Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 14, 2009, Martin Luther King Jr 2009 Special Issue, Page 10, Image 10

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    lanuaiy 14, 2009
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Walking in Solidarity
with the
Unborn Children
Saturday - January 24,2009
Our Life is a Gift from God
Coine Walk with Us to Celebrate this Gift
Speaking for Those Who
Cannot Speak for Themselves
• A ssem ble from 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Southside of Alberta Park
Killingsworth & NE 20th
• Step O ff at 12:00 p.m.
• M arch W est on Killingsworth to
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
• South on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
• Short Vigil at Beech St.
• W est on Beech St. to Williams
• M arch ends at
Life Change Christian Center
3635 N. Williams Ave.
M arch fo r Life Sponsored by
Upper Room Church (503) 901 -0623
& Precious C hildren o f Portland (503) 334-6183
Back by Popular Demand
O ld S chool M aster B arber Reggie Brown
Hours/Days-. 11-7 Tues-Fri • 10-7 Sat
Reggie’s Barber Shop
3213 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd • 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -0 2 2 2
Specialize in all hair types, Straight razor cu ts/ lines /shaves;
Sheers, Clippers a nd Fades
Obama Inauguration Prayer Service
faith, action
V ancouver A venue First Bap­
tist Church, 3138 N. V ancouver
Ave, will host an inauguration
prayer service on Tuesday, Jan.
20, beginning at 6 p.m. with a
reception and follow ed by the
7:15p.m . service.
Rev. Renee' W ard and Pastor
M att H ennessee will host the
event to celebrate the inaugura­
tion o f President Barack Obam a,
as well as honor our ancestors
who served as pacesetters for the
tem po o f the civil rights m ove­
ment and the civil liberties we
benefit from today.
E veryone is en couraged to
bring their favorite photo or memo­
rabilia o f their ancestor for a spe­
cial altar call. The evening will
include highlights from the inau­
guration, as well as m usic, fun,
food, fellow ship and speakers.
Special g u ests in clu d e the
v o ic es o f J u lia n n e Jo h n so n ,
M agesdiq, V ancouver A venue
First Baptist Church M ass Choir,
Calvin Allmon and other com m u­
nity partners.
The service is open to the pub­
lic and everyone is encouraged to
w ear their favorite O bam a t-shirt
or button and prayerfully cel­
ebrate the nation's first elected
African American President, First
Lady and their adorable daugh­
For more information, contact
Rev. Ward at503-548-7537oremail
her at re vrenee ward @ hotmail .com.
University Hosts ‘Dream Alive’ Program
With civil
rights activist
Civil rights activist Joe Rogers
will present the D ream Alive Pro­
gram in honor o f Rev. Martin
Luther King Jr. at the University
o f Portland on W ednesday, Jan.
21 at 7 p.m. in the Chapel of Christ
the T eacher on the north Portland
cam pus.
Rogers, a form er Lieutenant
G overnor o f C olorado, is an ac­
claim ed, positive and uplifting
speaker w ho is dedicated to the
legacy and m em ory o f Rev. King
and leaders o f the civil rights
His live com m entary will take
audience mem bers back in tim e to
the renow ned 1963 M arch on
W ashington where King deliv­
ered his “I Have A Dream" speech,
Joe Rogers
as well as his final w ords deliv­
ered in 1968 in M em phis, Tenn.
R ogers’ presentation has been
described as “uncanny, electrify­
ing, spellbinding, aw esom e, and
touching— like King was in the
He has led efforts to improve
the lives o f C olorado’s children
and the quality o f C olorado’s
schools, and w orked extensively
to enhance jo b and econom ic
opportunities w ithin the state.
He has also been recognized
for his work and com m itm ent to
civil rights, having received the
T ru m p et A w ard from T u rn er
Broadcasting in recognition o f
African A m erican achievem ent
by those who have m ade signifi­
cant contributions to enhance the
quality o f life for all A m ericans.
Last Spring, Rogers published
his first book. The Letter to My
Son, a m anuscript o f w isdom and
inspiration for a life w ell-lived.
He cre ate d the D ream A live
P rogram to in crease the u n d er­
stan d in g o f the co n trib u tio n s
that Rev. K ing and m o v em en t
lead ers im p arted on the n ation,
and as a p assio n ate rem in d er
that th eir w isdom and vision are
tim eless.
The event is presented by the
M ulticultural Program s division
o f the university’s O ffice o f Stu­
dent A ctivities. For m ore infor­
m ation, contact Bethany Sills at
503-943-7470or sills @ up.edu.
Ask about our Special Tightwad Tuesday
Hurricane Katrina Survivor Remembered
Lynda Ford
Funeral services for Lynda
M arie Lew is Ford, who died Jan.
8,2009, will be held Friday, Jan. 16
at 11 a.m. at Antioch M issionary
Baptist Church. A public visita­
tion is scheduled Thursday, Jan.
15 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Terry
Fam ily Funeral Home. An addi­
tional funeral service will be held
in N ew O rleans, La.
A ccepting Jesus Christ as Lord
and Savior at a very early age
enabled her to triumph over many
obstacles throughout her life.
She w as bom M ay 3 ,1 9 4 9 , in
New O rleans, the oldest daughter
and third o f 12 children bom to
Irving Brown Sr. and Beverly
Lewis. She was m arried to Henry
E. F ord Sr. for six years. She had
four children.
She attended and graduated
from Walter L. Cohen Senior High
School. She was displaced by
Hurricane Katrina three years ago
and moved to Portland to be closer
to her tw o elder children.
She held m any jobs through­
out her career. H er most recent
em ployer was LIG Inc - N ew C o­
lum bia P roperty M anagem ent
In Loving Memory
Phillip (Butch) Washington
Sunrise: July 4, 1945
Sunset-January 16, 1999
M onday- Friday 11 :OOam-3:3Opm
D inner
M onday- Friday 3:(XJ-pm— 9:00pm
Saturday-Sunday noon-9:(X)pm
North Portland
Good Deeds Can
Mean 6ood
Tax Breaks!
And you're not
lim ited to
donations, we ll
•Your car
•Your boat
•Your house
Soon you'll be
preparing your
federal ta x return...
don't fo rg e t you can
count your donation
to KMHb 89.1 FM as
a charitable
Your donation can
add up to a nice tax
if you itemize
n ep h ew s, frie n d s and fam ily.
A rrangem ents by Terry F am ­
ily Funeral Home.
Family Man Sorely Missed
A m em orial service for Todd
Allan Rutherford Sr., 39, will be
held on Saturday, Jan. l7 ,2 0 0 9 at
11 a.m. at M aranatha Church,
4222 N.E. 12th Ave.
Rutherford was a lifetime Port­
land resident who graduated from
Benson High School. He was a
peacem aker and devoted family man who
was a good friend to men and women.
He loved food, music, film, cars and
jewelry. Butm ostofallhelovedhisfam ily.
He w as a dep en d ab le, w onderful
gentlem an, w ho will be sorely m issed by
833 North K illingsw orth Street, Portland,
Oregon 97217 • Tel.(503) 285-8745
Business hours
G roup in Portland.
She was preceded in death by
a sister, D iana Lynn W allace.
S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e h er tw o
sons, H enry E. F o rd Jr. and J u s­
tin J. F o rd ; tw o d a u g h te rs ,
B everly R. F ord and Jacq u elin e
G. Ford K etchens; th ree g ra n d ­
c h ild r e n ; b r o th e r s , C h e s te r
L ew is, H aro ld P ark s, Irving
B row n, Jr., R o b ert B row n, E u ­
g en e B ro w n , an d E d w ard
B row n; sisters, C arro n e D avis,
W illie M ae B row n, V irg in ia J.
H ankins, and Faith B row n; and
a h o st o f aunts, u n cles, n ieces.
Todd Rutherford sr.
all who knew and loved him.
He leaves behind tw o sons,
T odd A llan Rutherford Jr. 17
and K neko M oore 21 ; daughter,
K ayla Stevens 17; a brother,
Earle W. R utherford Jr., his
mother, Charlesetta Rutherford;
grandm other, K atherine M oan­
ing and many family members and friends.
His father, Earle and grandparents Otto
and Verdell R utherford and Isaac M oan­
ing preceded him in death.
A rrangem ents entrusted by Cox &
Cox Funeral Chapel.
Homegoing for Local Gospel Singer
You are greatly missed.
Then, Now & Forever
Loving you
Wife, Daughter and Grand Daughters
Ç poi »
Willa Mae Dorsey
A funeral for gospel singer W illa Mae
Dorsey was scheduled for W ednesday
at The International Fellowship Family in
northeast Portland.
The G ram m y-nom inated singer died
Jan. 5, 2009 at a Portland care center
follow ing a series of strokes. She was 75.
D orsey began her professional career
at 19, singing gospel songs w ritten by
her father's cousin, T hom as A. Dorsey.
He w rote, "Precious Lord," one of her
favorite songs.
Her first solo album , “The W orld's
M ost Exciting Gospel Singer," was nomi­
nated for a G ram m y in 1969. A Billboard
review at the tim e called her "one of the
m ost original singers to ever em erge in
the gospel scene.
In Loving Memory Inez m . waiis
Funeral services for Inez M. W alls, who was bom Sept. 14,1912 and died Jan. 4,
2(X)9, were held Friday, Jan. 9 at W alker Tem ple Church, 5023 N. M ichigan Ave.
Interment followed at Finley's Sunset Hills. A rrangements entrusted by C ox& C ox
Funeral Chapel.
Quayuana Washington o f Portland
receives her degree from Portland's
College o f Legal Arts. The program
requires 3 0 weeks o f night classes.
5 days a week. In December, she
began working as a Legal Assistant
for Chase & Weil LLP.
Happy 100th Birthday!
Ethel E. Thomas
celebrated her 100th
birthday on Dec. 24.
We love you,
From the Allen and Harper family