Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 21, 2009, Page 8, Image 8

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January 21, 2009
Notorious Big Hits Box Office
The m ovie biopic that details
the life o f the late rapper N otori­
ous BIG is a huge box office hit.
The film, released by Fox Search­
light Pictures and executive pro­
duced by Sean "Diddy" Com bs,
opened well at theaters in its first
week and soldover$2<) million in
For the m ost part, the film was
w ell-liked from critics and fans.
Most noted was the talented cast
o f actors and actresses w ho d e­
livered believable perform ances.
T h e c a s t in c lu d e d : A n g e la
Bassett - who played his mom
Volleta Wallace; Derek Luke - who
p la y e d P. D id d y ; N a tu ri
Naughton - who played Lil Kim;
A ntonique Sm ith - who played
Faith Evans; Anthony M ackie -
who played Tupac; and Jamal
W oolard - w ho played Notorious
Jamal Woolard plays Notori­
ous Big.
BIG himself.
Despite the film ’s success, it
did create some drama. During
the opening weekend in New York
City at Djum bala night club, 4
people were stabbed at a party
that was celebrating the release
of the film. A nother person was
shot during in argum ent about
the film at a m ovie theater in
G reensboro, N.C,
Also, rapper Lil Kim put out a
statem ent to the press indicating
that she did not like how she was
portrayed in the film. She was
quoted as saying: "The film stu­
dio and producers involved were
more concerned about painting
me as a "character" to create a more
interesting story line instead o f a
person with talent, self-respect
and who was able to achieve her
own career success through hard
Many reviewers seemed to be
particularly happy with actor Jamal
Woolard - who didn't look 100%
like Notorious BIG, but was able to
bring his character back to life.
Jami Chatalas plays an enchanting witch who casts a casts a love spell on her hand­
some neighbor in “Bell, Book and Candle," at the Lakewood Center for the Arts in Lake
Lakewood’s Enchanting Comedy
Lakew ood Theater Com pany
p r e s e n ts " B e ll, B o o k an d
C andle,” a stylish and funny
rom antic com edy about an en­
chanting w itch w ho casts a love
spell on her handsom e young
neighbor and her life is turned
upside down.
Scott Rink and Drew Jacoby with the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company in ‘Dvorak Serenade.'
Dancers to Make Portland Debut
T he L ar L u b o v itch D ance
C om pany w ill m ake its W hite
Bird deb u t on W ednesday, Jan.
28 at the A rlene S ch n itz er C o n ­
cert H all as part o f its first US
to u r in m ore than a d ecade to
m ark the com pany "s 4 0th an n i­
v ersary season.
O ver the years, the 14-m em -
b er com pany has gained a rep u ­
ta tio n as one o f the w o rld ’s
forem ost m odern dance co m p a­
nies, having p erfo rm ed in v irtu ­
ally every state and in m ore
than 30 fo reign co u n tries. L ar
L ubovitch has been cited by
T he N ew Y ork T im es as “one o f
the 10 best ch o re o g ra p h ers in
the w o rld .”
T he L ar L ub o v itch D an ce
C om pany’s program in Portland
will feature three outstanding
works. The program begins with
Lubovitch’s Jangle (2008), sub­
Good Deeds Can
Mean Good
Tax Breaks!
And you're not
lim ited to
donations, we'll
•Your car
•Your boat
•Your house
Soon you'll be
preparing your
federal ta x return...
don't fo rg e t you can
count your donation
to KMH0 89.1 FM as
a charitable
Your donation can
add up to a nice tax
if you itemize
T h a i F o o d C a fé
tilled “Four Hungarian D ances.”
T he second w ork is M e n 's
S tories, L u b o v itc h ’s acclaim ed
dark, haunting m asterw ork from
2000 that ex p lo res m ascu lin ity ,
b iography and ch aracter. T he
evening concludes w ith D vorak
S erenade (2007), a suite o f four
th a t e x e m p li f ie s
L u b o v itc h ’s m asterly g ift for
sw eeping p attern s and w hirling
m otions.
T he snow ed o u t T o y z N
T he H ood T oy D rive co n cert
to b en efit th e S alv atio n A rm y
w ith a d o n atio n o f toys to
u nder p riv ileg ed fam ilies in
o u r co m m u n ities has been re­
sch ed u led to the ev en in g o f
Friday, Feb. 6 at the R oseland,
8 N .W . S ixth A ve.
E xecutive B ranch M anage­
m en t p ro m o te rs sa id th e y
d id n ’t w ant to let the w eath er
be the reaso n that the ev en t
w as co m p letely ca n ce le d so
on T hursday, Jan. 29 at T he A sh
Street, 225 S.W . A sh St..
H osted by G en. E rik and DJ
O regon 97217 • T e l.(503) 285-8745
Business hours
M onda y- Friday 11 :(X)ani-3:3()pm
M onda y- Friday 3 :00-pm — 9:(X)pm
Saturday-Sunday noon-9:(X)pm
North Portland
Cool Nutz
it w as resch ed u led .
“ H elp us give back to our
c o m m u n ity
f a m i lie s
th at w ould g reatly ap p reciate
y o u r d o n atio n w h eth e r toys or
clo th es," o rg an iz ers said.
T he co n cert, h o sted by DJ
F a tb o y , w ill fe a tu re p e rfo r­
m an ces by th e Ja ck a , L u n io
C o le o n e & C o o l N u tz , th e
D irtb all, L aro o D o u b le 00 and
A d m issio n is free w ith a d o ­
nation to the S alv atio n A rm y.
F atboy, the show w ill feature
M aniac L o k and K en n y M ack,
S erg e
S e v ere
M ie
C ren sah w , L u ck -O n e, D ubble
OOand T -G unna.
T h e N o rth w est B reakout ra ­
d io show , h osted by C ool N utz,
is a new ou tlet to ex p o se the
m asses to q u ality u rban m usic
from the N o rth w est. W ith the
su ccess o f the show , Jam m in
107.5 has m o v ed the broadcast
from its one h o u r tim e slot on
F rid ay s to a new tw o h o u r tim e
slo w o n S a tu rd a y e v e n in g s
from 6 to 8 p.m .
1 ".¡J?
Historical Society, 1200 SW Park Ave., host
the State o f O regon birthday party with cake,
children’s activities, tours, and free adm is­
Fat Pig - This month, the Interstate Firehouse
Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., pre­
sents “Fat Pig,” the story o f a man w ho falls
for a plus sized beauty and boldly questions
the im portance o f conventional good looks.
For tick ets, call 503-2 0 5 -0 7 1 5 or visit
N o rm a n S y lv ester B an d —
Friday, Jan. 30, at D om enic’s
in M ilw aukee at 9 p.m. For
more information, call 503-281 -
C hoeolateFest - Currently
thru Feb. 1, the W orld For­
estry C enter. Enjoy cascading chocolate
fountains, delicious sam ples, w ine, sake
chocolate pairings, and more.
A ntarctic N ightm are - Fridays and Satur­
days, Jan. 23 through Jan. 31, at 8 p.m.,
Hipbone Studio, 1847 E. B urnside, and
P ortland's Story T heater present the true-
story of British Antarctic explorer Ernest
Shackleton and the 1914 voyage o f the E n­
durance; w hich becam e trapped in the ice.
For reservations, call 503-793-5484.
833 N o rth K illin g s w o rth Street, Portland,
until Feb. 22 at the Lake Center
of the Arts, 368 S. State St. in
Lake Oswego.
Tickets are $25 for adults and
$23 for students and seniors.
Call the theatre box office at 503-
635-3901 or v isit o n lin e at
lakew ood-center.org.
New Date for Toyz Benefit
Live Peformance
Breakout Show
T he second live perform ance
o f the Jam m in 107.5 N orthw est
Breakout Show will take place
The 1950 play led to the 1958
movie staring Jimmy Stewart and
Kim N ovack, w hich led to the
television series “Bew itched.”
Directed by Bruce Blanchard,
“Bell, Book and C andle” plays
Thursdays through Saturdays
at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m.
Luna M usic Series - Friday, Jan. 30, at 7
p.m., In O ther W ords Bookstore, 8 NE
K illingsw orth, will show case local female
m usicians. For m ore in fo rm atio n , visit
m yspace.com /lunam usicseries.
Boxing in the C ouv - Saturday, Jan. 31, at 6
p.m., H udson's Bay High School, 1206 E
Reserve St. and the V ancouver Police Activi­
ties League will host a fantastic night o f
am ateur boxing. For more inform ation, call
O regon H istorical Society Party -- Satur­
day, Feb. 14, from 10 a m . to 5 p.m. and
Sunday, Feb. 15, from noon to 5 p.m ., the
W rite A round Portland - W rite Around
Portland, will host a free 10 week writing
w orkshop, for those w ho have family m em ­
bers serving or have served in Iraq and
A fghanistan cam paigns; for more inform a­
tion, please call 503-796-9224.
Poetry at M iracles - Local and national
artists and m usicians share an evening of
spoken word and music at the M iracles
Club, 4069N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. BI vd.
each W ednesday, betw een 7:30 p.m. and
Basics o f G oing Solar W orkshop - Port­
land State University will host the free one-
hour w orkshop teaching the solar basics;
different solar technologies, financial incen­
tives, loan options and more. W orkshops are
scheduled for Jan. 22 and Feb. 17, from 6:30
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For m ore inform ation, visit
en erg y tru st.o rg .
Yard,G arden & Patio Show - Friday,
Feb. 27 thru Sunday, M arch 1, at the
O regon C onvention C enter, stroll
through lavish display gardens,
enjoy free seminars, wine tast­
ing and more. For more infor­
mation, call 503-342-6401.
O M S I A fte r D a rk -- O M SI A fter Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science fun;
$10 fee. For more inform ation call 503-797-
4(XX) or visit om si.edu.
L ive J a z z — Every Friday and Saturday from
8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees Lounge
at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor
W ay, will host the ongoing w eekend series
featuring Portland’s rich jazz scene with no
cover or m inim um purchase. For m ore infor­
mation, visitpdxjazz.com .
O pen M ie N ight - E very W ednesday night
at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats M arket and C afé, 8638
N. Lom bard St., host open mie night.
S lid ersG rill-SlidersG rill,3011N. Lombard,
features an eclectic assortm ent o f perform ­
ers on the main stage, accom panied by deli­
cious food. Call 503-459-4488 for more infor­
F ree First Friday Nights - The Portland
C hildren's Museum has partnered with Target
to provide free admission to everyone on the
first Friday of each month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
O re g o n Z oo B uck T u esd a y s — On the 2nd
T uesday o f every month, the
zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays
w hen guests can tour the
zo o d u rin g reg u lar zoo
hours for the discounted
• ’
price o f $2 per person!
Bob the Builder - TVs Bob
the Builder and his Can-
Do Crew invite aspiring
young builders to help
get the jo b done in a
hands-on travel ing ex ­
h ib it at th e P o rtla n d
C h ild ren ’s M useum . The
2,000 square-foot, multimedia
exhibit invites exploration and
team w ork for children and families. The
show has been extended through until June
O M SI $2 D ays -
The first Sunday of
e v e ry m o n th can
spark your passion
for science at the
O M SI when adm is­
sion is ju st $2. For
m ore inform ation, visit
O M SI.edu.
M u sic M ille n n iu m F ree
Show s -- The M usic M illen­
nium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts
in-house live perform ances.
Enjoy free m usic and the oppor­
tunity to meet local artists. Call 503-231 -8926
for a schedule.