^Jortlanb (ßbsertier ______________________ January 21,2009 Page AIO H ealth matters Toxins Endanger People, Fish, Wildlife EPA report calls for action T h e f ir s t c o m p r e h e n s iv e lo o k at to x ic c o n ta m in a tio n th ro u g h o u t the C o lu m b ia R iver B a s in , w h ic h in c lu d e s th e W illam ette R iver in P ortland, has been released by the U S . E n v ir o n m e n t a l P r o te c t io n A g en c y . T he C o lu m b ia R iver Basin S tate o f the R iv er R eport for T o x ic sco m p ilescu rren tly avail­ able d ata about four w idespread c o n tam in an ts in the riv er basin system and id en tifies the risks they pose to people, fish, and wildlife. T he fo u r co n tam in an ts are m e r c u r y , d ic h lo r o d ip h e n y - ltric h lo ro eth a n e (D D T ) and its b reak d o w n products, p o ly ch lo ­ rin ated b iphenyls (P C B s) and p o ly b ro m in a ted d iphenyl ether (PB D E ) flam e retardants. According to Elin M i 1 ler, EPA R egional A d m in istrato r in S e­ attle, a team o f m ore than 20 f e d e ra l a n d s ta te a g e n c ie s , tribes, local govern m en ts and o r g a n iz a tio n s te a m e d -u p to draw this latest p o rtra it o f the toxic threats. “T his is troubling new s," said E P A ’s M iller. " T o d a y 's report Elin Miller, EPA Regional Administrator in Seattle A view o f lnterstate-5 as it crosses the Columbia River from Portland to Vancouver. show s that to x ic s are found throughout the basin at levels that could harm people, fish, and w ildlife.” M iller said fed eral, tribal, state, and local effo rts have re ­ duced levels o f som e toxics such as PC B s and D D Ts, but in many areas, they co n tin u e to pose an unaccep tab le risk. W hile several p o p u latio n s o f im portant riv er basin species like bald eag les and o sp rey s have reb o u n d ed o ver the past tw o decades, som e to x ics such as m ercury and P B D E s are in ­ creasin g in w ild life and fish. F o r ex am p le, m e rc u ry in ­ creased in both o sp rey eg g s in the L o w er C o lu m b ia an d in the n o rth e rn p ik e m in n o w in th e W illam ette R iv er o v er the last d ecad e. A nother problem highlighted For Your Health Why Oprah Can’t Lose Weight by M akeisha L ee A little over 52 per­ cent o f black w omen are “obese,” accord­ ing to the Centers for D isease Control. This dismal fact is hardly front-page news. However inquir­ ing m inds do care to know why Oprah W infrey, the richest black woman in the world, can't seem to stop yo-yo-ing. Yes, she is over­ w eight again! It w ould seem that with all her riches, resources, and most re­ nowned experts and master chefs at her beckon - she would be able to bury that beast o f burden for good! She has so-called top-notch weight loss specialist like Bob Greene, Dr. Oz and Biggest Loser winning techniques at her disposal. So why can't she lose the weight for good? Some actually already know the answers. One thing that has been proven over tim e for sure by Oprah and even com m on folk is that using fad diets is not the H ealth W atch C h o lestero l P ro files -- Keep an eye on your cholesterol and other indicators o f heart health; educational material provided. For more infonna- tion, call 503-261-6611. T en d erfoot C are - T reat your feet with a soak, nail trim, buffing and m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503-251 - 6303 for more information. F ree Body Basies - This physician recommended class is appropriate for all ages and health condi­ tions. Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the simple guidelines for safe exercises, in­ cluding stretching. Call 503-256-4000 to register. M a m m ograp h y S creen in g - Early detection is a key factor in the prevention o f breast cancer. Call 503-251-6137 to schedule your high-tech, soft- touch mammogram. M an agin g C h ron ic H ep atitis C - Third W ednes­ day o f each m onth at 5 p.m., the inform ative solution. Even Oprah acknow ledgesthat at one point she literally starved herself for four m onths to shed over 60 pounds o f w eight using an all-liquid protein diet. Anybody can lose w eight on these extrem e diets, but what does it do to your over-all health? And overtim e, the weight is inevitably put back on. Perhaps now that O prah is deciding to focus only on getting healthy, she can obtain lasting weight-loss success. To that end. in the rep o rt is a g en eral lack o f m o n ito rin g fo r to x ics in m any lo catio n s, m ak in g it d ifficu lt to know if to x ics are in c reasin g or d ecreasin g o v er tim e. “T h e s e in f o rm a tio n g a p s need to be filled by m ore m o n i­ to rin g and stro n g er ag en cy co- MLK Blood Drive Saturday hopefully more blacks w ould be w illing to accept change that can com e from unsuspecting av­ enues so they too can start liv­ ing their “best life.” W e all ju st have to be willing to stop thinking that we already know, when there ju st maybe som ething that we “don't know ” - but that really does work for the long-term. M akeisha Lee is the author o f "W hy Black People Can't Lose W eight." A nyone, even a m em ber of y o u r ow n fam ily, could need blood. In fact, every tw o seconds som eone in A m erica will need blood. T hat is why your blood donation through the Am erican Red C ross is important. C om m unity m em bers can do­ nate blood, learn m ore about or­ gan donation, and sign up for the donor registry at the sixth-annual M artin Luther King, Jr. Blood and Organ D onor Registry Drive, S at­ urday, Jan. 2 4 ,7:30a.m . to I p.m. at the A m erican Red Cross, 3131 (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-14) visit our website at: www.eteamz active.com/peninsulalittleleague Registration available on-line beginning January 15, 2009 F ree H o sp ice V o lu n teer T ra in in g — Fridays and Saturdays. Jan. 3 0 ,3 1 and Feb. 6.7, from 9 a.m. to4:30 p.m. No previous experience is required. For more information, call M elinda Smith at 50 3 -2 15-5774. H elp in g B ab ies C o m m u n ica te B efo re T h ey C an T a lk — W ednesdays, Feb. 4 through Feb. 25, from 9:15 a m. to 10:15 a.m. The workshop will teach basic baby sign language, opening a line o f com m unica­ tion between parents and infants; $55 fee. T o regis­ ter, call 503-335-3500. Jo u rn ey th ro u g h G rief-- Fridays, Jan. 9 thru Feb. 13, the six-session class is for those who are grieving a loss through death, addressing coping skills, re­ sources and more. Classes are free, pre-registration required. Call David Schmitt at 5 0 3 -2 15-4622. S en io r A ero b ics — A low -im pact workout geared specifically tow ard seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for current schedule. SPffi[A> COLUMN Softball Program Level Minor Major Junior R e g u la r S ig n -u p s $ 6 4 /T -B a ll, $ 7 4 A ll o th e r lev els This fee includes the pepperoni fund raiser Sell one bag of pepperoni and get $24 off fee Each bag contains 24 sticks Ages 8 - 10 10- 12 13- 14 Questions contact: Mark Washington • 503-288-0033 niMfcw@portlandobwa va coni Items to bring to sign-ups Birth Certificate Proof of Address Doctor Insurance Info Player Fee Peninsula Park Community Center 700 N Portland Blvd Saturdays: February 7, and February 14 10 00 am to 1 00 pm Thursdays: February 5, and February 19 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm a Nothing else * has ever really helped my a lle r' gies. W hat can Chiropractic possibly do? Q C hiropractors now know th a t the central nervous system controls the body's flow of energy. W e also sourceof the problem, notjust the symptoms. Chiropractic can often provide com plete, lasting relief. know that when t he spinal column W ithout drugs or drowsiness. For isout ofalignment, It Interfen's with the central nervous system's fir iw of help w ith your allergy-related problem s or answ ers to any energy. W hen those nerves leading questions you m ight have about a First, take a look at th e “ • • word itself. “Allergy" isa to th e eyes or nose or th ro at are beinglntcrfwdwill i . "alteredenergy" your health, your will find that s h o rte n e d form o f “a lte re d symptoms result. By correcting the Call us for an appointm ent today. Chiropractic isoften th e answer. first c o m p lain ed of allergic symptoms, it was obvious to the Flowers' Chiropractic Office physician w ho coined th e term 2124 NE Hancock, that somehow, the body 's energy Portland Oregon 97212 co n fig u ratio n had shifted and ( Level T-Ball Farm Minor Major Junior Ages 5 -6 7- 8 8 - 10 10- 12 1 3 -1 4 Questions contact: Jjay Lincoln — | l i n k n a i l coin Registration forms can be completed in advance by downloading from our website IJtlle League BasebaD, Incorporated does not Ibnit participation in its activities on the bash of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual preference oi religious preference. T erry F amily 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal. You make the tribute personal. Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more. Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary, order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime. Sim ply go to o u r website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one " energy.” Waybackwfien patients th e Baseball Program An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession Part 3. ALLERGIES: Why Chiropractic often works more effectively than drugs. cau sed N. V ancouver Ave. To schedule an appointm ent todonate blood,call I-800-G IVE LIFE. All p resenting donors may enter to win a one-w eek stay at the San D iego M arriott for two and a $750 airfare voucher from Southw est A irlines. E v e n t s p o n s o r s in c lu d e Safeway and the Urban League of Portland. D onors will receive a com p lim en tary M artin L uther King, Jr. special-edition pin, while supplies last. Peninsula Little League 2009 session led by a registered nurse to help m anage side effects of medications and dosage preparations and adm inistration; doctors referral required. To register, cal 1503-251 -6313. ____________ THE_____________ Dr Billy R. Flowers o rd in a tio n so w e ca n b etter u n d erstan d the toxic effects on the riv er eco sy stem and agree on p rio rity p ro jec ts to reduce those to x ic s,” said M iller. T h ere are m an y o th e r co n ­ ta m in a n ts in the b asin, in c lu d ­ ing arse n ic, d io x in s, rad io n u ­ c lid e s , p e s tic id e s, in d u stria l ch em icals, and “em erg in g c o n ­ ta m in a n ts" such as p h arm a ce u ­ ticals. T his report does not ch ar­ a c te riz e th o se c o n ta m in a n ts, but E PA p lan s to ad d ress them in fu tu re w ork. p r o b le m . Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395