lanuaiy 14, 2009 Page A4 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to Supporting Equal Pay Obama will correct wrongs by J udge G reg M a this O ne of B a ra c k O bam a’s first presiden­ tial acts will be to sign a bill that will overturn a Suprem e court ruling that m ak es it d iffic u lt for women and other minori - ties to challenge discrim inatory practices at work, school and in their com m unities. The president-elect, along with the Dem ocrats in Congress are eager to step in where the Bush adm inistration w ouldn’t and plan to challenge the court’s som e­ times narrow views on civil rights and justice. desk; O bam a, by co n ­ trast, w elcom es the op­ p o rtu n ity to co rrect this wrong. D uring the p resi­ dential cam paign there w as m u c h d e b a te , am ong w om en, many o f w hom w ere w h ite, ab o u t w hether or not they should cast their votes for O bam a or Sen. H illa ry C lin to n . M o st cam e around and eventually supported Obam a; they should be glad to know that he is com m itted to w om en’s rights and has vow ed to close the pay gap betw een men and women. " In some cases, judges, after originally ruling fo r the employee, reversed their decisions and ruled in favor o f the employer, saying the Supreme Court decision left them no choice. * This goes far beyond gender In May 2007, the court ruled equality, however. Obama iscom- that although Lilly Ledbetter, a m itted to creating an equal and white woman, was subjected to just America foreveryone. In both sex based pay discrim ination by 1988 and 1991, C ongress ex ­ her employer, but ruled in favor of panded civil rights protections the em ployer because she had filed her suit beyond a 180 dead­ that w ere threatened by court decisions. W e can look for the line. Since the ruling, many low er new administration to do the same, courts used the decision to argue stepping in w hen the court fails to for dism issal o f race and gender- serve the needs o f the people. As a form er civil rights attor­ based education and housing dis­ crim ination suits. In some cases, ney, the president-elect is familiar judges, after originally ruling for with the laws that both support the em ployee, reversed their de­ and get in the way o f true equal cisions and ruled in favor o f the rights for all; this know ledge, em ployer, saying the Supreme along w ith his desire for real Court decision left them no choice. change, should bring about a The proposed legislation will broad effort to level the playing overturn that decision, increas­ for so many. Judge Greg Mathis is vice ing the statute of lim itations, pro­ viding victims with more tim e to president o f Rainbow PUSH and find justice in the courts. Presi­ a board member of the Southern dent Bush threatened to veto the Christian Leadership Confer­ bill if it ever made its way to his ence. Ending the Cycle of Youth Violence Public health approach needed B arbara B aylor W e could not make out w here everyone w as running to or why th ey w ere ru nning. W e assum ed a fight had broken out in the mall and youth w ere by running to look at it. Then aii of a sudden, we heard the shots! For a delayed moment, it did not register. Someone shouted, “ S om ebody’s shooting, every­ body dow n!" Terrified, we b e­ gan to run. People were franti­ cally running for their lives, all trying to take cover anyw here we could. There was scream ing yding off last year’s models NEW SINGLE SPEEDS FROM $299.00 G IR CERTIFICATES AND LAYAWAY PLANS AVAILABLE 122 N. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217 (503) 281-0255 22ndAnnual Neighborhood Fix-It Fair A F R E E e v e n t w h e r e yo u c a n le a r n s im p le a n d a f f o r d a b le w a y s to Im p r o v e y o u r h o m e , liv e h e a lt h y a n d s a v e m o n e y . 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan u ary 10. 2009 | PARKROSE HIGH SCHOOL | 12003 NE S h aver St. February 7, 2009 | GEORGE MIDDLE SCHOOL | 1OOOO N Burr Ave. Free lunch Free on-site professional childcare Door prizes every hour Hourly w orkshops Day-long exhibits P r « « « n te d by C it y o f P o r t la n d 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -4 3 0 9 | fix It f a ir O c i.p o r tla n d | w w w .p o r tla n d o n lln e .c o m /o s d /fif Sponsored by: BGf | Energy Trust | Portland Development Commission | Pacific Power I and crying echoing off the walls. I ran toward a com er in the mal 1 and crouched dow n to shield my grandchild of 18 months. A llegedly, an arg u m en t had eru p ted betw een tw o teen males over a female. P resum ­ ably, the gunm an felt that his option for resolving ju ry P rev en tio n and C o n tro l in the C e n te rs for D isease C ontrol and P rev en tio n states th at v io ­ lence is a p u b lic h ealth issue becau se o f its trem en d o u s im ­ pact on the h ealth and w ell­ b eing o f o u r youth. Youth violence is now a world­ wide epidemic. According toCDC, “H om icide is the second leading Having survived the traumatic e . mall shooting, 1 began pondering IJ /» •» i „ we failed to teach our children the value and sanctity o f human life. . i the co n flict w as to shoot the young woman and her male friend. So with no apparent regard for the m all sh o p p e rs liv e s, the shooter fired his gun not know ­ ing where the bullets w ould end up. Fortunately, no one w as fa­ tally wounded. V iolence affects everyone! The W orld Report on V iolence and Health rem inds us that vio­ lence can also affect the health o f com m unities by increasing health care costs, decreasing property values and disrupting social ser­ vices. T he N ational C e n te r fo r In- t j gan pondering if we, individuals w ho live in the com m unity, failed to teach our children the value and sanctity o f hum an life. H ave we failed to train them how to love and forgive? Have we m oved aw ay from “com m unity parenting” w here neighbors took resp o n sib ility for discip lin in g youth in their com m unities. Has the glam orization o f violence in the m edia attracted our youth to unreal lifestyles? W e m ust do som ething about the proliferation o f guns in our com m unities and illegal guns in the hands o f our youth. P r e s id e n t- E le c t O bam a pledges to en d the dangerous cycle o f youth violence by finan­ cially supporting innovative lo­ cal program s that im plem ent a com prehensive public health ap­ proach that include com m unity- based strategies to prevent youth violence. Now is the tim e to write Presi­ dent E lect O bam a with our cre­ ative ideas for ending youth vio­ lence in our com m unities. Vi sit change .gov to share your ideas. O ur children are depend­ ing on us. cause o f death for persons 10 to 24 years o f age in the U. S.” F or this age group, it is the leading cause o f death for A fri­ can A m ericans. M oreover, it is the second leading cause o f death for L atino A m ericans and Asian A m ericans/Pacific Islanders; and the third leading cause o f death for N ative A m ericans and A las­ kan Natives. As a H ealth Care advocate and teacher, I heartily believe that posi­ tive parenting is a prim ary deter­ Barbara Baylor is Minister rent to interpersonal violence am ong youth. H aving survived fo r Health Care Justice at the the traum atic mall shooting. I be- United Church o f Christ. ■■■■■M W M M Democracy from the Bottom Socialism seems to be working in Venezuela P eter P hillips DenKKracy from the bottom is evolving as a 10-year social revo­ lution in Venezuela. L e d by P re s id e n t H u g o Chavez, the United Socialist Party o f V enezuela gained over 1.5 m il­ lion voters in the Nov. 23 elec­ tions. “ It was a w onderful victory,” said Professor C arm en Carrero with the Com m unications Stud­ ies D epartm ent o f the Bolivarian U niversity in C aracas. “W e won 81 percent o f the city m ayor posi­ tions and 17 o f 23 o f the state g o v ern o rs.” The university is housed in the form er oil m inistry building and now serves 8,(XX) students throughout V enezuela. The col­ lege is symbolic o f the dem ocratic s o c ia lis t c h a n g e s o c c u r rin g throughout the country. Before the election o f Chavez in 1998, college attendance in V enezuela was prim arily for the rich. Today 1.8 m illion students attend col lege in the country, three tim es the rate 10 years ago. Bottom up dem ocracy in V en­ ezuela starts with the 25,(XX)com- m unity councils elected in every n eig h b o rh o o d in the country. T here are 34 locally controlled co m m unity television stations and 4(X) radio stations in the bar- by I rios throughout Venezuela. C om m u n ity radio, TV and new spapers are the voice o f the people, where they describe the view ers/listeners as the “users" o f m edia instead o f the passive audiences. Dem ocratic socialism means health care, jobs, food, and secu­ rity, in neighborhoods where in m any cases nothing but absolute poverty existed lOyears ago. With unem ploym ent dow n to a U.S. In V enezuela the corporate m edia are still ow ned by the elites. The five m ajor TV netw orks, and 9 o f the 10 m ajor new spapers m aintain a continuing m edia e f­ fort to underm ine C havez. But despite the corporate m edia and continuing US taxpayer financial support to anti-C havez opposi­ tion institutions from U SA ID and National Endow m ent for D em oc­ racy ($20 m illion annually), two- thirds o f the people in V enezuela * The democracies o f South America are realizing that the neo­ liberal formulas fo r capitalism are not working. X level, sharing the wealth has taken real m eaning in V enezuela. Despite a 50 percent increases in the prices o f food last year, local store offer governm ent sub­ sidized cooking oil, com meal, meat, pow ered milk at 30-50 per­ cent o ff market. A dditionally, there are now 3,500 local com m unal banks with a $1.6 billion budget offering n eig h b o rh o o d -b ased m icro -fi­ nancing loans for hom e im prove­ m ents, small businesses, and per­ sonal em ergencies. continue to support him and the United Socialist Party. T h e d em o cracies o f South America are real izing that the neo- liberal form ulas for capitalism are not w orking for the people and that new fo rm so f resource alloca­ tion are necessary for hum an bet­ terment. It is a learning process for all involved and certainly a dem o­ cratic effort from the bottom up. Peter Phillips is a professor o f sociology at Sonoma State Uni­ versity in California.