Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 21, 2009, Page 12, Image 12

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President Obama!
lanuary 21. 2009
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S A TU R D A Y &
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama wave to the crowd lining the
inaugural parade route Tuesday in Washington, D.C.
new adm inistration, though polls show A m eri­
cans are confident O bam a is on track to suc­
ceed. He has cautioned that im provem ents will
stock o f the nation's sobering problems.
take tim e and that things will get worse before
"That we are in the midst o f crisis is now well
they get better.
understood," he said.
Culm inating four days o f celebration, the
"Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching
nation's 56th inauguration day began for Obama
netw ork o f violence and hatred. O ur econom y
and Vice President-elect Joe Biden with a tradi­
is badly weakened. ... Homes have been lost,
tional m orning worship service at St. John's
jo b s shed, businesses shuttered. O ur health
Episcopal Church, across Lafayette Park from
care is too costly, our schools fail too many, and
the W hite House. Bells pealed from the historic-
each day brings further evidence that the ways
church's tow er as Obama and his wife, M ichelle,
we use energy strengthen our adversaries and
arrived five m inutes behind schedule.
threaten our planet."
The festivities weren't ending until well after
O utlining goals abroad and putting foes on
midnight, with dancing and partying at 10 inau­
notice, he declared:
gural balls.
"We will begin to respon­
By custom , O bam a and his
sibly leave Iraq to its people
wife, and Biden and his wife,
an d fo rg e a h a rd -e a rn e d
Jill, w en, directly from church
peace in Afghanistan. With
to the W hite House for coffee
old friends and form er foes,
with Bush and his wife, Laura.
we will work tirelessly to
M ichelle Obama brought a gift
lessen the nuclear threat, and
the outgoing first lady in a
roll back the specter o f a warm­
box decorated with a red
ing planet. We will not apolo­
gize for our way o f life, nor will
- President
S hortly before 11 a m.,
we w aver in its defense, and
O bam a and Bush clim bed into
for those who seek to ad­
a lim ousine to share a ride to
vance their aim s by inducing
the Capitol for the transfer o f power, an even,
terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to
flashed around the world in television and radio
you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot
broadcasts, podcasts and Internet streaming.
be broken. You cannot outlast us, and we will
Just after noon, O bam a stepped forward on
defeat you."
the W est Front o f the Capitol to lay his left hand
It was the first change o f adm inistrations
on the same Bible that President A braham
since the terror attacks of Sept. 1 1 ,2(X)1.
Lincoln used at his first inauguration in 1861.
Bush — following tradition — left a note for
The 35-word oath o f office, adm inistered by
O bam a in the top draw er o f his desk in the Oval
C hief Justice John Roberts, has been uttered by
every president since G eorge W ashington.
W hite House press secretary D ana Perino
O bam a was one o f 22 D em ocratic senators to
said the them e o f the m essage — which Bush
vote against Roberts' confirm ation to the Su­
wrote on M onday — was sim ilar to what he has
preme Court in 2005.
said since election night: that O bam a is about
to begin a "fabulous new chapter" in the United
T he son o f a w hite, K an sas-b o rn m o th er
States, and that he wishes him well.
and a black, K enya-born father, O bam a d e ­
The unfinished business o f the Bush adm in­
cided to use his full nam e in the sw earin g -in
istration thrusts an enorm ous burden onto the
cerem ony.
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That we are
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Call for Bids - Construction
Project Name: U of 0 - Central Power Station Upgrade, Eugene, Oregon
Project Location:
Project Owner:
Bid Date:
Com pany Name:
P re -B id
Every shopping trip* counts.
1155 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403
University of Oregon
February 3, 2 0 0 9 ,1 :0 0 p.m.
U of 0 - Central Power Station Upgrade
M e e tin g : 1 /2 7 /0 9 , 1 0 :0 0 am -
All tra d e s ,
Pre-Bid Meeting: 1/27/09,11:00 am - MEP ONLY
Bids Due: February 3, 2 0 0 9 ,1:00pm
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Turner Construction Company, (CM?GC) requests subcontractor bids for the above project
on behalf of the University of Oregon (Owner). This bid request includes the following
Ib is bid Includes divisions 2-9 and scopes of work are included in the bid package. Steel Driven
Plies, UG Utilities and partial concrete (Utilldor, pile caps, and grade beams) have already been bid
and the work awarded.
Cta Du Bote, Kartei
Grand Ertate
SAW up to »501
Drawing can obtained at the DJC and/or on line at the Builders Exchange of Washington
and the Eugene Builders Exchange.
There is a pre-bid meeting for divisions 2-9 to be held on 1/27/09,10:00 a.m. at the site.
Th is m eeting is not m andatory ho w e ver we stro n g ly encou ra ge a tte n d a n ce . All
subcontractors that provide a bid will be bound to all site conditions. Attendees to meet
at CM /G C’s field office at the project site located at the corner of Franklin Blvd and Onyx.
There is a Mandatory pre-bid m eeting for divisions 15 and 16 (MEP trades) to be held 1/
27/09, 11:00am at the project site. All subcontractors intending to bid this project
must attend the pre-bid walk through. Attendees to meet CM /G C 's field office at the
project site located at the corner of Franklin Blvd and Onyx.
All bids must be delivered or faxed to Turner Construction Company, 1295 Franklin Blvd,
Eugene. OR 97477, Phone: 541-228-0041, bid fax 541-346-7349, no laterthan 1pm, Tuesday,
February 3,2009. Bids received after the deadline will not be considered.
Turner Construction and the University of Oregon are committed to promoting Minority,
Women and Emerging Small Business (m/w/esb) firms and maximizing the opportunities
for the State of Oregon certified m/w/esb firms to participate in the work of this project.
Each bidder will be required to subm it documentation dem onstrating good faith efforts to
secure participation by m/w/esb. A directory of certified docum entation good faith efforts
to secure participation by m/w/esb. A directory of certified m/w/esb is available at the
Office minority, Women, and Em erging Small Business located in Salem.
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Iwnilnd hy Kw finortlty rgOln -nseraed 50MF « M P T IW . HfMS MAY W)' I» AVA» Aft ; in N I STOfXS Some «M m ed pneon ira» b» non I mm e nome Nora» On ftiy On». fi« One rree
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