Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 07, 2009, Page 7, Image 7

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    ^Jortlaxxb ©bseruer
lanuaiy 7, 2009
Page A7
O bservador
Posters of Cuba at Onda
W hen Fidel Castro and his
revolution rode into Havana
on Jan. 1, 1959, the Cuban
society changed. N ot th e-
least o f these changes was a
radically new understanding
o f the role o f graphic art.
D e s ig n e rs , e n g ra v e rs ,
printers and typographers
were called to work on post­
ers for historical and cultural
purposes. The R evolution­
ary G overnm ent w anted to
make sure that literature, the­
atre, film, visual arts, dance
and music arrived at the door
o f the masses. As a result,
the poster becam e a vehicle
for the spread o f culture and
a perm anent expression of a
new reality, continually re­
newing itself and accessible
to all.
Some o f the posters reflecting historical
F or 50 years, the poster
and cultural life in Cuba that are on display
has com m em o rated every
at Onda Gallery, 22 1 5 N.E. Alberta St.
ev ent, every contingency
o f C uban life, cre atin g p o ­
litical aw areness through im ­
ages o f co n tem p o rary h is­
tory and the revolutionary
pro cess - c e le b ra tin g heroic
i n d i v i d u a l s , im p o r ta n t
dates, teaching duties o f citi­
zenship, inspiring individual
a n d g ro u p a c h ie v e m e n ts
a n d a n n o u n c in g m a jo r
e v e n ts . A n e x h ib it th is
m onth at O nda gallery, 2215
N .E. A lberta St., show s re p ­
resentative p oster art from
all five decades, including a
v ariety o f o u tstan d in g a rt­
ists and a range o f political
and cultural them es.
Som e are w ork o f graphic
artists such as B achs and
R ostgaard, w hose prim ary
ce n te r o f activ ity w as the
C u b a n I n s titu te o f C in ­
em atic A rt and In d u stry ,
w hile others contain im ages
posters are from H avana but others,
R ené
a rtis ts
su ch
such as the colorful C arn iv al p osters
P o rtocarrero, one o f C uba's finest
by S uitberto G oire, are from Santiago.
co n tem porary painters. M ost o f the
photo by
Bilingual Eco-Drama
at Milagro Theatre
At the edge of the world, M apuche
Sham ans, an eco-fem inist, and a soul-
searching logger converge at a lone
stand o f trees on a windswept island in
Patagonia. There, nature awaits its des­
tiny as the pow er struggle of culture,
ecology and greed determ ines their fu­
W hat is gained, and what is lost as
these individuals attem pt to reconcile
slide hit Sunday near the village o f Aquil
G rande as people were heading to a
weekly market.
Road work along the highway could
have triggered the slide, said Angel
Estrada, the head o f the rescue effort.
Many o f the victim s were laborers
w ho were returning hom e after working
on the road.
Tw o people were killed in a landslide
along the same road tw o weeks ago.
their personal ideology with the future
of the planet, is the story behind El
Ultimo, an original bilingual eco-drama,
that plays Thursday, Jan. 8 through Jan.
17 at Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St.,
before beginning a national tour to states
such as California, W ashington, Colo­
rado and Rhode Island.
T ic k ets can be p u rch a sed from
milagro.org or by call ing 503-236-7253.
El U ltim o is also part o f an inte-
g rated -arts learn in g p ro g ram entitled
the A rt o f S cience, aim ed to share
su stain ab le co m m u n ity b u ilding and
living tech n iq u es. E x am p les o f the
p ro g ram ’s p ro jects w ill be on display
during a free S p an ish -lan g u ag e E n v i­
ronm ental F air from 3 :3 0 -4 :3 0 p in.,
Saturday, Jan. 17, follow ing a m atinee
perform ance o f El U ltim o.
C h am b er L ea d er N a m ed
Deadly Mudslide in Guatemala
(AP) Rescuers pulled 33 bodies M on­
day from a m assive landslide that cov­
ered a northern G uatem ala highway, and
rescue w orkers continued digging for
more victims.
G uatem ala's Vice President Rafael
Espada said he feared the death toll could
rise by at least a dozen more. At least 15
others were injured.
Authorities still do not know how many
people were in the area when the land­
S tephanie D avis
Marchi Hortensia (Dahel Malan, right) instructs eco-feminist Solen (Sylvia Malan-Gonzalez) in Mapuche traditions
in the new bilingual eco-drama El Ultimo at the Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St.
Gale Castillo
Gale Castillo, the president of the
Portland's Hispanic Metropolitan
Chamber has been selected as one of
22 Latinas nationwide to participate
in an executive leadership program.
Castillo was cited by the National
Leadership Institute for her commit­
ment to the Hispanic community. The
four-week program will include visits
to San Juan Bautista, Calif., Harvard
University’s John F. Kennedy School
of Government in Cambridge, Mass.;
and seminars in Washington, D.C.
“This executive program is a great
way to highlight the accomplishments
of Latinos in Oregon and also bring
national resources to address local
com m unity g o a ls,” said C ecily
Quintana, Hispanic Chamber board
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Nicaragua Adds Wind Power
(AP) - Energy-starved N ica­
ragua is turning to w ind as it tries
to reduce its dependence on oil-
based power.
In January, the country will
begin operating 19 w indm ills that
have the potential to generate 40
m egaw atts o f energy.
E n e rg y M in is te r E m ilio
Rappaccioli said the $90 million
project will be operating at full
capacity by the end o f January
and contribute 6 percent o f the
country's total energy needs.
N icaragua successfully ended
rolling blackouts that left the coun­
try without pow er for hours on
many days, but the government
struggled to pay higher energy
costs as oil prices peaked at m ore
than $ 147 a barrel earlier this year.
W ind is part o f N icaragua's
efforts to reduce its dependence
on oil -based energy to ju s, 3 per­
cent by 2013. The country has
also turned to geothermal power
from volcanoes, hydroelectric
pow er generated by rivers and
sugarcane based ethanol. Those
sources provide 34 percent of
N icaragua's energy.
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These windmills, part o f a $90 million project, have sprung
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