M a r tin L u t h e r K in g J r . January 14, 2 0 0 9 Page B9 2009 special edition Partners in the Civil Rights Struggle Martin Luther King Jr. had strong allies by M ichael H udson A s w e celeb rate the b irth ­ day o f R ev. Dr. M artin L uther K ing Jr., it is fitting to reco g ­ nize the effo rts o f o th e r groups an d in d iv id u a ls w h o h av e w orked to ensu re the freedom o f all A m ericans. A s in th e c a s e o f S en . B arack O b a m a ’s electio n as the first A fric a n -A m e ric a n p r e s id e n t, th e h is to r ic a l progress in the battle for eq u al­ ity w as m ade possib le only becau se p eople o f different races and faiths cam e together to support a cause. In O regon for exam ple, ap ­ proxim ately 60 percent o f vot­ ers cast their ballot for O bam a in a state w ith less than a 2 p e r c e n t A f r ic a n - A m e ric a n population. O n e relig io u s group fam il­ iar w ith the fight for freedom is Jew ish A m ericans. A ccord­ ing to e x it polls nationw ide, 78 p e rc e n t o f Je w s v o te d fo r O b am a. In A pril, Jew ish A m ericans w ill p articipate in the holiday o f P asso v er, w hich celebrates th e fre e d o m o f Je w s a fte r being slaves in Egypt. Abraham Joshua Heschel T here are sim ilarities in the Je w ish e x p e rie n c e and the A fric a n A m e ric a n e x p e r i­ ence. As an A m erican w ho is both B lack and Jew ish, I am proud o f both histories and 1 easily see the link betw een A frican A m ericans and Jew s. “L et M y People G o ” is a Spiritual originally sung by B lack slaves in A m erica as they began to identify w ith the Israelite slaves in the H ebrew Bible and developed faith that they too w ould som eday e x ­ perience freedom . T his song is also a part o f the P assover Seder, the tradi­ tional m eal c e leb rated b y Jew s during the first and second evenings o f Passover. Four questions are asked during the holiday m eal and each answ er begins w ith the phrase, A vadim H ayinu, the ing the m odern C ivil R ights H ebrew w ords for, "W e w ere m ovem ent. Jew s w ere m ajor slaves." p a rtic ip a n ts. M o st T he fam ous poet n o ta b le w as Rabbi A braham M a y a A n g e lo u w rote about the J o s h u a concept of * H eschel w ho freedom in her m a rc h e d poem , “I K now a r m - in - a r m with Dr. M ar­ W hy the C aged B ird S i n g s .” tin L u th e r T h e e n s la v e d K ing in his person, like the 1965 M arch caged b ir d , on Selm a. longs to learn J u liu s Julius Rosenwald m ore about the R o s e n w a ld , hidden w orld. Both Jew s and another w hite m an o f the Jew ­ A frican A m ericans can relate ish faith w as part-ow ner and to the im portance o f freedom . continued y f on page M 2 It is not surprising that d u r­ MLK Weekend Celebration through Service Join the fun and help your community! January 17-19 Learn more about projects and Register at www.unitedway-pdx.org Volunteerwith your friends, family, children or co-workers and This is the Rosenwald Center at Tuskegee University in Alabama. The college's African American founder Booker T. Washington and white businessman Julius Rosenwald, president o f Sears, got to be good friends, and Rosenwald served on the board o f directors from 1912 until he died. His voice has not faded. His light has not dimmed, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood up for the dignity of each individual and demonstrated the power of many individuals working together. He spoke to our better selves with words of hope and encouragement. When the journey was hard, he led us further down the road and invited all to join in. Many years ago, this one man brightened the future for generations to come. His message still calls out to us, and his actions live on. The City of Portland and Multnomah County honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by striving to promote equality and opportunity for all people. Our goal is to foster employee diversity through workforce training and hiring and to support economic development for minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small businesses. Please contact the staff members identified below about contracting and consulting opportunities. City of Portland Multnomah County Greg Wolley, Bureau of Purchases Teresa Mary Bliven (503) 823-6860 (503) 988-5111 X26106 gwolley@ci. Portland .or. us teresamary. biiven@co. multnomah .or. us w w w .portlandonline.com /om f/purchasing www. m ultcopurch. org Richard Gray, Bureau of Transportation (503) 823-3028 Richard.Gray@trans.ci.Portland.or.us www.portlandonline.com /transportation Andrew Urdahl, Portland W ater Bureau 503-823-7490 Andrew.UrdahlOci.Portland.or.us www. port landonline. com /w ater jtm ». PORILANI) W ater » I ' « t |> H PORTLAND T ransportation LIVE UNITED.