e v e n ts to in c re a s e p u b lic a w a re n e s s and e d u ca te th e com m unity on th e goals and mission of IPR. To apply, please v is it o u r w e b s ite at: h t t p : / / www.cl.poitland.or.us/jobs and for questions contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. H u m a n R e s o u rc e s A n a ly s t, (503) 823-5738. The City of Portland is An Equal Opportunity Employer The Coalition for a Livable Future is se e kin g a fu ll-tim e Equity Agenda Coordinator to support collaboration on policy initiatives that aim to im prove s o c ia l, b u ilt a n d n a tu ra l en vironm ent dete rm ina nts of health. Two-year, grant funded position with full benefits. Salary $34,000-36,000, DOE. People o f d iv e rs e b a c k g ro u n d s , including wom en and people of color, encouraged to apply. Go to h ttp :/ / w w w .c lfu tu re .o rg / about/jobs/docum ent view for more details. Steel Buildings & • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments with Kitchens • Affordable Rents with No Buy-In or Application Fees • Garden Areas & Planned Activities • Easy Access to Bus Lines & Shopping • Federal Rent Subsidies Available for those that qualify T D D 5 0 3 * 7 7 1 .0 9 1 2 www.theunionmanors.org Community Outreach and Apprx. M onthly Salary $ 4 ,3 8 4 -$ 5 ,8 4 1 Deadline: 4:30 pm, 2/3/2009 & SUB BIDS REQUESTED Water Reclamation Plant Project - Airway Heights, WA. Spokane, Spokane Co., WA. Bids Due: Tuesday - February 10, 2009 @ 3PM Construction of a laboratory & operations building; a Q.6 million gallon (me) anaerobic treatment basin, a 2.0 mg anoxic treatment-faasin^a 2.0 mg aeration basin, a utility corridor, a 1.0 mg water storage reservoir, misc. site work & associated site piping, LYDIG CONSTRUCTION, INC. 11001 E. M ontgom ery, Spokane Valley, W A 99206 Phone: (509) 534-0451- Fax: (509) 535-6622 W A LIC #LYDIGC*264JC We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub/ supplier bids and pre-bid contact from all interested firms, including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans, and small business enterprises. Washington State goals for this project: Minority Business Enterprises - 10% & Women Business Enterprises - 6% All Sizes Discounted Can Construct Local Dealer Consultant IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OFTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON Save-Save * Deal of Deals IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH www.scg-grp.com #ORD JUVENILE COURT 5 0 3 -7 1 4 -9 9 8 3 SUM M ON S BY PUBLICATION DEPENDENCY “In here there are no strangers.,. Sisters Of The Road THE STATE O F WASHINGTON .. .just friends we've never met." S ubm issions o f qualifications m ust be received In the UO's Cam pus Planning and Real Estate office by 4:00 P.M. PST, Thursday, February 19.2009. TO W HOM IT MAY CONCERN Sisters O f The Road, a 29 year-old non-profit cafe located in Old Town China Town, is seeking a Kitchen Manager. People of color and/or people with experience of hom elessness and poverty are encouraged to apply. A full job description is posted at w w w .sistersoftheroad.org. The University of Oregon is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. and TO: 1. CARLOS BARBERIS, alleged biological father of ALESSANDRA W ESTBROOK, d.o.b. 11/29/04, D ependency Petition 08-7- 0 0 8 5 0 -2 file d 0 7 / 1 0 / 0 8 (n a tu ra l m o th e r, M E L A N IE W ESTBROOK). Sisters provides full benefits to all regular em ployees w orking 20 hours or m ore per week and offers a one-m onth sabbatical at three years of full-tim e em ploym ent. W e are com m itted to the philosophies of non-violence and gentle-personalism . Port of Portland Possibility. In every direction.™ A Petition was filed with the above court to adjudge your child to be dependent. The Petition begins a process which, if your child Is found dependent, m ay result in a term ination of your p a ren t-ch ild re la tionsh ip . The im m ed ia te ob ject o f th ese proceedings is to determ ine dependency and tem porary care, custody, supervision and physical placem ent of your child. POLICE OFFICER-LATERAL Kitchen M anager: This position is responsible for the overall functioning of the cafe kitchen and supervision of m em bers of the Kitchen Team to ensure they have the tools and resources they need to run sm oothly and within the philosophies of non­ violence and gentle-personalism. An ability to provide genuine hospitality and conflict resolution is required. W e are looking for som eone who has an attention to detail, quick problem solving skills, solid com m unication and people skills and who has patience and flexibility. The P o rt o f P o rtla n d Is a c tiv e ly re c ru itin g P olice O ffice r candidates for lateral transfer to Portland International Airport Police Department. SUM M ARY OF ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: • Be responsible fo r the protection o f life and property at Portland International Airport (PDX). • Ensure public convenience and w ell-being while traveling through airport facilities. • R e spo n d to n e e d s o f a irp o rt te n a n ts in a p rom pt and professional manner. Prelim inary hearing will be held on above case num ber at 9:00 a.m. on the 7th day of April, 20 0 9 , before the court at the Snohom ish County Juvenile Justice Center, 2 8 0 1 10th Street, Everett. W ashington 98201, for the purpose of appointm ent of attorneys, the determ ination o f any facts not in dispute and the hearing of pre-trial motions; and fact finding hearings (trials) will be held before the said court on the above cause num bers at 9:00 a.m. on the 23rd day of April, 2009. M inimum requirem ents: 3 years cooking and m anagem ent experience, demonstrating expertise in supervision and support of a diverse staff; industrial quantity food production experience with experience in ordering food & supplies; excellent health and safety practices; com puter literacy: W ord, Excel, faxing; leadership skills; personal organization; professionalism: basic math skills: desire to study, learn and model nonviolence and anti-oppression work. EDUCATION AN D EXPERIENCE: • M inim um of one yea r's experience as a law enforcem ent officer. LICENSES AN D CERTIFICATIONS: • Currently certified or eligible to be certified as a police officer in the State of Oregon within one year w ithout attending the Basic Police Academ y. • Valid Oregon or W ashington State d river's license. • Ability to obtain and maintain security clearance for unescorted access to secured areas o f the airport. THE ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDUALS ARE SUMMONED TO APPEAR at both of said hearings regarding your child. If you do not appear at the first (preliminary) hearing, the court may cancel the second hearing and take evidence and enter an order w ithout further notice to you. You may be held responsible for the support of the child if the child Is placed in out-of-hom e care. Desired skills include: creativity, listening and em pow ering others to create & Im plem ent solutions, and excellent written and verbal com m unication: team -building skills: At all stages of a proceeding in w hich a child is alleged to be dependent pursuant to ROW 13.34.030 (2), the child's parent or guardian has the right to be represented by counsel, and if indigent, to have counsel appointed for him or her by th e court. Salary: $33,380 full tim e position S ta rting Salary: $51,332 - $64,902 Determ ined by Collective Bargaining Agreem ent and years of experience Date January 2 0 ,2 0 0 9 Applications are due by 5:00 pm W ednesday Feb 4th, 2009. Please send a resume and cover letter to Lisa Bersani at Sisters O f The Road, 133 NW 6th Ave. Portland, OR 97209 or e-m ail LisaB@ sistersoftheroad.org. No phone calls please. Location: Portland International Airport SONYA KRASKI Clerk o f the Superior Court SHIRLEY JOHNSTON Deputy Clerk Hours: Shift Vary per Collective Bargaining Agreem ent A p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls a re a v a ila b le on o u r w e b s ite , w w w .portofportland.com , and at 7th floor reception in th e Port of Portland building, located at 121 NW Everett S tre e t You may also call 503-944-7400 to request that an application be mailed to you. Pre-employment drug screening is required. Applications received after January 25th, 2009 m ay not be considered. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer 'Subscribe! U U d v l l U V e 5O Pill 3-28t°2-33 Out & Send To: ! Portland OR 97208 | | subscriptions are just $60 per year (please include check with this subscription form) | I N ame :________________________ __T elephone : _____________ I ¡A ddress :__________________________________________________! • or i7naj7subscriptlons@portlandobserver.com J Advertise w ith diversity in l- ln r t la t t b C 0 b & i'iu c r (a ll 503-288-0033 nisi" portlandob8enei.com »