Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 14, 2009, Martin Luther King Jr 2009 Special Issue, Page 25, Image 25

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    M a r t in L u t h e r K ing J r .
lanuary 14, 2 0 0 9
Page B 13
2009 s p e c ia l edition
A t Pacific Power;
we have a dream, too.
More than 40 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. presented his dream
of an America where citizens were judged not by the “ color of their skin”
but by the “content o f their character.” This year we celebrate that dream
like never before
and we honor a future we can now embrace due to
Dr. King's visionary leadership.
At Pacific Power, we have a dream for the future, too.
We dream of a future where Americans come together to adopt simple
solutions that can help reduce electricity demand, lower costs and create
a new era of energy security. And were working for the future by providing
answers to our customers' energy concerns and investing in renewable
generating sources like wind, solar and geothermal technologies.
Sculptor Lei Yixin's final version o f the Stone o f Hope. It is the
centerpiece o f the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project,
coming to the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Join our dream by visiting www.pacificpower.net to discover easy energy
efficiency tips or to sign up for our Blue Sky
King's Sister Writes Memoir
Reflects on
life, family
and faith
Through It All, a unique,
intimate portrait of the Kings,
one o f A m erica's m ost ex­
traordinary fam ilies, is w rit­
ten as only a beloved elder
sibling of Dr. Martin L. King,
Jr., could - with insight, ten­
derness, and wisdom.
Christine King Farris, the
only sister o f Dr. King and
his brother, A .D ., is the sur­
viving mem ber o f the family
that together stood for the
rights of all Am ericans at the
forefront o f the civil rights
m ovement. They come from
a long line of African Am eri­
cans in the South w ho com ­
bined education and convic­
tion not only to survive against
the odds but to m ake life
better for them selves and
those around them, especially
the poor.
Farris offers a rare oppor­
tunity to learn m ore about
the man behind the m yth -
as she d escrib es, M artin
Through It All
renewable energy program.
Let's turn the answers on.
______________________________________________ — __________________ >
“The time is
always right
to do what
is right.”
At the Housing Authority of
Portland, we are committed
to workforce and contracting
diversity. We support partici­
\u t h o r of Wv B ro th er Mortiti
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
pation of disadvantaged,
minority-owned, women-
owned and emerging small
businesses on HAP projects.
her fam ily's early years, in­
cluding the brutal m u rd ero f
their m other in church and
the drowning of their young­
est brother, are startling.
Ms. Farris has led a fasci­
nating life, not only as the sib­
ling of one o f America's most
internationally celebrated lead­
ers, but in her own right as a
wife and mother, activist, and
career educator who has put
in more than 50 years of ser­
vice at Spelman College in
Atlanta, Ga.
Her children's book. My
B rother M artin, w as d e ­
scribed by Kirkus Review s
as "a window to show Martin
as a small boy in a loving
extended family."
Through It All, C hristine
Martin Luther King Jr. 's sister, Christine King Farris,
King Farris's first m em oir,
and Sen. Barack Obama in the sanctuary o f the
Ebenezer Baptist Church on Jan. 20, 2008. Obama
opens doors to let readers of
visited Ebenezer to worship and offer a few remarks all ages into her life, her fam-
on King.
ily, and the faith that allow s
her, in the ninth decade of
Luther King was "no saint, into her childhood with Dr. her life, to still stand for all
ordained as such at birth. King are heartwarm ing. Her the p rin cip les that m ake
Instead, he was an average memories of, and insight into, A m erica great.
ordinary m an, called by a
G od, in whom he had deep
and abiding faith, to perform
extraordinary deeds."
The revelatory glim pses
In the coming year we w ill be
seeking partners for m ultiple
rehabilitation projects as
well as various capital proj­
ects in our public housing
portfolio. We Invite you to
vis it our website at
www.hapdx.org or call Jerry
Walker. HAP's Purchasing
Manager, at 503-802-8509 to
learn about opportunities to
do business with HAP
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