^JorthìUÒ (©bsCttier___ ___________________ lanuary 14. 2009 Page A6 H ealth W atch H ealth matters Fat Camp for Army Recruits Mulled Obesity looms as big challenge F ree H osp ice V olu n teer T raining -- Fridays and Saturdays, Jan. 30, 31 and Feb. 6 ,7 , from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No previous experience is required. For more information, call Melinda Smith at 503-215-5774. H elp in g B ab ies C o m m u n ica te B efore T h ey C an T alk - W ednes- days, Feb. 4 through Feb. 25, from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. The w orkshop will teach basic baby sign language, opening a line of com m unication betw een parents and infants; $55 fee. T o register, call 503-335-3500. R aisin g D u r D a u g h ters - Learn skills to support daughters, understanding their social lives, social pressures, and effective com m unication skills, w ith Kathy M asarie, pediatrician and life coach; Feb. 4 ,7 p.m. to 9 p.m.; $5. T o register, call 503-335-3500. (A P ) — T he A rm y has been dism issing so m any overw eight ap plicants that its to p recruiter, trying to keep troop num bers up in w artim e, is considering starting a fat farm to transform chubby trainees into svelte so l­ D o n ’t M ak e M e L a u g h , S n eeze o r C ou gh : W o m en an d In co n ti­ nence -Tuesday, Feb. 17, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., women who suffer from a sudden need to go to the bathroom are invited to attend this free lecture discussing stress incontinence. T o register, call 503- 574-6595. d iers. M aj. G en. T h o m as B ostick, head o f the A rm y R ecruiting C o m m and, said he w ants to see a form al diet and fitness reg i­ m en running alongside a new sc h o o l at F ort Ja c k so n th a t helps aspiring troops earn their G E D s. B o s tic k said th a t o b e s ity loom s as “a bigger challenge fo r us in the years ahead” than any other problem that keeps young people from entering the m ilitary, including lack o f a G E D or high school diplom a, m isconduct o r crim inal b eh av ­ ior and oth er health issues such as eye o r ear problem s. A ccording to D efense D e­ p artm ent figures, o v er the past four years 47 ,4 4 7 potential re ­ cruits flunked induction p h y si­ ca ls at the n a tio n 's 35 M ilitary E n tran ce P ro c essin g S tations b ecause they w ere overw eight. T h a t is a fra c tio n o f the 2 05,902 such exam s given in 2005 and 250,764 in 2008, but still am ounts to a hefty num ber an d com es at a tim e w hen the m ilitary is m ore interested than e v e r in recruits. T he A rm y and H ow to H elp Y ou r C h ild L earn B etter - Friday, Jan. 23, from 9 am . to 11:30a.m. o r2 p.m. to 4 :3 0 p .m , Jane Healy, Ph D., invites parents to attend this free w orkshop addressing ways parents can help children with learning challenges. T o register, call 503-215-2429. Jou rn ey th ro u g h G r ie f -- Fridays, Jan. 9 thru Feb. 13, the six- session class is for those who are grieving a loss through death, addressing coping skills, resources and more. Classes are free, pre­ registration required. Call D avid Schm itt at 503-215-4622. Red C ross C on tin u in g E d u cation - The Oregon Trail Chapter Red Cross, now offers credits to helps professionals m aintain licensing or certification. For a cum ulative list, visit pdxinfo.net. Pvt. Idalia Halley,19 (left) of Columbia, S.C. stands with her 'battle buddy' Pvt. Katrina Thompkins, 19 of Greenville, S.C. during rifle training in Fort Jackson, S.C. Both women had issues with their weight but with five weeks of training behind them, they are confident they are ready to pass basic training. (AP Photo) M arin e C o rp s to g e th e r paid jo b s , in c lu d in g f ire fig h te rs . m ore than $6(X) mi Ilion o v er the D eputy C h ie f Ed N ied, ch air o f past year in bonuses and o th er the safety, health an d survival financial incentives to attract section o f the Intern atio n al A s­ sociation o f F ire C h iefs, said volunteers. W hile the services have re­ fire d ep artm en ts are also m ak ­ ported exceeding th eir re c ru it­ ing a “m ajo r pu sh ” to en co u r­ ing goals in the past year, the age b etter fitness am o n g young Pentagon rem ains u n d er p res­ peo p le w ho w ant to jo in . “ W e d raw fro m the sam e sure to find a constant How o f recruits. T he D efense D ep art­ exact pop u latio n that they (the m ent has annou n ced p lan s to m ilita ry ) draw fro m ," N ied said b oost the active duty A rm y by from his T u cso n , A riz., h ea d ­ 65,(MX) to a total o f 54 7 .0 0 0 quarters. "T his co m es from a soldiers by next year, and grow lack o f phy sical ed u catio n in the M arines from 175,(XM) to the high sch o o ls.” B o stick said a slim -d o w n 2O2,(MX) by 2011. O besity afflicts recruits for cam p co uld be part o f the new o th e r p h y sic a lly d e m a n d in g A rm y P rep S chool at F ort Jack- son, S.C. T h e school o p en ed in A ugust, and gives recru its w ho d i d n ’t g r a d u a te fro m h ig h sch o o l the ch a n ce to earn a G E D before starting th eir nine w eek s o f b asic training. “W e are looking at the A rm y P rep S chool as a p lace w here w e m ight send som e (recruits) that have w eig h t issu es,” the tw o -star general said. B o stick a rg u e s th a t m any o f th e y o u n g p e o p le w h o w an t to jo in the A rm y h av e a h ard tim e u n d e rsta n d in g a h e a lth y d ie t an d th e im p o rta n c e o f d a ily e x e rc ise , b u t c o u ld g et w ith in th e m ilita ry lim its w ith g u id a n c e . M a m m o g ra p h y S c r e e n in g - Early detection is a key factor in the prevention of breast cancer. Call 503-251-6137 to schedule your high-tech, soft-touch m am m ogram . M a n a g in g C h ron ic H ep atitis C - T hird W ednesday o f each month at 5 p.m., the inform ative session led by a registered nurse to help m anage side effects o f m edications and dosage preparations and adm inistration; doctors referral required. T o register, call 503-251 - 6313. P olycystic O vary S y n d rom e In form ation -Thursday, Feb. 5, from 5 p. m. to6:30p.m . $20 fee. T oregister, call 503-221-0161, extension. 2254. B etter B rea th ers - An asthm a educational support group meets on the 1st Tuesday o f the month from 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at A dventist M edical Center. For inform ation, call 503-251-6830. C a rd ia c-R eh a b E x ercise s - A medically supervised exercise pro­ gram for people deal ing with heart conditions. For inform ation, call 503-251-6260. S en io r A ero b ics — A low -im pact w orkout geared specifically tow ard seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for current schedule. O steo p o ro sis S c r een in g — An ultrasound bone density screening with personalized education; fee $30. T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503-261-6611. Nation’s Healthcare Safety Net Crumbles group, found that the average ance benefits, according to the laid-off Oregon w orker would study. CO B RA allow s people who need to spend more than four- fifths o f his or her unem ploym ent lose health insurance due to re­ insurance benefits to m aintain duced hours or lost jo b s to pur­ family health insurance coverage chase continued coverage from A new study reports that the under the federal Consolidated em ployers' group plans for a pe­ cost o f continuing em ployer-pro­ O m nibus Budget Reconciliation riod o f tim e if those w orkers are v id e d h e a lth c o v e r a g e is Act of 1985, commonly referred to willing and able to pay the full cost o f coverage plus a 2 percent unaffordable for laid-off w orkers as COBRA. Just retaining individual health adm inistrative fee. relying upon unem ploym ent in­ "B ecause many health care insurance coverage would sw al­ surance for their income. The study by Fam ilies USA, a low, on average, about 29 percent prem ium s have becom e exorbi­ n atio n al c o n s u m e r ad v o c ac y o f Oregon unem ploym ent insur­ tant, CO BRA is no longer the Most can’t afford COBRA coverage health coverage bridge it was designed to b e,1' said Janet Bauer, policy analyst with the Oregon C enter for Public Policy, who ex ­ am ined the report. "CO BRA fails to provide the health care secu­ rity that laid-off w orkers and their fam ilies desperately need.” Bauer also urged the Oregon legislature to fund the Oregon H ealth Plan to co v er unem ployed w orkers w ho either lack the C O ­ BRA option o r cannot afford COBRA premiums. Salmonella Bacteria Taints Peanut Butter The salm onella bacteria that has sickened nearly 4(M) people in 42 states has been conclusively linked to peanut butter. M inne­ sota health officials announced M onday. S tate health and agricu ltu re o fficials said last w eek they had found salm o n ella b acteria in a 5 -pound package o f K ing Nut peanut b u tte r at a nursin g fac il­ ity in M in n e s o ta . O ff ic ia ls te ste d th e b a c te ria o v e r the w eekend and found a genetic m atch w ith the b acterial strain that has led to 30 illn esses in M in n e so ta and o th ers across the country. T erry F amily The peanut butter w as distrib­ uted only through food service providers and was not sold di­ rectly to consum ers. King N ut's peanut butter was manufactured by Peanut C orpo­ ration of America, a Virginia com ­ pany. In an e-mail earlier M on­ day, President Stewart Parnell said the com pany was w orking with federal authorities. T h e peanut b u tter c o n tam i­ n atio n co m es alm o st tw o years afte r C o n A g ra recalled its P eter Pan b rand p ean u t butter, w hich w ase v en tu ally linked to a t leas, 6 2 5 s a lm o n e lla c a se s in 47 sta te s . S tro k e A lert S c r e e n in g -- Check your carotid arteries with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. To schedule a screening, call 503-251-6137. L eg A lert S c r een in g - C heck for peripheral arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. To schedule an appointm ent, call 5 0 3 -2 5 1 -6137. C an cer R esou rce C en ter - Providence St. Vincent M edical Center and the A m erican Red C ross have joined forces to create the first in-hospital resource center providing books, printed m aterial, com ­ puter access and more for individuals and families dealing with cancer. T he center is open M onday through T hursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. C h ron ic Pain S u p p ort G ro u p - meets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the third W ednesday o f each m onth, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-256-4000. C h o lestero l P ro files - K eep an eye on your cholesterol and other indicators of heart health; educational material provided. For more information, call 503-261 -6 6 1 1. T en d erfoot C are — Treat your feet with a soak, nail trim, buffing and m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503-251 -6303 for more information. F re e Body Basics - T his physician recom m ended class is appro­ priate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one- session class and leam the simple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretching. Call 503-256-4(MX) to register. ____________ THE_____________ 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 SPINACOLUMN An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Dr Billy R. Flowers We make the service personal. You make the tribute personal. Every time wc arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now wc can do even more. Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary, order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime. Simply go to our website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com Part 2: CHIROPRACTORS: Just h o w qualified are they to take care o f your health? e l know that •physicians need four fo il years of medical school to become doctors. H ow much training do Chiropractors actually get? Q have as m any h o u rs of governm ent approved classes in these health-related subjects as any d o c to r g ra du ating fro m m e d ic a l s c h o o l. M ost im portantly foryou, wealsospend four ful/yearsstudytng the spine, j o i n t r e la t io n s h ip s a n d adjustm ent procedures. W h a t s m ore, C h iro p ra cto rs stay up to A • F o llo w in g o u r u n d e r- • graduate college train in g, date w ith th e latest he a lth care developm ents by a tten din g o n ­ C hiropractors must also com plete going seminars. anextrem elydem andlngfour-year c u rric u lu m . By th e tim e we graduate, we've received a degree o f competency in anatomy. chemistry, .W ill my health •insurance help me pay for Chiropractic care? Q A . It • in s u r a n c e v a r ie s a n o th e r. one to B u t fo r m a n y pe op le, C hiropracticcareiscovered. C heck w ith y o u r c o m p a n y ’s p e rs o n n e l d e p a rtm e n t. O r feel free to ca ll us. In fact, for answers to an y questions you m ig h t have about y o u r h e a lth . Just c a ll u s a t th e n u m b e r b e lo w . Flowers' Chiropractic Office physiology.diagnosisandx-ray. In 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 fact, today sdoct or o fC h iro practic Phone: (5 0 3 ) 257-3504 bacteriology, toxicology, pathology, fro m c a r r ie r