lanuaiy 14, 2009 Page B 14 Saluting Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Word Scramble Martin Luther King Jr believed in equal rights for all people, and he (¿Mid-K^Beauty ¿upply fought against racial discrimination and segregation until he was assassinated in 1968 Rearrange the letters in each word or phrase below to make a list of words related to Martin Luther King Jr. and his role in history. LCVII GTSHRI NOIVOCEELNN RAEDM EAERDL ITATISCV HBTOERODOHR ECACDMYRO REDOMFE LAEULIQYT JUETCSI TWO LOCATIONS 3311 NE MLK Jr. Blvd Portland OR 97212 503-206-3911 , . School fomilq; SS3MSNV tt Mon-Fri 9am-7pm • Sunday 1 lam-5pm 5411 NE M L King Blvd Portland, OR 97211 503- 335-0271 Mon-Fri 9am-7pm • Sunday closed Over 5,000 Hair Care & Nail Care Items Portland’s Annual Martin Luther King Worship Service & Pre-Inauguration Prayer Service For President-Elect Barak Obama Experiences For A Tifetime “The Dream, The Drum Major & The Fulfillment” R emembering Martin Luther King, Jr. 7:00 pm - Thursday, January 15,2009 Bethesda Christian Church 109 N. Emerson Portland, Oregon (2 blocks south o f K illin g sw o rth ) Sponsored by Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA) J CELEBRATE MARTIN LUTHER KING B rooks S taffing A Division of S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. A Full Service Staffing Company Brooks Staffing 503.284.7930 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland. Oregon 97211 Fax: 503.284.7977 4I REMEMBER HIS MESSAGE! REMEMBER THE MAN... I ¿¡UKKI • E A S T S ID E 3 158 E. BURNSIDE 503-231-8926 I I M IL L E N N IU M www.tnusietnillcniuin.cont