F o r tia n i» (f)b se ru e r Page A2 Black History Month lanuaiy 28, 2009 Obama Reaches Out to Muslims Tells Arabic network US is ‘not your enemy’ (AP) - President Barack Obama chose an Arabic satellite TV net­ work for his first formal television interview as president, part of a concerted effort to repair rela­ tions with the Muslim world that were damaged under the previ­ ous administration. Obama cited his Muslim back­ ground and relatives, practically a taboo issue during the U .S. presi­ dential campaign, and said in the interview, which aired Tuesday, that one of his main tasks was to communicate to Muslims “that the Americans are not your en­ emy.” The interview on the Dubai- based Al-Arabiya news channel aired as Obama's new envoy to the region, former Sen. George J. Mitchell, arrived in Egypt onTues- day for a visit that will also take him to Israel, the West Bank, Jor­ dan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Obama said the U.S. had made mistakes in the past but "that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that.” Obama also emphasized the importance of engaging with Iran, a country the Bush administra­ tion often singled out as the most dangerous in the region. O bam a co n dem ned Iran's threats against Israel, pursuit of nuclear weapons and sup­ port of terrorist organizations, but said “it is important for us to be willing to talk to Iran, to ex­ press very clearly where our differences are, but where there are p o te n tia l a v e n u e s fo r p ro g ress.” Obama's predecessor, former P resid en t G eorge W. Bush, launched wars in Iraq and Af­ ghanistan which prompted a mas­ sive backlash against the U.S. in he said. “If that's his objective. I'd say he's been hitting home run after home run.” In the interview, Obama called for a new partnership with the Muslim world “based on mutual respect and mutual interest.” He talked about growing up in Indo­ nesia, the Muslim world's most populous nation, and noted that he has Muslim relatives. O bam a's Kenyan father was born Muslim, though a self-de­ scribed atheist, and many of his relatives in Kenya are practicing Muslims. As achild, Obama lived for a number of years in Indonesia while his mother was doing re­ search there. This appeal does seem to have struck a chord among many M us­ lims. “He ’ s different from the previ­ ous presidents, perhaps because of his color or his Islamic back­ President Barack Obama is interviewed in Washington, D.C., Monday, by the Dubai-based Al- ground. My views of America are Arabiya cable network. different now than they were dur­ ing the Bush administration,” said capital, described decision to “President Obama has made it the Muslim world. Youssef Ali, 45, who works for make the first presidential inter- absolutely clear ... that a central Hady Amr, director of the the Iraqi Electricity Ministry in view with an Arabic news net- priority will be repairing America's Brookings Doha Center, an arm Baghdad. work as “stunning.” relations with the Muslim world,” of the U.S. think-tank in the Qatari MMMMNOTMMMMM L e g a l N o t ic e s Emergency Declared in Tïirndown Oregon braces for more assistance, food stamps Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 1 5 e-m ail: dassXteds@portiafMtobserver.cofn The Portland Observer As Oregon unemployment fig­ ures rise and the demand for tem­ porary economic help such as cash assistance and food stamps hit record levels, the Oregon De­ partment of Human Services is calling the situation an emergency. New figures show the jobless rate rose to 9 percent in Decem­ ber, with the deepest declines in the leisure and hospitality and construction sectors. Erinn Kelly-Siel Over the same period, requests for Tem porary A ssistance to Needy Families, which provides emergency cash and job training to low income parents, have in­ creased 16.4 percent from a year ago for a total number of 21,633 families. The number of people receiving food stamps benefits also continued to climb, increas­ ing 15.5 percent statewide for a total of 520,650 people. “We're treating this huge in­ crease in client need as an emer­ gency. That means we are rede­ ploying staff to the areas of the state with the greatest need so we can take care of the new cli­ ents coming through the door,” says Erinn Kelley-Siel, interim director of the Children, Adults and Families division of the De­ partment of Human Services. To better serve the new cli­ ents, the division is also hiring 60 additional staff to help cover ris­ ing need. Also starting next week, the division will roll out an improved intake process for food stamps and other benefits designed to provide same-day service, in­ stead of wait times of a week or more for intake appointments. R e g io n a lly , W ash in g to n County residents were hit hard in December, with 30.6 percent more people receiving emergency cash assistance over last year and 16.5 percent more requesting food stamps. Clackamas County had a 23.1 percent increase in cash as­ sistance recipients and 18.1 per­ cent for food stamps. “W e have incredibly dedi­ cated staff working really hard, and we’re doing everything we can to find better ways to meet demand and get people the ser­ vices they need right now,” says Kelley-Siel. One thing clients can do to speed the process of receiving assistance is to make sure to bring all necessary identification and paperwork. For most services a photo ID, Social Security number and proof of recent income are enough to start the process. DHS also partners with SafeNet to help people to find local re­ sources such as local food pan- tries or other assistance. The num­ ber is 800-SAFENET (800-723- 3638). Extensive Layoffs at OHSU “Memories o f our lives, o f our works and our deeds will continue in others.” — Rosa Parks Oregon Health & Science Uni­ slowly than expected. He says the cuts would reduce versity says it is cutting at least 500 and as many as 1 ,(XX) more costs by $30 million to $35 million in the current financial year. jobs. In December, the Portland hos­ OHSU President Joe Robertson told employees Thursday that in­ pital and medical school complex vestment earnings have dropped announced hiring and salary and revenue is growing more freezes, cuts and delays in capital spending, and other measures to deal w ith the d e terio ratin g economy. The institution describes it­ self as Portland's largest employer and the fourth largest in Oregon, excluding governm ent, w ith 12,400employees. Town Hall on Economic Crisis Economists, labor leaders and community activists will share their perspectives on the eco­ nomic crisis during a town hall meeting, Saturday, Jan. 31 from 1 p.m. to5 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church, 1011 S.W. 12th Ave. The meeting is sponsored by a coalition of individuals and orga­ come families behind,” said Greg nizations, including Jobs with Margolis, a spokesperson for the group. Justice and Oregon Action. Margolis said the Town Hall “Community and worker ad­ will serve as a forum to educate vocates are fed up with an eco­ one another about the crisis and nomic stimulus plan that has to create alternatives for a more reaped benefits for billionaires just economy. but has left workers and low in­ Police Officer Rescues Woman Create great memories by starting a career at C-TRAN. Please call (360)906*7491 or visit us at www.c-tran.com, C-TRAN is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce and guided by an Affirmative Action Program. A Portland police officer went into a burning home Monday and pulled a 44-year-old woman to safety. G ed em y n as Ja k u b a u sk a s spotted the fire near Southeast Division and 113th Avenue while on patrol. After residents told the officer someone remained inside, he managed to crawl into the house and find Jana Meyers lying at the top of basement stairs. Meyers was taken to a hospi­ tal, where she was treated for smoke inhalation and possible bums. The officer was treated for smoke inhalation at Portland Adventist Hospital and released. Gedemynas Jakubauskas rescued a local woman from a fire. BEDTIME STORIES W ITH M O TH ER GOOSE! MOTHER COOSE ACTIVITIES FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN 2-5 YEARS OLD.' C-TRAH WHEN: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2009, 7PM-8PM WHERE: TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL 5 5 20 NE KILLIN6SWORTH ST. 5 0 3 -2 8 8 *6 4 0 } WWW.TRIMITYPORTIANP.ORC