il!‘ '¡Llnrtbuih © bseruer lanuary 7, 2 0 0 9 Page A5 Barbers at the Top of their Game Champions opens on MLK All the hard w ork that went into the opening o f Cham pions Barbershop at 3827 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. BI vd. has passed, and now the reality sets in. The sh op’s barbers Jesse Jackson and A ndy Harry and ow ners, Jamaal Lane and Art W illiam s are hard at work, providing cuts in their up­ scale, sports-them ed shop. C h a m p io n s B a rb e rs h o p opened their doors to their clients providing an attractive and invit­ ing atm osphere for those seeking a “cham pion level” o f groom ing services. The shop also provides a vari­ ety o f discounts to the com m u­ nity. Last month, they offered $3 o ff cuts for PIL students receiv­ ing a 3.0 G PA during their first quarter T h ey ’realsoprovided$3 o ff cuts for anyone who brought in an unopened toy donation. T he contribution o f toys was donated to Self Enhancement, Inc. for their holiday needs. Lane describes that the name s h o p 's m o tto , b u t i t ’s th e ir lifestyle. “Unity, being one, is key for us as barbers,” W illiam s said. ‘T h ere is an accountability we have for our com m unity and each other. W e push each other to live at a higher standard.” Lane explains how the dictio­ nary describes a cham pion as som eone who fights for a cause. “W e professionally cut hair and behind the cutting th ere’s a higher purpose," he said. O n a daily basis. Cham pions Barbershop custom ers not only com e in to receive a cut, but also for the conversations. Som etim es full o f com edy, the talk is an open invitation to dis­ cuss politics, sports, religion and relationships. All o f the barbers can share w here th ey ’ve been and w here they’re going and are dedicated to living a positive stan­ dard that can lead others to do the same. “O ur desire is for our shop to impact the com m unity in a way that would leave a legacy,” W ill­ iam s says. “W e’re very passion­ photos by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver ate about the young people in our Champions Barbershop is a new upscale and sports-themed business at 3827 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Pictured are com m unity and we hope to be an co-owner Jamaal Lane (from left), barbers Andy Harry and Jesse Jackson, and co-owner Art Williams. 22"dA n n u al N e ig h b o rh o o d F ix-It F air A F R E E e v e n t w h e r e y o u c a n le a r n s i m p l e a n d a f f o r d a b le w a y s to im p r o v e y o u r h o m e , l i v e h e a l t h y a n d s a v e m o n e y . 8:30 a.m . to 2 p.m. J a n u a r y 10, 2 0 0 9 | PARKROSE HIGH SCHOOL | 1 2 003 NE S h a v e r S t. F eb ru a ry 7, 2 0 0 9 | GEORGE MIDDLE SCHOOL | 1OOOO N Burr Ave. Free lunch I Free on-site professional childcare Door prizes every hour Hourly workshops Day-long exhibits Customers fill the seats at the new Champions Barbershop. o f the shop represents w hat the influential and positive exam ple.” barbers strive to be. O utsid e o f the p o sitiv e c o n ­ “T o be a cham pion, you are v ersatio n s and g reat cu ts, this co n sid ered the b est," L ane said. unique shop also o ffe rs liv a b il­ “L ike in bask etb all, there are ity in a new ly ren o v a ted b u ild ­ p rofessio n al ball players, but ing, free w i-fi, co ffee b ar and a there are only a few cham pions. flat screen TV . T h is p lace has W hen you achieve ch a m p io n ­ w alls decked out w ith sports ship level, y o u 're at the top o f m em o rab ilia, spacio u s seating y o u r g am e.” and a com fortable area for k id 's W ithout doubt the com m unity to play. support has show n that these “ W e not only w anted a clean, barbers are best at what they do. refreshing place as a barbershop, Even Portland’s very own w in­ but we w anted a family atm o­ ners, Portland Trailblazers Greg sphere. O ur plans included ac­ O den, Brandon Roy, LaM arcus com m odations for parents and Aldridge and Martell W cbsterare kids," Lane says. “A few o f us regular clients and true support­ have wives and children and truly ers o f the shop. understand family. W hat better “C om m unity Builds C ham pi­ place to have a mix of all the things ons. Be O ne," is not only the we love, fam ily and sports!” Snow Doesn’t Stop Tram The Portland Aerial Tram had its biggest day o f 2(X)8 during the recent snow em ergency, record­ ing a total ridership o f 5,428 on Dec. 23 - and for the first tim e since operations began 23 months ago, the tw o Tram cabins reached full-capacity loads o f 78 people on some trips. Oregon Health Sciences Uni­ versity President Joe Robertson said tram operators extended hours, waived fares, and ran the tram through the holidays and Sundays. “T heirefforts meant we always had a safe, reliable way to get people to and from Marquam Hill, even in the midst o f ice, snow, fre e z in g ra in a n d slu s h ," Robertson said. Tram ridership totaled 37,644 during the 13 days o f the snow emergency beginning on Dec. 15. The $4 fare typically charged to non-O H SU riders was w aived throughout the five-day stretch when road travel was most difficult - from Sunday, Dec. 21, through Thursday, Dec. 25 - to accom m o­ date Marquam Hill residents who o th e rw is e w o u ld h av e been stranded. Next tim e y o u ’re in the area, stop by C ham pions and experi­ ence what the champion level feels like. 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -4 3 0 9 | fix itfa ir @ c i.P o r tla n d .o r .u s | w w w .p o r t la n d o n lin e . c o m / o s d / fif Sponsored by; PGE | Energy Trust | Portland Development Commission | Pacific Power "Keep Alive The Dream " Tribute to: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr This event will feature artistic expressions of music, dance, psalm, inspirational speaking and politically motivating speeches. WHEN? Monday January 19,2009 WHERE? Highland Christian Center 11:00 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. 7600 N.E. Glisan, Portland, Oregon Appearances by: City. State and National Dignitaries, Legendary "Beyons", Oz and Company, University o f Oregon Gospel Choir, Jefferson Dancers. Derrick Duffy and Chosen Generation, “No Kidding Choir”, Michelle Lang and Still Water, Gospel Music Workshop of Oregon/Vancouver Chapters, Royalty, Linda Hornhuckle & Janice Scroggins, various schools and community groups. Special Features: Life Time Achievement Awards Ceremony, Dreamers Village Bazaar Live Program /Radio Broadcast: KBQQ (90.7 FM) Broadcast/tape delayed on Portland Community Media (channel 11) 1:00 8:00PM and on Television Services (PPS channel 28) 3:00 10:00PM Donation: $5.00 OR 5 cans of non-perishable food. CHANGE? Yes we can! INSPIRED BY THE PURSUIT OF PROGRESS Repair Scams Follow Storms D ec em b e r's w inter storm has has the follow ing advice: left m any hom es and buildings Check to make sure the contrac­ d am aged by dow ned trees, ice- tor is properly licensed. Consum ­ co v ered tree lim bs and heavy ers should verify a contractor’s snow . T he C o n stru ctio n C o n ­ CCB license at tracto rs B oard w arns O regon CCB, o r503-378-4621 before sign­ h o m eow ners not to becom e a ing a home repair contract or pay­ victim to those p reten d in g to be ing any money. l e g itim a te c o n tra c to rs . Be w ary o f d o o r-to -d o o r re ­ H o m eow ners w hose hom e and pair so licitatio n s, co n tra cto rs o th e r pro p erty is dam aged are using vehicles w ith o u t-o f-state prim e targets. license p lates and “too-good- If roofs, w indow s, fences, or to -b e -tru e ” bids. p atio co v e rin g s are dam aged, D o n 't pay 10 0 p ercen t o f the o r if y o u ’ve got dow ned trees bill before the repairs are p ro p ­ that should be rem oved the CC’B erly com pleted. A Production of World Arts Foundation, Inc. A \on-Profit Organization For program information & event schedule log onto: Visit our BLOG at SPONSORS: Safeco Insurance Foundation | Portland Public Schools | F or MORE INFORMATION FOR 503-816-9001 Portland Association of Teachers | McDonald's of Oregon A SW Washington | ( (ONTACT: ( Enterprise Rent A Car | City of Portland | Oregon Education Association | Flyer by Good Seed Design Concordia University | Portland General Electric | African American Chamber of Commerce www goodseeddesiyn com KBOO Radio | PPS Television Services | Portland Community Media J and many more I I