il!‘‘ 'P o rtlattò ffîhseruer Page A4 lanuaiy 21, 2009 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news @ portlandobserver. com. O pinion Glorious Day, Glorious Result America’s first black president In memory of Joyce Washington We miss you mom The follow ing is an editorial o f the Portland O bserver: B arack O b am a’s in a u g u ra­ tion as the 4 4th p resid en t o f the U nited S tates w as a g lo rio u s day fo r all A m ericans. By b eco m in g the first A fri­ can A m erican president, O bam a fulfills the prom ise in our D ecla­ ratio n o f In d ep en d en ce w hich states that all m en are created pressed A m erica w ith his o ra ­ the ideal that children anyw here eq u al. can asp ire to b eco m e p resid en t D em o cracy m ade this h is­ tory sk ills and in tellect. H e earn ed sup p o rt from all th em selv es. to ric day p o ssib le. P resid en t O b am a fu lfills the By a clear m ajority, people o f d e m o g ra p h ic s , re g a rd le s s o f d ream o f o u r g reat civil rig h ts all b ack g ro u n d s rejected the ra ­ race and id eo lo g y , but e s p e ­ hero. Dr. M a rtin L u th erK in g Jr., cial b iases o f the past and v oted cially from the m any d ru m m a­ w ho lo o k ed fo r that day w hen a jo rs fo re q u ality and civil rights. for a p erso n w ho had p ro v ed p erso n is A m erica is ju d g e d on T h is d o e s n ’t m ean racial d i­ his q u a lific a tio n s for the h ig h ­ th eir c h a racter an d not the co lo r visions have ended. W e know est o ffice in the land an d as our o f th e ir skin. the hu rtfu l hate o f p reju d ices co m m an d e r in chief. A m erica ju d g e d ch aracter. A s a co m m u n ity o rg an izer, still cau se great harm and m ust O b a m a ’s in au g u ratio n as the c o n s titu tio n a l law p ro fe s s o r be co n fro n te d to d ay an d to ­ first A frican A m erican P re si­ and U.S. Senator, Barack O bam a morrow. But the inauguration o f a p e r­ d en t is a g ran d resu lt o f the long ran a cam p aig n that reach ed out to the A m erican people. H e im ­ son o f co lo r is a fu lfillm en t o f fig h t fo r eq u ality and ju stice . Enduring Power of a Dream Happy 70th Birthday Barack Obama brings new chapter Kathrine Curry by R alph B. E verett T oday w e begin a new chapter in the story o f A m erica and in the prom ise it holds for all people. T w o h u n d red an d thirty-three years after our c o u n try w as founded on bedrock principles o f human equality, an African Ameri­ P roverbs 31 Love from your children, grandchi Idren and great grandkids ‘E1't ^Jorthntb (lf)bscrucr Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ___ _____________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211 C harles H. W ashington E d it o r . M i c h a e l L e ig h to n D is t r ib u t io n M a n a g e r : M a r k W a s h in g to n C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r : P a u l N e u f e l d t E d it o r -I n -C h ie f , P u blis h e r : can now occupies the highest elected office in the land. Behind that sim ple fact are many tales about the arc of o u r h isto ry an d the _. p e o p le w h o h a v e helped bend it tow ard this moment. President Barack O bam a has already begun to set a new direc- The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the tion to address the enorm ous burdens that have been placed on his shoulders. But for the rest o f us, espe­ cially those w ho never thought they w ould live to see this day, it is a tim e to pause and reflect on the w onders o f our dem ocracy and the enduring pow er o f the d ream th a t has been ca rrie d through the ages from the found­ ing fathers to Dr. King and into the present day. It isa tim e to teach our children about the new possibilities that are now theirs to behold. And while the vision o f a more perfect union now seem s closer to our grasp, our new President has noted that there is a long road ahead o f us. At the sam e tim e, he has spo­ ken eloquently about a new spirit o f service and responsibility in w hich each A m erican is called upon to look after not only our­ selves, but each other. W e w holeheartedly endorse that m essage and pledge to carry it forw ard in every aspect o f our work. R alph B. E verett is president o f the Joint C enter fo r Political a n d E conom ic Studies. composition o f such ad © 2008 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRO­ DUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED The Portland Observer-Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication is a member of the National Newspaper Associa­ Enormous Positive Change tion-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 ads@portlandobserverxom subscription^ P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, P0 Bos3137, Portland, 0R 97208 NEW S E A S O N S M A R K E T N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o rite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to re n o w d e liv e rs g ro c e rie s rig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . R ea C arey A m e ric a m a d e h is to ry today with the sw earing-in o f Barack O bam a as its 44th presi­ dent. It is our hope this truly m arks the daw n o f a new political era of engagement in the lifeof thiscoun- try. In his speech, the president spoke o f our nation’s need to reaffirm its enduring spirit and “carry forw ard that precious gift, that noble idea ... (theJ prom ise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full m easure o f happiness.’’ O ur country has m ade signifi­ cant strides in advancing this by ‘n o b le id e a ' to w ard fu ll- fledged reality, but w e’re not there yet. T oo many people continue to face discrim ina­ tion and hardship. As President O bam a as­ sum es the role o f A m erica's forem ost leader, we call upon him to fulfill the prom ise o f a nation w here lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are recognized and valued as part o f this country's strength, spirit and solution. T he fact that the official W hite H ouse W eb site was updated just this afternoon with a list o f com ­ m itm ents to L G B T rights is al­ re a d y en o rm o u s p o s itiv e ch a n g e.”\ R ea Carey is executive direc­ tor o f the N ational G ay a n d L es­ bian Task Force. President Obama’s Leadership by S en . J eee M erki . ey As I traveled to the Capitol today, 1 could feel agrow ing sense o fex citem entalloverthiscity. At one point, Mary and I w ent passed a city bus full o f people chanting ‘O bam a’ and the streets got pro­ gressively more crow ded and fes­ tive as we neared the National w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) “ Everything I do is collaborative. It's ju s t my way. I'm really very interested in how the o th e r m usicians perceive the song.” Cassandra W ilson KMHD radio is a collaborative effort; without the generous support from our listeners we wouldn’t be on the air! Show us that Jazz & Blues music is important to you and your community! Mail to KMHD/MHCC726000 SE Stark, Gresham. OR 97030 Amount: City: _ Phone: Exp. Date: A broadcast service of M t. Hood Community College I I Mall. T here w as a trem endous feel­ ing o f purpose and a readiness to em bark on a new chapter in our nation’s history. President O bam a really cap ­ tured the difficult place we are in as a country - faced with two w ars and a broken econom y. He observed, how ever, that A m erica has faced difficult chal­ lenges before. And as we have w orked to g eth er to overcom e those challenges, we will work together to overcom e what lies before us. P resident O bam a ap p ro p ri­ ately gave a serious speech - not one full o f applause lines but one that really outlined the problem s we face and prepared the nation for the difficult choices we will have to m ake to get back on track. I know 1 jo in all Am ericans in pledging to work with President O bam a to take the necessary steps to restore peace and prosperity, and ensure that we are all able to fulfill our G od-given potential. J e ff M erkley o f P ortland is the new ly elected U.S. Senator fro m Oregon. I