œi,‘^Jortlanb © bseruer Page A2 lanuaiy 14, 2009 Unprecedented Coverage for the Inauguration TV Networks pull out all the stops (A P ) - In all their planning to cover Barack O bam a's inau­ guration as the nation's 44th president, television networks have paid particular attention to people who must spend their day in front o f a com puter. CBS New s has built a special inauguration W eb site to show its c o v e r a g e o n Ja n . 20. C N N .com will have four live s tr e a m s an d w ill a llo w F a c e b o o k u se rs to c o n n ect through its site. ABC is offering online archived speeches o f past p r e s id e n ts . F o x N ew s and M SN B C W eb sites will both stream the inauguration live online. "There are a lot o f people w ho are going to be captivated by the entire day, and a lot of them are not going to be able to have a television set in the of­ fice, or have access to a televi­ sion," said Sean M cManus, CBS N ew s president. T he online coverage "has a much higher priority than it has in the past." None o f this m eans the net­ w orks are shortchanging their television plans. Like Election N ight, a presidential inaugura­ tion is an event that has been in the planning for a long time and brings out the "A" team. It's even more so now, as O bam a's installation as president caps a cam paign that drew extraordi­ nary interest from viewers. "For a news division, it is the g ift th at k eeps on giving," M cM anus said. CBS' daytime coverage on In a u g u ra tio n D ay stre tc h e s from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The netw ork had originally planned to end it earlier, but its affiliates said they'd prefer more from W ashington than the usual day­ time talk shows, he said. Besides the daytim e cerem o­ n ie s a n c h o re d by C h a rle s G ibson, ABC will devote its entire prim e-tim e lineup for the first time to the inauguration. F or tw o hours, A B C w ill be on site at the "N eighborhood Inaugural Ball," covering m u ­ sical p e rfo rm a n c es and the new p resident and first lady's first dance o f the night. At 10 p.m. EST, A BC w ill track the oth er inaugural balls and re ­ port on the day's special sig ­ n ifican ce for b lack A m e ri­ c a n s. Brian W illiam s w ill anchor the daytim e coverage for N BC and a live, o n e-h o u r special at 10 p.m . th a t v isits sev eral inaugural balls. C B S' K atie Advertise with diversity in Œlfr J J o r t l a n h © b s e r u c r Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob server.com NEED HELP GROWING OR STARTING YOUR BUSINESS? <&> Portland State (J / U N IV E R S IT Y Business Outreach Program Assists entrepreneurs with: • 0ne-on-one consulting • Free business workshops • Business plan development • And more anchored by Brit H um e, w ho has taken on a part-tim e role. C hris W allace and Shepard Sm ith w ill be the m ain an ­ ch o rs, w ith H um e re p la c e ­ m ent Bret B aier getting both m orning and evening duty. Follow ing its tem plate from big p o litical events last year, M SN B C w ill originate from an o u td o o r lo catio n on the N a tio n a l M a ll, w ith K eith O lberm ann, C hris M atthew s, R achel M addow and E ugene R obinson. C N B C airs an all- day "C N B C R eports: P resi­ dent O bam a & Y our M oney." Jim Lehrer anchors PBS' in­ augural coverage, with colum ­ nists David Brooks and Mark Shields am ong his panelists. PBS' "NewsHour" also has an extensive W eb site w ith fo­ rum s where voters can pose questions. For those who w ant a realis­ tic sense o f being there, C- SPAN's four days o f coverage President-elect Barack Obama and his family take the stage during last summer's Demo­ m arks m ajor events w ith no cratic National Convention in Denver. narration. The event has attracted some C ouric w ill an chor a 9 p.m . may be larger than anything lows O bam a's Saturday train E ST special on O bam a's jo u r ­ they've seen before, C N N 's rid e fro m P e n n s y lv a n ia to extraordinary TV attention, with W ashington. Blitzer and A nder­ netw o rk s like N ickelodeon, ney to the W hite H ouse, then Bohrman said. "I don't think any o f us real­ son C ooper will be CN N 's lead QVC, BET and TV One plan­ do a liv e W ebcast review ing the day's events on ized how big this inaugural was personalities for the inaugura­ ning events. The night before the inauguration. The Disney tion. C B S N e w s .c o m a n d going to be," he said. Channel will air a concert hon­ O n Fox N ew s C hannel, the Coverage o f the event actu­ C N E T .c o m . The netw orks are preparing ally begins three days earlier, inauguration will be the first oring m ilitary families, "Kids' for an inauguration event that when CN N 's W olf Blitzer fol­ big p o litical event in years not Inaugural: W e Are the Future." Local Housing Group Honored Portland Com m unity Reinvest­ ment Initiatives, Inc., a group dedi­ cated topreserving, expanding and managing affordable rental hous­ ing in the city, has been honored by Bank of A merica with this year’s Neighborhood Builders Award. PCRI is a 15 year old non-profit that acquired a large inventory of single family hom es after its prior ow ner was charged w ith rack­ eteering and fraud. The rentals represent some o f the last oppor­ tunities for low er income house­ holds to reside in this type o f housing. O ver the next two years. Bank o f A m erica will provide PCRI with $200,(XX) in grant funding and leadership training. Bank o f America Oregon President Roger Hinshaw presents a community service award to Portland Community Reinvestment Initiative, Inc. representatives Toi Hopson (from left), Pamela T. Blackwell and Maxine Fitzpatrick. Cell Phone Ban for Autos Wanted Safety group says use is clearly dangerous For information Please call 503-725-9820 or email: bop@sba.pdx.edu (AP) - A national safety group is advocating a total ban on cell phone use while driving, saying the practice is clearly dangerous and leads to fatalities. States should ban drivers from using hand-held and hands-free cell phones, and businesses , _______________ Z "Keep Alive The Dream " should prohibit employees from using cell phones while driving on the job, the congressionally chartered National Safety Coun­ cil says, taking those positions for the first time. The group’s president and chief executive, Janet Froetscher, likened talking on cell phones to drunken driving, saying cell phone use increases the risk of a crash fourfold. drivers. Froetscher said the council ex­ amined more than 50 scientific studies before reaching its deci­ sion. One was a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis that estimates 6 percent of ve­ hicle crashes, causing about 2,600 deaths and 12,000 serious inju­ ries a year, are attributable to cell phone use. H an d s-free cell phones are just as risky as hand held phones, she added. "It's not just what you're doing Tribute to: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This event will feature artistic expressions of music, dance, psalm, inspirational speaking and politically motivating speeches. WHEN? Monday January 19, 2009 WHERE? Highland Christian Center 11:00 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. 7600 N.E. Glisan, Portland, Oregon 97213 Some of this year’s featured highlight performances. Performance times are estimates and subject to change. 11AM Lift Every Voice and Sing Highland Christian Church Choir Grace Memorial Church 12PM Jefferson Dancers Demck McDuffey & Chosen Generation NE Community Fellowship Gospel Music of America 1PM Kukatowon (Woodlawn ES) Concordia University No! Kidding! Choir Inspirational Sounds, Eugene OR 2PM U of 0 Gospel Choir Life Change Church PCC Voices of Soul Ensemble 3PM Season of Love, OG & Buckman Aaron Meyer 4PM Boise Elementary Beyons Royalty, Seattle Washington Using a cell phone for dialing and text messaging is a hazard that leads to fatal car crashes, according to the National SafetyCouncil. 5PM PO Soul Entertainment Renee M itch e ll Michelle Lang & Still Water (MLSW) For more info. & event schedule go to: w w w .w orldartsfoundationinc.org Linda Hornbuckle & Friends C H A N G E ? Yes w e c a n ! inspirfd by THE PURSUIT o r PROGRESS Janice Scroggins & Friends A P ro d u c tio n o f W o rld A rts F o u n d a tio n , Inc. Reggie Houston I \ini-Prnfil Organization ((^ Visit our BLOG at http://nlemedia.com/IVILKT.wmv F O R M O R E IN F O . C O N T A C T : 503-816-9001 Donation: $5.00 OR 5 cans of non-pcrishablc food. A* W l" SPONSORS: Safeco Insurance Foundation | Portland Public Schools | The Oregonian | Portland Association of Teachers McDonald's of Oregon & SW Washington | Enterprise Rent A-Car | City of Portland | Oregon Education Association Portland Tribune | Concordia University | Portland General Electric | African American Chamber of Commerce | KBOO Radio PPSTelevision Services | Portland Community Media | and many more Ad by Good Seed Design www goodseeddesign.com I I "When our friends have been with your hands - it's that your drinking, we take the ear keys head is in the conversation and away. It's time to take the cell so your eyes are not on the road," phone away," Froetscher said in Froetscher said. John Walls, vice president of interview. No state currently bans all cell CTI A-The Wireless Association, phone use while driving. Six states a cell phone trade group, objected - California, Connecticut New Jer­ to a complete ban. He said there sey, New York, Utah and Wash­ are many instances where the ington - and the District of Colum­ ability to make a phone call while bia ban the use of hand-held cell driving helps protect safety. "We think that you can sensi­ phones behind the wheel. Also, 17 states and the district restrict bly and safely use a cell phone to or ban cell phone use by novice make a brief call." Walls said.