January 28, 2009 ®*1* sp o rtia n i» 0í)b»eruer Page AIO Arts x V IMIIIÁMIM_________________ ‘Switch’ Premieres at the Hollywood Local film explores gender attitudes p lo re s th e im p a c t o f a g e n d e r tr a n s i­ tio n not on the individual going th ro u g h tra n sitio n b u t on the su rro u n d in g c o m ­ m u n ity o f fa m ily , frie n d s, c o -w o rk e rs m entary is the experience o f N e lso n ’s ow n gender transition and how through the process he becam e aw are o f how m uch the responsibility fo r change fell W h a t if y o u r fa v o rite c o -w o rk e r to ld y ou sh e w as g o in g to b e c o m e a m a n ? W h a t w o u ld y o u r re sp o n se be if a frie n d fro m c h u rc h to ld y ou th e sam e th in g ? O r, w h at if he w as y o u r b ro th e r- in -law o r she w as y o u r a u n t? Y o u r b e st frie n d from sc h o o l? Y o u r sp o u se ? “ S w itch : A C o m m u n ity in T ra n s i­ tio n ,” is a new d o c u m e n ta ry th a t ex - an d o th e rs. B o x x o P ro d u c tio n s in a sso c ia tio n w ith F ilm A c tio n O re g o n w ill p re se n t th e first p u b lic sc re e n in g o f th e film at th e H o lly w o o d T h e a tre , 4 1 2 2 N .E . S an d y B lv d ., on W e d n e sd a y , F eb. 4 at on the people around him . E ntertaining, frank and finely crafted, th e film h ig h lig h ts how frie n d s and fa m ily h av e to sw itch la n g u a g e , sw itch g e n d e r p ro n o u n s and e x a m in e th e ir o w n a ttitu d e s a n d w h at it m e a n s to be 7 p.m . Produced by local film m akerand long­ tim e activist B rooks N elson, this docu- m ale an d fe m a le . T ic k e ts are $8 and a v a ila b le at the d o o r o r in a d v a n c e . Clark College Jazz Festival Clark College invites the pub­ lic toenjoy three full days of vocal and big band jazz at the 47th Annual Clark College Jazz Festi­ val in Vancouver. Vocal and big band en­ sembles from throughout Washington and Oregon will compete Thursday, Jan, 2 9 through Saturday, Jan. 31 at the Clark College Jazz Festival in Vancouver. Dixion ’s Rib Pit P o etry a t M iracles — Local and national artists and musicians share an evening of spoken word and music at the Miracles Club, 4069 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd, each W ednesday, between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. 503-753-0868 Hours 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday Sunday after church at 3:00 p.m. W rite A ro u n d P o rtla n d — will host a free 10 week writing workshop, for those w ho have fam ily m em bers serving or have served in Iraq and Afghanistan cam ­ paigns. For more information, call 503- 796-9224. Pick up Delivery and Catering Dinners $9.50 Sandwiches $8.50 And Soul Food In te rn a tio n a l Film s — The Northwest Film Center presents the 32nd Portland International Film Festival, Feb. 5-21 with 115 com pelling new films from over three dozen countries. The festival opens T hurs­ day, Feb. 5 at the Arlene Schnitzer C on­ cert Hall. The full festival program is available online at nw film .org. Try us once you ’ll come back again I We flash & unlock cell phones j Cell Phone Repairs j I Fix screen • Water damage • Power supply j 1 303 N.E. Killingsworth 503-735-1422 *10% o f flashing with this coupon ’ ’ Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 michael @ bridgetownrealty.com Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any of your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a commitment to quality service. BRIDGETOWN REALTY 1 □ fiÄuor The 47 year old tradition will take place Thursday through Sat­ urday, Jan. 29-31 .inGaiserHallon the Clark College campus, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way. Forty-five jazz ensembles and 15 vocal jazz ensembles from throughout Washington and Or­ egon are scheduled to perform in this year’s high school competi­ tion. Preliminary competitions take place on Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Friday and Satur- Burnside, and Portland’s Story Theater present the true-story o f British Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton and the 1914 voyage o f the Endurance; w hich became trapped in the ice. For reservations, call 503-793-5484. The W iz - Tickets are now on sale for perform ances o f “The W iz," the all-black adaptation o f the “W onderful W izard of O z,” under production by Stum ptow n Stages and scheduled Feb. 13 through M arch 11 at the Jefferson H igh School Auditorium. Visit stum ptow nstages.com or call the box office at 503-381-8686. Luna M usic Series - Friday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m., In O ther W ords Bookstore, 8 NE Killingsw orth, will showcase local female m usicians. For more inform ation, visit m yspace.com /lunam usicseries. Boxing in the C ouv - Saturday, Jan. 31, at 6 p.m., H udson’s Bay High School, 1206 E Reserve St. and the V ancouver Police A ctivities League will host a fantas­ tic night o f am ateur boxing. For more information, call 360-487-7490. F a t Pig - T his m onth, the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Inter­ state Ave., presents “Fat Pig,” the story of a man who falls for a plus sized beauty and boldly questions the importance o f conventional good looks. For tickets, call 503-205-0715 or visit ifc c a rts.o rg . Oregon Historical Society Party - Sat­ urday, Feb. 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 15, from noon to 5 p.m., the H istorical Society, 1200 S.W. Park Ave., host the State o f O r­ egon birthday party with cake, children’s activities, tours, and free adm ission. N o rm a n S y lvester B and - Fri­ day, Jan. 30, at D om enic’s in M ilwaukee at 9 p.m. For more information, call 503-281-5989. Y a rd , G a rd e n & P a tio Show - F riday, Feb. 27 thru Sunday, M arch 1, at the Oregon C onven­ tion Center, stroll through lavish display gardens, enjoy free sem inars, wine tasting and more. For more information, call 503-342-6401. C ho co lateF est - Currently through Sun­ day, Feb. 1, the W orld Forestry Center. Enjoy cascading chocolate fountains, de­ licious sam ples, w ine, sake chocolate pairings, and more. A n ta rc tic N ig h tm a re — Friday and Sat­ urday at 8 p.m., Hipbone Studio, 1847 E. Bob th e B u ild er — T V s Bob the Builder and his Can-D o Crew invite aspiring young builders to help get the jo b done in a hands-on traveling exhibit at the Portland C hildren’s M useum. The 2,000 square- foot, multim edia exhibit invites explora­ tion and team w ork for children and fam i­ lies. The show has been extended through until June 7. Enchanting C om edy - Lakew ood T he­ ater Com pany presents “Bell, Book and Candle,” a rom antic com edy about a witch who casts a spell on her handsom e young neighbor and her life is turned upside d o w n . P e rfo rm a n c e s a re sc h e d u le d through Feb. 22 at the Lake Center o f the Arts, 368 S. State St. in Lake Oswego. Call 503-635-3901 or visit lakew ood- cen ter.o rg . O M S I A fte r D a rk - OM SI A fter Dark is a night at the m useum for the 21 and over crowd filled with food, drink and science fun; $10 fee. For more inform a­ tion call 503-797-4000 or visit om si.edu. Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor W ay, will host the ongoing weekend series featuring Portland’s rich jazz scene with no cover or minimum purchase. For m ore inform ation, visit pdxjazz.com . Sliders G rill — Sliders Grill, 3011 N. Lombard, features an eclectic assortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage, accom ­ panied by delicious food. Call 503-459- 4488 for more information. F re e F irst F rid a y N ights - The Portland C hildren’s M useum has partnered with Target to provide free adm ission to every­ one on the first Friday o f each month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. “ E v e ry th in g I do is c o lla b o ra tiv e . It's ju s t m y w ay. I'm re a lly v e ry in te re s te d in h o w th e o th e r m u s ic ia n s p e rce ive th e s o n g .” C a ssa n d ra W ils o n KMHD radio is a collaborative effort; without the generous support from our listeners we wouldn't be on the air! Show us that Jazz & Blues music is important to you and your community! Mail to KMHD/MHCC/26000 SE Stark, Gresham, OR 9703« Name Address State: ' Card # _____ ___________________ Amount: _____ ___________________ __________________ c , | ys ________ /jp : _______________ Phone:_______________ _____________________ ________ Exp. Date: ___________ ■ Signature: A hrnadcast service oí M t. Hood Community College I day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with final competitions beginning Saturday at 7 p.m. The show cased bands this year will be the Clark College Vocal Jazz Ensemble, performing at noon and 9 p.m. on Thursday, and the Clark College Jazz Ensemble, per­ forming at noon and 9 p.m. on Friday, and at noon on Saturday. Admission is $5 per day. Clark College students and children under 12 accompanied by an adult will be admitted free of charge. O regon Zoo Buck Tuesdays - - On the 2nd Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the zoo during regular zoo hours for the discounted price of $2 per person! O M SI $2 D ays - The first Sunday o f every m onth can spark your passion for science at the OM SI when adm ission is just $2. For more information, visit O M SI.edu. M usic Millennium Free Shows - The Music Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house live performances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to meet local artists. Call 503-231-8926 for a schedule.