Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 28, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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    Il"|ìortlanò (JDbacrUcr B la c k H iStO fy M o n th
January 28. 2009
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Space Race and Race Relations
A pollo is an epic, m ulti-
m edia exam ination o f post
W orld W are II A m erica
w hich ex plores the birth
o f the U .S. space p ro ­
gram , its em ploym ent o f
form er-N azi ro cket sci­
en tists, and th eir su rp ris­
ing in tersectio n w ith the
C ivil R ights M ovem ent.
U sing the U.S. m ission •
to the m oon as a sym bol
o f o u r c o u n try ’s g re a t­
ness, A pollo probes deep
into the question: w hat did
we sacrifice to becom e
the A m erica we are to ­
day? A nd w as it w orth it?
T h ro u g h a k a l e i d o ­
scopic array o f th eatrical
m ethods (m ovem ent, text,
video p rojection, and m u­
sic) aw ard w inning play-
w r ig h t/d ir e c to r N a n c y
K e y s to n e r e v e a ls th e
costs and am biguities o f
h u m a n a s p ir a tio n an d
p ro g ress.
A w o rld p r e m ie r e ,
A pollo plays through Sun­
day, Feb. 8 at P ortland
C e n te r S ta g e , G e rd in g
NASA sc ie n tists are portrayed in the world prem ier o f Apollo at Portland C enter Stage. The play
T h eater at the A rm ory,
e xa m in es th e history o f th e sp a c e race and its intersection b e tw e e n the civil rights m o m e n t and
128 N .W . 11th Ave.
A m erica ’s q u e s t for the m oon.
Legendary Leader
On Monday, Feb. 2, at 6p.m.,
the Jefferson High School’s
Multicultural Film Festival pre­
sents “Thomas Sankara - The
Upright Man.”
Sankara was a remarkable man
who challenged the generally
accepted ideas about Africa and
African people. Extensive re­
search in this documentary of­
fers the possibility of another
route for African development
based on autonomy and local
The pubic is invited to join
Jefferson High School and North Thom as Sankara
You will come to know why
Portland Branch Neighborhood
Library for this Multicultural Film Sankara is still venerated on his
Festival selection in the JHS own continent, Africa, as a leg­
endary martyr.
Community Room, A-43.
U U d ti 1UV Î ’ 503-288-0033
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A retha’s Inauguration H at Drives Sales
(AP) - The calls began to
flood Luke Song's hat shop not
long after Aretha Franklin fin­
ished belting out "My Country.
'Tis o f Thee" at P resident
Barack Obama's inauguration.
Franklin, who wore a gray
felt custom-designed hat from
Mr. Song Millinery, has inad­
vertently caused an economic
boom for the South Korean
immigrant's store.
Song said he wasn't prepared
for the hundreds of calls re­
questing the hat with a Swarovski
rhinestone-bordered bow.
"We even have a lot of men
calling to get it for their wives,
mothers and grandmothers,"
Song said.
The hat worn by the "Queen
of Soul" was hand-molded and
would cost upward of $500 —
if it were for sale, the 36-year-
old designer said. Customers
instead were offered a satin
ribbon version for $ 179.
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Reggie’s Barber Shop
3213 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Aretha Franklin a nd th e hat s h e wore to perform a t P resident Barack O bam a's inauguration.
"They want the same hat, but tomer for about 20 of those
they understand it's for the years. The store also sells to
'Queen'only," he said. "Ninety- about 500 boutiques across the
nine percent said, 'That's fine. country.
"We always make hats for
I'll get the next best thing.'"
The family millinery has been her for high-profile events, so
in Detroit for about 25 years, for us, the inauguration really
and Franklin has been a cus­ was no big deal," Song said.
Giant Screen Thrills at OMSI
Rush at Dome
Experience the electrifying
thrills of risk taking on the giant
screen in Adrenaline Rush: The
Science o f Risk opening Satur­
day, Jan. 31 at the O regon M u­
seum o f Science and Industry ’ s
(OMSK s) Omnimax Dome The­
From the soaring and breath­
taking cliffs o f Norway to the
calm and inspiring immensity of
the M ojave D esert, from a
child's daunting first day of
school to the exciting world of
skydiving and base jum ping.
A drenaline Rush explores the
psychological and physiologi­
cal forces behind risk taking
and the physics involved in
high-risk activities.
Adrenaline Rush examines why
the human mind and body craves
danger as viewers experience
breathtaking views of skydiving
over the Florida Keys and a 4,265-
foot jum p from a legendary Nor­
wegian cliff.
The film also follows two top
veteran skydivers as they pre­
pare to undertake a unique scien-
The design for Franklin's hat
came from two different hats at
the store.
" She walked through the shop
and said 'I want that bow (put)
on that hat,"' he said. "She had
the coat already, but she needed
the hat to set it off."
Specialize in all hair types; Straight razor
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We a re lo c a te d o n the
c o m e r o f M L K a n d R u sse ll
Street, on th e s e c o n d f l o o r
a b o v e th e c o ffe e shop.
W Pvkma Arti
tific experiment: trying to fly the
parachute imagined in 1485 by
Leonardo da Vinci, the first para­
chute design ever recorded in the
For information on tickets and
showtimes, call 503-797-4640 or
visit omsi.edu.
£ *
RltiMcIl St