Page AS January 28. 2009 Vanguards for Equality continued from Front present at any community meet­ ing concerning such an incident to offer its support. "If you are o f color, the po­ lice state is a very real thing," said. "W e're pretty passionate about that." Freedom Socialists have also Leninist ideology, which was also the orientation of the So­ viet Union. Sardo admits that this has caused friction with other groups in the past, but rem ains unapologetic. "We think that this system is incredibly decrepit," said Sardo, who quipped that true equality is "too radical for capitalism." However, Helen Sherman, a If you improve the lives of people on the bottom you improve everyone's' lives. -Jordana Sardo, Portland branch organizer for the Freedom Socialist Party been active in holding talks on the history o f the civil rights struggle, and takes care to high­ light the contributions o f over­ looked figures, like the work of African-American women. The party has also been on the frontline o f labor battles, supporting picketing and strik­ ing workers. But make no mistake about the group's radical M arx ist­ longtim e com m unity activist, said that the group is very re­ ceptive to open dialogue, and is very im pressed with their edu­ cational events. As part of America's hard-left for over a century. Freedom So­ cialists have quixotically fought to radically reshape modem in­ d u stria l so c ie ty . A lthough achievement of its overarching goals seems out of grasp, its mem- PHOTO BY J a K ET i IOMAS/T h E PORTLAND OBSERVER Jordana Sardo, Portland branch organizer of the Freedom Socialist Party, keeps track of the party's bookstore inside the Bread & Roses Center at 819 N. Killingsworth. The store boasts a large collection of audaciously radical and unapologetic books. bers have been on the front lines of many struggles for equality in the past. Sardo points out that the American Com m unist Party, al­ though w idely reviled, was one of the firs, organizations to start organizing A frican-A m ericans in labor unions, and that other Socialist organizations called for integration early on. She added that when Martin Luther King Jr. shifted his at­ tention from civil rights to broader issues, like the Vietnam W ar and w orkers' struggles, Socialists were there with him. " We think MLK as a man was Advertise with diversity in Deadly Rampage Stuns City continued certainly headed in a direction of being multi-issue. And that's what he dem onstrates to us, being m ulti-issue," said Sardo of his legacy. "He w asn't jus, talking about blacks." (ObserUrr Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries “ A Community Church” from Front Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD mates, who described him and as “g lo o m y ” and “q u ie t,” said Whattam. He added that none of them saw this coming. Rob Ingram, who heads the city ’ s O ffice of Youth V iolence Prevention, described the inci­ dent as “tragic." However, he said that the shooting falls out­ side of his o ffice’s purview be­ cause it doesn’t appear gang related and there is no clear motive behind it. A ccording to Portland Po­ lice Bureau statistics 12 m ur­ ders have taken place in dow n­ town between 2003 and 2005. The Portland Police do not know w here A yala go , the weapon. Portland Police is cur­ rently waiting for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms to hand to finish tracing the gun. W hattam said that the police do not yet know A yala’s mental health or crim inal history. Brian Renauer, the chairof Port­ land State University ’sdepartment of criminology and criminal justice, said that based on the present information, the incident is "unex­ plainable and is outside of the typi­ cal pattern of violence.” He said that there was no apparent motive in the shooting. Renauer added that this inci­ dent does not neatly parallel school shootings, like the 2007 Virginia P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P orti ani ) O bserver Tech massacre, because from wha, Flowers are inserted into the doors of The Zone Monday, the under-21 nightclub on South­ he’s heard this individual didn't west Second Avenue where a crowd o f young people, waiting outside, were gunned down seem to be the victim of bullying or Saturday night in a shooting that seems to have no motive. Two teenagers died and another was socially isolated. is in critical condition. H ow ever, he stressed that there is still relatively little in­ sions. “It’s a mystery to be solved,” form ation on the case making it difficult to draw any conclu- he said. C o m p u t e r R e p a ir W e F ix L a p to p s & D e s k t o p s Advertise with diversity in 1,1 |J o t ‘tla n h © b s e r u c r i . h h H V lttS CPC S • • • • • • Screen replacement Keyboard Custom systems Data Backup/Recovery Virus & Spyware Removal Hardware/Software Installs 311 NE Killingsworth 503-247-3169 Call 503-288-0033 State Farm* ads @ |x>rtlandobserver.con i Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 Michael E Harper We m oved to o u r new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland. OR 503-221-305« Fax 503-227-8757 Agent P astor/T each er/R evivalist “The Voice S p e a k s“ Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M. Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M. “God, The Father"; “God, The Son”; and “God, The Holy Spirit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointment with Jesus. We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!! Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave. Portland, Oregon To inquire about our Church or Ministry call 503 863-6545 or email