lanuary 28, 2009 Page A4 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@ portlandobserver. com. Anything is Truly Possible W.E.B. Dubuois would be proud I recently visited Accra, the capital city of Ghana, in West Africa, where activist, historian and writer W.E.B. Du Bois is bur­ ied. While reflecting on Du Bois’ accomplishments, 1 couldn’t help but think of how proud he would be of the gains we have made since he co-founded the NAACP more than 100 years ago. Du Bois was perhaps one of the most notable black leaders at the start of the 20th Century. A strong believer in the power of education as a way to uplift our people, he believed in fighting for equality in mainstream society. One hundred years later, part of Du Bois’ dream has come true. A black American man, who has an African father, is now president of the most powerful empire in the history of civiliza­ tion. African Americans aren’t the only ones inspired by Obama’s victory; black people across the globe are still celebrating this historical moment. They were cheering in Kenya, the home of President Obama’s father, on election night. They were also cheering in Jamaica and Haiti and in Ghana. The Diaspora came to life as everyone re­ a liz e d th a t som eo n e who looked like them had ascended, fi- Because of Obama’s accomplishments, black people across the globe are walking taller, smiling brighter and dreaming bigger. His viewpoints stood in stark contrast to those of his contem­ porary, Booker T. Washington. Washington believed that Afri­ can Americans would have to deal with racism for the time being while simultaneously lifting them selves up through hard work. This “up by your bootstraps” mentality didn’t mesh well with Du Bois, who supported political action as a strategy for advanc­ ing the civil rights agenda. Later in his life, he became so frustrated with the lack of progress in the civil rights movement that he moved to Ghana. It was a fit­ ting choice; Ghana was the first African nation to win indepen­ dence from the colonialists. K w am e N kru m ah , the country's first black president, was committed to the philosophy of Pan Africanism, a movement committed to uniting all people of African descent. Du Bois also took up the cause, working to bring together every member of the African Diaspora, whether they were bom on the continent or here in America. f n a lly , to su c h h e ig h ts . O bam a’s win united us all, giv­ ing new hope to those who were on the verge o f losing theirs. Make no mistake: We all real­ ize that President Obama is not the magical elixir that will solve America’s race issues, let alone single handedly bring justice to the world. But collectively we know that now that Obama has shattered the highest glass ceil­ ing there is, anything is truly possible. Because of Obama’s accom­ plishments, black people across the globe are walking taller, smil­ ing brighter and dreaming big­ ger. Du Bois would certainly be swollen with pride, knowing that a member of the Diaspora, a fel­ low Harvard grad, had breathed new life into the social justice movement he helped define. Judge Greg Mathis is vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Confer­ ence. i New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG * er ws ■ IL IU M ■ ■ » ail — ----------- 1 I------------- &Äe posffl IN TH E LAND ¿HÍsYoUMG DAUGHTER' W il l sa u r ter ABOUT-|M THE W 'iT E x . uouse.C Mg— MN— H NI Closer to Realizing Dr. King’s Dream was swom-in one day after the try back on track. But democracy has never been nation celebrated what would have been the 80th birthday of Dr. a solo act or spectator sport. If we Martin Luther King, Jr. It is amaz­ are to regain our economic and ing to think that the moral moral standing in the world, all of arc o f the universe has us are going to have to get in the given us a prophet and a game. by M arc H. M orial The National Urban League is president in the span of 40 For millions of Ameri­ already working with the new years. cans and freedom-loving With the inauguration President and Congress to pass a people all overthe world, of President Obama, we the inauguration of Presi­ have moved closer to real­ dent B arack O bam a breathed new life into our nation's izing Dr. King's dream. The forces of inequality, injustice, and divi­ oldest and highest values. Watching the ceremony at the sion are clearly on the run, but as U.S. Capitol with the Lincoln long as those forces hold sway in Memorial in the background, 1 any comer, our work is not yet major stimulus package designed was reminded of the 1963 March done. In the time of legal segregation to create new jobs and put our on Washington. Then as now, the nation was and denial of the right to vote, Dr. people back to work. We will continue to be a strong on the brink of dissolution and King's extraordinary moral author­ despair. And then, as now a vi­ ity helped lead us to a better day. advocate for the urban communi­ sionary leader stepped forth with In these times of unprecedented ties we serve. We will give the a message of hope onto the stage domestic and foreign upheaval, new President our support when we now have a President who we think he's right and we will not of history. In one of those rare acts of possesses both the moral and hesitate to tell him when we think divine timing. President Obama political authority to get this coun­ he's wrong. Obama breaths new life into our values UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows (With Other Services) $79.00 $59.00 $109-$ 1 3 9 $35 - $49 $5.00 No More Excuses in our lifetime? Barack O bam a’s tri­ umph belongs to every American, and it must be clearly understood by all o f us that Obama was elected to be the president of all the people of our by E ari . G. G raves S r . Who among us— es­ pecially those of my gen­ eration—ever dared be­ lieve that an American o f A frican h e rita g e w ould ascend to the highest office in the land Platinum Fade S A L O N Best Barbers in Town & Razor Line Cuts 5010 NE 9th Unit A Portland Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 Hours o f operation: M-F Sat Sun 9 am - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 11 am - 6 pm ‘ri'r P ortktnb ODbseruer Established 1970 USPS 959-680 _____ ____________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 Charles H. Washington E ditor M ich a e l L e ig h to n D is tr ib u tio n M anager : M ark W a sh in g to n C reative D irector : P a u l N e u fe ld t E ditor -I n -C h ie f , P ublisher : See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland, O R 97 20 8 V i W ith so many challenges fac­ ing this nation, within the next four years we could very well reach a tipping point that will determine what kind of America we leave to our children. Will it be an America that works only for the wealthy and connected or will it be an America where everyone who is willing to work and con­ The arc o f the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection T he first the highest 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) ADDITIONAL SERVICES W W — ------------- 1 W » UNAWAEP Y0UN6 BLACK MAIH T o BE 9CEC0iEpBY -rogpoÚCÉ $45.00 Additional $10.00 'NoRSV of * W 6 / z u b T ENER SLACK AAAUe. SWORHIHTÜ Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) Heavily Soiled Area: ■ W -Martin Luther King Jr. tribute has an equal chance to live out their dreams? In the w ords of President Obama, "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America." Marc H. Morial is president and chief executive officer o f the National Urban League. We can achieve anything nation, not just black Americans. The challenges awaiting our president-elect— ranging from our critically damaged economy to the security o f our nation against the global threat of terror­ ism— are serious issues that must be resolved for the greater good of all. Obama faces expectations above and beyond anything ever demanded of the heroic black lead­ ers of our history— from Frederick Douglass to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Obama’s inauguration was an indelible moment made possible by every African American who ever refused to accept the dimin­ ished roles once ascribed to us. It belongs to every African Ameri­ can who put asunder the restric­ tive bonds of racism, injustice, and inequality to defy the odds and achieve something lasting and great. But let us be clear. The presi­ dential inauguration o f Obama is not just about one, w orld­ changing moment. For African A m ericans, it m arks the birth of a new m ovem ent, one w ith a simple defining creed: No more excuses. To our young black men, too many of whom have been allowed toembrace the sin of low expecta­ tion: No more excuses. To black professionals lamenting racism on the job while worshiping daily at the altar of personal medioc- rity: No more excuses. To those obsessed with the trappings o f w ealth yet who refuse to invest in their own fi­ nancial education or to exercise fiscal discipline: No more excuses. To those who complain about the ills of our community but are un­ willing to invest their time, money, or energy to bring about solu­ tions: No more excuses. The election of Obama to the Oval Office proves once and for all that we can achieve anything as African Americans. The ques­ tion is no longer whether any­ thing is possible, the question is whether we are committed to do­ ing what needs to be done No one is saying it will be easy— after all, racism is still alive, even if it’s been dealt a serious setback by the majority of Ameri­ can voters— but we can no longer accept that it cannot be done. Yes, the ceilings on our potential still exist, but we now know be­ yond a shadow of a doubt that they are not impermeable. The rallying cry of the Obama campaign was not “Yes He Can” but “Yes We Can.” Now that we have, now that the impossible has proven possible after all, there is no turning back. There are no more excuses. Earl G. Graves Sr. is the founder, chairman and publisher o f BLACK ENTERPRISE maga­ zine. 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