M artin L uther K ing J r . Page B2 lanuary 14, 2009 2009 s p e c ia l e d itio n Keep Alive the Dream continued from Front nity Media (TV Cable Channel 11) from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Portland Public Schools Television Ser­ vices (TV Cable Channel 28) from 3 p.m. to 10p.m. Sponsors include Safeco In­ socialion. E nterprise Rent-A- surance Foundation, Portland C ar, C oncordia U niversity, Public Schools, Portland A sso­ Portland G eneral Electric, A f­ c ia tio n of T e a c h e rs , rican American Cham ber of M cD o n ald ’s o f O regon and Com m erce, KBOO Radio and Southw est W ashington, City of Portland Com m unity M edia Portland, Dignity Memorial Lo­ and Portland Public Schools cations, Oregon Education As- Television Services. Integration leader Martin Luther King, Jr., talks to reporters outside o f the White House in Washington on Oct. 16, 1961 after he presented President Kennedy with a proposal for an executive order to declare segregation unconstitutional under the 14th amendment. LIVING THE LEGACY Engaging Today’s Leaders • l/a I)r. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute at I'SU- Lecture by Former United Nations Ambassador and Congressman I i. Andrew Young » W * * 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2009 7 PM Portland State University Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom Room 3SS 1825 SW Broadway Special Performance by ED. Mondane & Belief $10 general public, FREE with valid student ID Service charges will apply Please jo in PSU a t o th e r fre e M LK D ay e ve n ts in c lu d in g : • Ja n u a ry '1.9; A DAY O N o f c o m m u n ity service. V is it vvw w p d x .e d u /c a e / slsse rvice d a y.h tm l t o re giste r. • Ja n u a ry 22: In te ra c tiv e s tu d e n t session a t 3 p m , S m ith M e m o ria l S tu d e n t U n io n , ro o m 327-9 • J a n u a ry 23-2 4 Saul L an d a u's d o c u m e n ta ry s c re e n in g o f P aul Jacobs a n d th e N u c le a r G a n g a n d F ro m P ro te s t to Resistance 7 p m , a t 5 th A v e n u e C in e m a - .... TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE PSU TICKET OFFICE, 1825 SW BROADWAY, BROADWAY ENTRANCE, 503-725-3307, OR AT TICKETMASTER OUTLETS. SEATING IS LIMITED. FOR < I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight o f racism and war that the bright daybreak o f peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. - Martin Luther King Jr. MORE INFORMATION, CALL 503-725-5342. Sponsored by Oregon Public Broadcasting, Office of Academic Affairs, PSU Alumni Association, Aramark, PSU Food Industry Leadership Center, Office of International Affairs, Associated Students of PSU, Office of Diversity & Equity, Office of Information Technologies, PSU Library, Black Studies Department, PSU Auxiliary Services, PSU Student Fee Committee, SALP Multicultural Cluster, and PSU Multicultural Center r — • I »J -1 "J .. ___ TWT PSU Alumni Association <&> P ortland State vj/ U N IV E R S IT Y Third Annual Drum Major Ecumenical Service Presented By Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church Church Hosts MLK Service Honoring legacies of civil rights C harles Jordan, form er City of Portland Com m is­ sioner and form er Director of Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation is this year’s keynote speaker at the Third Annual Drum M ajor Ecu­ menical Service presented by Vancouver Avenue First B aptist C hurch, 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. This historic event, honor­ ing the lives and legacies of M artin L u th e r K ing Jr., Coretta Scott King, and Rosa Charles Jordan Parks, takes place Sunday, Jan. 18 at 3 p.m. Jordan is one of the most influential voices in conser­ vation today. An outspoken proponent of our nation’s parks, he is nationally recog­ nized both for his leadership and for responsiveness to the diverse publics he serves. Jordan has initiated and implemented successful pro­ gram s in the areas of parks and recreation, human re­ sources, public safety, neigh­ borhood organizations and the environm ent. Joining him at the service will be several other local dignitaries, clergy and com ­ munity individuals. The event will also recognize com m u­ nity individuals for important contributions they have made in the spirit o f these three civil rights champions. A free-will offering will support the D rum M ajor Scholarship Fund. For more information, call 503-282-9496. TriMet Adjusts Service for MLK Holiday earn Honoring the lives and legacies of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks TriMet will modify its bus and MAX schedule for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday, Jan. 19, to match ridership demand. The transit agency carries more riders on the MLK holi­ day than any other holiday, so the agency is providing more service than atypical holiday/ Sunday schedule. Based on last year's fig­ ures, ridership is anticipated to be approximately two-thirds of a normal weekday. The special m odifications mean MAX will run on a S a tu rd a y s c h e d u le , 59 heavily-traveled bus lines will run on weekday schedules. THE POWER OF A DREAM GALA T h in k ab o u t th is • w h a t is Y O U R d re am fo r : Y o u rs e lf? Your fa m ily ? Your c o m m u nity? Your c oun try? Your w orld? We w i ll be c e le b r a t in g th e 8 0 T H B I R T H D A Y of DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. , and th e I N A U G U R A T I O N Sunday, January 18, 2009 of our 4 4 T H P R E S ID E N T 3:00 PM BARACK OBAMA Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon 97227 jo in us F R I D A Y , JANUARY fro m 6 in th e Fau b io n School C a f e t e r ia Featuring: • 2009 Drum Major Awards • Faith Community Representatives • Dignitaries • Local Musicians L IV E TO 8 M U S IC PM 16TH and E N T E R T A I N M E N T F re e D I N N E R Obam a C O L O R I N G B O O K S fo r th e f ir s t 150 s tu d e n ts M o tiv a tio n a l speech by D I O N JO R DA N ( N a t io n a lly know n s p e a k e r /a u t h o r ) w w w .d io n jo rd a n .c o m F r e e -W ill O f f e r in g S u p p o r ts T h e D r u m M a jo r S c h o la r s h ip P r o g r a m For Information Contact Vancouver Avenue First Bapist Church at 503-282-9496 • www.vancouveravechurch.org I 18 bus routes will run on Saturday schedules and 12 o f 20 w eekday rush-hour lines will be canceled, in­ cluding the five lines serving M arquam Hill. For specific information on routes and schedules see trimet.org or call 503-238- RIDE. Sponsored by th e F A U B I O N ,n o A F R I C A N - A M E R I C A N S IT E C O U N C IL F A M IL Y FORUM u A ) , fs