1111 ^Jnrtlaub (©bseruer Page AI2 January 14. 2009 I am THE DREAM come true. Through my lens I can see the beauty in people and everyday life like the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. My vision is a world where Dr. King’s dream can come true. With my images I create pew life. ’T O . '/ » It’s not Just black and white but every color in the universe. To me the picture is clear. Everyone can be great and everyone can be seen. I fill my camera with the power to make a difference in the world. Thank you, Dr. King. ---------------- Safeway salutes all the boys and girls who have found themselves, thanks to Dr. King’s belief in equality and brotherhood. We value the importance of his mission, and that is why we embrace equality and diversity throughout our business and support organizations that do the same. SAFEWAY O PO-OB i i I