Page A7 January 21, 2009 ______________ L a w & J ustice Plan Addresses Local Gang Violence With ‘Operation Cool Down’ Portland City C om m issioner Dan Saltzman, the elected official w ho recently took over m anage­ ment o f the Portland Police Bu­ reau, announced the creation of a m ulti-agency mission Thursday to respond to an increase in gang- related violence in the com m u­ nity. C a lle d “ O p e r a tio n C o o l D ow n,” the m ission will focus governm ent resources and en ­ forcem ent on individuals and neighborhoods affected by gang violence. Dan Saltzman photo by M ark W ashington /T hk P ori lami O bserver Gang outreach officer John Canda tries to get parents involved in the lives o f gang-affiliated young people. The community outreach on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard followed several weeks o f gang shootings and homicides from Portland to Gresham. L.A. Goes after Gangs’ Money (AP) -- The gang capital o f the world is taking a new tack against them: cash dam ages. T he city o f L os A n g ele s, plagued by 23,(XX) violent gang crim es since 2004, including 784 m urders and 12,(XX) felony as­ saults, announced last w eek that it had won its first civil judgm ent, for $5 m illion, against a crim inal gang that had dom inated the heroin trade dow ntow n for de­ cades. The verdict could bode well for another first-of-its-kind law ­ suit the city filed last month that goes after all assets o f gang lead­ ers, not just those associated with their crim inal activity. Both suits seek to plow the money back into im proving the neighborhoods affected by the gangs through a fund. "By giving prosecutors more tools to fight gang activity at the local level, we are protecting our Assets go to repair neighborhoods I f you break the law, we will not only find you, arrest you, and put you behind bars, we will also take away your money, your property, your homes, and your cars. ■■ Rocky Delgadillo, Los Angeles city attorney Joshua Lynch, 12, holds a sign at an anti-gang rally in Geensboro, N.C. communities at the same ti me | that | we're able to strengthen our state­ wide anti-gang efforts," said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in a state­ ment released with the announce­ ment of the $5 mill ion verdict against the 5th and Hill gang in L.A. The civil suits were filed under different am endm ents to state laws, one passed in 2007 and one in 2(X)8, designed to strengthen au th o rities' ab ility to control gangs. The 2(X)7 am endm ent al­ lows law enforcem ent to seize assets associated with crim inal conduct. But the 2(X)8 law goes even further - it allow s prosecu­ tors to col lect dam age s from gang members' personal assets, too. IMNMMSMMM* Representatives from Portland Police Bureau, G resham Police D epartm ent, M ultnom ah County D istrict A ttorney’s O ffice, and the United State A tto rn ey 's O f­ fice will be coordinating their ef­ forts with the Portland O ffice of Youth Violence Prevention, mem­ bers o f the faith com m unity, so­ cial service agencies, and citizen volunteers. D uring the m ission, com m u­ nity m em bers will see enhanced patrols by officers from the Port­ land Police G ang Enforcem ent Team , H otSpot Enforcem ent A c­ tion Team, the East M etro Gang Enforcem ent T eam , M ultnom ah County Parole and Probation and M etropolitan G ang Task Force. T he im proved coordination between law enforcem ent gang prevision efforts is m eant to pro­ vide young people who are at risk o f gang affiliation with alterna­ tives that steer them aw ay from acts of violence. Recognizing that this program will not perm anently solve the longstanding problem o f gang violence, Saltzm an said is in the process o f seeking long-term so­ lutions to com bat the violence that plagues our com munities. The D ecem ber suit against the 18th Street gang is the first to make use o f the 2(X )8 amendment. "W e're sending a message to gang leaders across this city," sa id C ity A tto rn e y R o c k y D elgadillo at a press conference last month. "Ifyou break the law, we will not only find you, arrest you, and put you behind bars, we will also take aw ay your money, your property, your homes, and your cars. Every penny we strip away will be returned to the neigh­ borhoods." The tactic of trying to cripple organizations by taking away their assets has been commonly used against the mafia. More recently, it has been used against white su­ premacist organizations. In 2(XX), the Southern Poverty Law Center won a $6.3 million verdict against the Aryan Nations that forced the organization to give up its 20-acre compound in Idaho. Back by Popular Demand O ld S chool M aster B arber R e g g ie B r o w n Hours/Days\ 1 l-7Tues-Fri • 10-7 Sat Reggie’s Barber Shop 3213 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. BI vd • 503-280-0222 Specialize in all hair types. Straight razor cuts/ lines /shaves; Sheers, Clippers and Fades Transit Cop Pleads Not Guilty Wanda Johnson (right), mother o f Oscar Grant, leaves an Oakland, Calif., courtroom, Thurs­ day, after Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer Johannes Mehserle was arraigned for murder in the shooting death o f her son. S h e riffs d ep u ties esco rted (AP) — The form er O akland, Calif, transit police officer charged M e h serle 's rela tiv e s into the with m urder in the shooting o f an courtroom , which was filled with unarmed black man on New Year’s family mem bers and supporters D ay pleaded not guilty T hurs­ o f the victim, 22-year-old O scar Grant The M ehserle fam ily has day. T he atto rn ey fo r Jo h an n es reported receiving several death M ehserle, 27, entered the plea on threats since the shooting. Prosecutors say M ehserle was his client's behalf in an Alam eda C o u n ty c o u r tr o o m , w h e re standing over Grant, who was M ehserle was kept behind a glass lying facedown and restrained on partition, out o f view to most a train platform, when the Bay people during the 10-minute hear­ Area Rapid Transit officer fired one shot into the man's back. ing. Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. 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