Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 14, 2009, Martin Luther King Jr 2009 Special Issue, Page 11, Image 11

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    Cl''Fortiani» © bsertier
lanuary 14, 2009
Page Al I
25 Years of Experience
Big Lineup for Inaugural Gig
Coveted spot for
music’s top names
(A P ) - Judging by the lineup, Sunday's
inaugural celebration for Barack O bam a at
the Lincoln M em orial is a coveted gig for
m usic's top names.
Beyonce, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, John
Mellencamp, Usher, Shakira, SherylCrow, Josh
Groban and James Taylor are among the m u­
sicians scheduled to perform Sunday after­
noon. The president-elect and his family are
due to attend, with Obama expected to speak.
O ther perform ers include Stevie W onder,
Renee Flem ing, G arth Brooks, M ary J. Blige,
H erbie H ancock, H eather H eadley, John
L egend and Jennifer Nettles. Historical pas­
sages will be read by Jam ie Foxx, M artin
L uther King 111, Q ueen Latifah and D enzel
W ashington, with other celebrities expected
to jo in them.
H B O will televise the show at 7 p.m. EST.
Beyonce Knowls
A fter getting the go-ahead from the Presi­
dential Inaugural C om m ittee tw o and a half
w eeks ago to put the show together, execu­
tive producer G eorge Stevens Jr. said he
quickly learned it w ould not be like any other
special event he's tried to book.
"On that first day, we asked Springsteen,
B ono and G arth Brooks within a period o f 45
m inutes and got three 'yeses,'" Stevens said.
"W e said, 'T h is is going to be fun.'"
Stevens said he tried to reach out to a
diversity o f artists. The theme for the show,
titled "We Are One: The O bam a Inaugural
C elebration at the Lincoln M emorial," is less
about celebration than national unification.
T he artists w on't be perform ing their big
hits, but will be asked to perform material
appropriate to the occasion. O ne m usician
will be asked to p erfo rm " A Change Is G onna
Come," the song made famous by Sam Cooke.
H BO will be offering an open feed to its
cable and satellite distributors on Sunday,
m eaning the pay cable netw ork will be given
free to anyone who wants to w atch it.
Comcast in Portland said it will carry the
broadcast on channel 551 for non-HBO sub­
scribers but will require a digital converter box.
Aggressively representing
individuals with legal
problems in criminal
allegations & employment
Low Cost
Let me help you with legal questions
Attorney Sona Joiner
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD
Pastor/Teach er/Revi valist
"The Voice Speaks"
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
“God, The Father"; “God, The Son”; and “God, The Holy Spirit”
Spider-Man's New Sidekick: The President-Elect
B arack O b am a c o llec te d S p id er-M an
com ics as a child, so M arvel C om ics w anted
to give him a "sh o u t-o u t back" by fe a tu r­
ing h im in a b o n u s story, said Jo e Q u esad a,
M arv el's ed ito r-in -ch ief.
"H ow g reat is th at? T he co m m an d e r in
c h ie f to be is a c tu a lly a n erd in chief,"
Q u esa d a said. "It w as really , really co o l to
see that w e had a geek in the W hite H ouse.
W e're all th rilled w ith that."
T he com ic starts w ith S p id er-M an 's a l­
te r-eg o P eter P ark er tak in g p h o to g rap h s at
the in a u g u ra tio n , b efo re sp o ttin g tw o id e n ­
tical O bam as.
P ark er d ecid es "the fu tu re p resid en t's
Marvel Comics shows the cover o f
The Amazing Spider-Man featuring
President-elect Barack Obama.
A Community Church »,
g o n n a need Spider-M an," and sp rin g s into
actio n , using b ask etb all to d eterm in e the
real O bam a and p u nching o ut the im postor.
O b am a th an k s him w ith a fist-bum p.
M arvel co m ics have featured m ost p resi­
d e n ts, b ut g e n e ra lly in w alk -o n ro les,
Q u esad a said.
"I th in k P resid en t N ixon m ig h t have a p ­
p ea red on the co v er, b ut n ot in a good
w ay," he said.
O bam a has said th at as a ch ild , he c o l­
lected S pider-M an and C onan the B arb ar­
ian com ic books. H is S enate W eb site used
to have a p hoto o f him p o sin g in front o f a
S u perm an statue.
T he O bam a story is a bon u s in M arvel
C o m ic's A m azing S pid er-M an # 583, a v a il­
able in com ic b o o k shops n atio n w id e on
Jan. 14 for $ 3.99 and is ex p ected to sell out,
w ith h alf the co v ers d ev o ted to O bam a.
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
us at our appointment with Jesus.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
To inquire about our Church or M inistry
call 503 863-6545 or email hodgehspks@ m sn.com
Motown Records Turns 50
T he y ear o f M otow n m em o ­
ries has begun.
M onday officially started the
5 0th an n iv ersary o f M otow n
R ecords.
T h at's the date in 1959 that
Berry G ordy Jr. secured an $800
lo an to start the com pany that
soon w ould spin out ch a rt-to p ­
p ing h its by S tevie W onder,
S u p re m e s,
S m okey
R o b in so n an d th e M ira c le s,
M arvin G aye, the F our T ops,
the T em p tatio n s an d m any o th ­
M onday
w a s d e c la r e d
"M otow n D ay" by local, state
and n ational p o litician s at the
M otow n H isto ric al M u seu m ,
the fo rm er studio.
T hey g ath ered w ith n u m e r­
ous label v eteran s in clu d in g the
F o u r T o p s’ A bdul "D uke" F a­
k ir , a n d m e m b e r s o f th e
M iracles, M arth a R eev es and
the V andellas and R are E arth.
O regon Zoo H onors M L K -
A fter suffering through a blus­
tery tw o m onths, the Oregon
invites fam ilies to venture out o f their hom es
and enjoy a free day on M onday, Jan. 19.
Maxine Powell, former artist developer, speaks Monday in
Detroit as Motown Museum Chief Executive Officer Robin
Terry looks on at a commemoration o f the 50th anniversary
o f the founding o f Motown Records. (AP photo)
Norm an Sylvester Band -
Friday, Jan. 16 at 9 p.m., the
rm an Sylvester Band takes the
stage at Tillicum ’ s in Beaverton, and on Friday,
Jan. 30, at D om enic’s in M ilw aukee at 9 p.m. For
more information, call 503-281 -5989.
C hocolateFest — Currently thru Feb. 1, the W orld
Forestry Center. Enjoy cascading chocolate foun­
tains, delicious samples, wine, sake chocolate pair­
ings, and more.
El Ultim o: A Bilingual Eco-D ram a - M ilagro
T heatre, 525 S.E. Stark St., presents a story that
unfolds at the edge o f the world: An eco-fem inist
and a soul-searching logger face a pow er
struggle determ ined by ecology, nature and
greed. Plays through Saturday, Jan. 17.
W hat’s Race G ot to D o with It? - B egin­
ning, Friday, Jan. 16, thru Friday, Jan. 23,
Mt. Hood Com munity College will take a
closer look at race through a sym po­
sium o f lectures. For a com plete list of
topics and inform ation, contact Janet
Campbell at 503-491 -7430.
Bad Boys o f D ance - Thursday, Jan. 15 thru
Saturday, Jan. 17, Rasta Thom as leads the all-male
dance troupe at the N ew m ark Theatre; tickets
a v a ila b le
th ro u g h ,----------- »-
ticketm asters.com .
Fat Pig - T his month,
the Interstate Firehouse
Cultural Center, 5340 N.
Interstate Ave., presents
“Fat Pig,” the story o f a
man w ho falls for a plus sized beauty and boldly
questions the im portance o f conventional good
looks. For tickets, call 5O3-2O5-O7I5 or visit
T h e M agdalene Sisters - Screening on Friday,
Jan. 16, at 7 p.m ., at In O ther W ords Bookstore, 8
N E K illingsworth. A thought provoking film about
teenage girls sent to M agdalene A sylum s, labeled
as “fallen” by their fam ilies and society.
Irish C ulture -- Friday, Jan. 16, from 8
p.m. to 12:30 p.m., celebrate Irish cul­
ture by enjoying the beautiful Irish
Ceili Dance with Crumac, 618 S.E.
Alder, and on Saturday, Jan. 17, at
8 p.m., the festival features the
enchanting Sean-nos Northwest
B ob th e B u ild er - TV s Bob the
Builder and his Can-D o Crew invite
aspiring young builders to help get the
jo b done in a hands-on traveling exhibit
at the Portland C hildren's M useum. The
2,000square-foot, m ultimediaexhibit invites explo­
ration and team w ork for children and families. The
show has been extended through until June
O M S I A fte r D a rk - O M SI After Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science fun;
$ 10 fee. For more inform ation call 503-797-
4000 or visit om si.edu.
o f Dance
DANCING” - The Boston Globo
JAN. 1 5 -1 7 73<
O pen Mic N ight - Every W ednesday night at 7
p.m.. Proper Eats Market and Café, 8638 N. Lomhard
St., host open m ic night.
Spnrwucart /irnpam,