Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 07, 2009, Page 9, Image 9

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lanuary 7. 2009
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i A J
C o m p u t e r R e p a ir
W e F ix L a p to p s & D e s k to p s
C O M tt iifH
The Benson Dance Team is a committed group o f young people working to improve their dance skills, academics and
personal lives.
Local Dance Team Reaches Out
Raising funds
for national
T h e B enson H igh S ch o o l
Dance Team is a cohesive group
o f dancers supporting one an­
other in and out o f school. They
understand that it take hard w ork
and consistency to achieve the
goals they have set for them ­
selves and the team.
O ne such goal for the team,
w hich perform s at the hom es
gam es for the football and bas­
ketball season, school assemblies
and special events, is to attend
the USA National Com petition
for smal I hip hop groups later this
But in order for the team to go
to California and compete, it needs
In Loving Memory
Aug. 2 4 ,1 9 2 6 -Jan. 1,2009
Services for LeV an Johnson Sr. will be held T hurs­
day, Jan. 8, at 11 a.m. at V ancouver A venue 1st Baptist
Church, 3138 N. V ancouver Ave.
Interm ent will follow at W illam ette N ational Cem etery.
A rrangem ents Entrusted by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel.
financial support.
Portland Public Schools does
not provide the team any funds
for this trip. W ith 75 percent o f the
team receiving free and or reduced
lunch, the cost o f attending N a­
tionals is out o f the reach for most
o f our fam ilies. Contribution will
provide the dancers with a once
in a life tim e opportunity.
T he girls need fin an ces to
cover travel, food, and hotel.
Dear Deanna!
1 think it's disrespectful how my
brother’s wife pretends to be so
helpless with the m en in the fam ­
ily. My brother is a trucker and
h e’s on the road m ost o f the tim e
working. She purposely calls the
other husbands seeking help with
her plum bing, car problem s and
calls to ask stupid questions. The
w omen in the family see through
her and think she’sa b ig flirt. How
do we address the problem w ith­
out being viewed as “haters" or
accused o f jealousy? -T in a ;
Charleston, S.C.
Dear Tina:
This can be handled through dia­
logue and communication. Ad­
dress the issue with your brother
first and share your plans with him.
Then address the concerns with
your sister-in-law as a group. Pro­
vide solutions by giving her a di­
rectory of names, phone numbers
and addresses for every problem
she could possibly encounter.
Lastly, each o f you need to also
talk to your spouse as well and
issue boundaries in relations to
A n advice colum n known fo r
its fearless approach to
reality based subjects!
them jum ping to her every call.
Dear Deanna!
My m other plays favorites when
it com es to my younger brother
and sister because o f who the
father is. She is with my brother’s
father and sh e's trying to hold on
to a failing relatio n sh ip . My
brother is a terror and gets away
with everything because if he is
disciplined, that causes an argu-
^Jortlanh (Dbscrucr
Established 1970
Services for Sarah L. Richey, who
was bom M arch 25, 1921 and died
Dec. 27,2008, will be Friday, Jan. 9
at 11 a.m. at Betheseda Christian
Church, 109 N. Em erson St.
Interment will follow at Rose City
A rrangem ents entrusted by Cox
& Cox Funeral Chapel.
from the scrap iron business. He
now spends his days w atching
television and talking on the
phone. He and his wife. Shelly
Mae, recently observed 30 years
o f m atrim ony. H isonlydaughter
is C arolyn Hinton.
Mr. Penix is proud to be the
patriarch o f six generations.
ment. I am sick and tired o f my
little sister being miserable, going
through punishm ent w hile my
m other m akes a fool o f herself.
How can I get through to my
m om ? -A nita; Wilkesboro, N.C.
Y ou're m ature enough to see the
problem so you should feel se­
cure talking with your m other
w om an-to-w om an. Simply point
out the differences she makes
between the tw o children and the
harm sh e 's placing upon your
little sister. At the same time, you
need to show her the flaw s in the
relationship without making it per­
sonal. Have this discussion in a
neutral setting and also point out
positive things as well as the nega­
tive and hope for the best.
Dear Deanna!
she makes herself look foolish and
she doesn't realize that people are
laughing at her. I would like a few
suggestions on how I can have
this discussion with my grand­
mother without appearing disre­
spectful? -A m ber; Oklahoma
City, Okla.
Dear Amber:
Your grandmother is old enough
to live her life without worrying
about what you or anyone else
thinks. You could learn things such
self-confidence and the ability to
love life from this woman. If she
was smoking marijuana and dress­
ing like a hoochie, you would have
a legitimate problem. But since
she’s enjoying life, you should
relax, take her shopping and be
blessed that you have a grand­
mother th at's on her feet and not
deceased or in a nursing home.
My grandmother is embarrassing
because she's old and still trying A sk Deanna is written by Deanna
to act young. It's annoying to see M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
my grandmother trying to sing rap askdeannal @ yahoo.com or 264
songs, smoke cigarettes and wear­ S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite ¡283
ing jeans. My parents don't mind Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
but 1 don't think its right. I feel that
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Posnusm: Send address changes to Portland Observer.
PO Box 313 7. Portland, 0R 97208
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USPS 959-680 ________________________________
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Sarah L. Richey
Dear Anita:
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to work in the shipyards. He lived in
V anport, until the flood o f 1948. In
the early sixties he operated the
Parkway grocery store on W illiam s
A venue for 10 years, after that he
w o rk e d th e m e a t c o u n te r at
L eonard 's store on North M issis­
sippi Avenue.
Mr. Penix retired in his late 8 0 ’s
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311 NE K illingsworth
C ontributions are currently
being accepted. Make sure checks
are payable to the Benson Dance
Team in care of Benson High
School and say T ax ID #93-
6026394. Include your nam e and
address and the team will send
you a thank you letter along with
an update o f how it does in the
national com petition.
For m ore inform ation, call
Tracie Brothers at 971 -645-3867.
Cartez Penix Celebrates 100th Birthday
A 1 (X)th birthday celebration was held in
honor o f Mr. C artez Penix on Jan. 3 at
Ainsw orth United Church o f Christ. M any
fam ily m em bers and friends attended the
Mr. Penix was bom on Jan. 6, 1909 in
Bearden, Arkansas. He has been a resident
o f Portland for 65 years.
He cam e to Portland during W orld W ar II
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