lanuaiy 7. 2009 PageA2 New Congress Takes Oath Illinois appointee rejected Ray Charles Ray Charles Tribute Saturday The m usic of the legendary Ray C harles lives on in a Tribute to Ray Charles, a benefit for jazz education at the Mt. Hood C om m unity College Theater on the G resham cam pus Saturday, Jan. 10. D oors open at 7 p.m. with the show beginning at 8 p.m T he concert will feature some of Portland s finest m usicians, such as Patrick Lamb, Liv Warfield, Duffy Bishop, Andy Stokes, the Am erican Music Program with Thara M emory and the Mt. Hood Com m unity College Jazz Band and G enesis V ocal E n­ semble. “W hen students perform a musical tribute to a legendary figure such as Ray Charles, they learn a great deal about the life and music o f that m usician, and they gain historical perspec­ tive,” said Susie Jones, M HCC Music instructor. “T hese stu­ dents will pay tribute to the past, w hile perform ing alongside some o f Portland's finest living m usicians." Tickets are $ 18 online through Tickets O regon o r $20 at the door. For more inform ation, visitpatricklam . The Capitol rang loud with vow s to fix the crisis-rid d en econom y T uesday as Congress opened for business at the dawn o f a new D em ocratic era. "We need action and we need action now," said Speaker N ancy Pelosi. R epublicans agreed, and pledged cooperation in Congress as well as with President-elect Barack O bam a — to a point. On a day largely devoted to cerem ony, new m em bers of C on­ gress and those new ly re-elected sw ore to defend the C onstitu­ tion. The Senate galleries were crow ded; children and grandchil­ dren o f law m akers squirm ed in their seats in the House cham ber as the w inners in last fall's elec­ tions claim ed their prizes. O ne o ffic e-se ek er w as not am ong them. In a scripted bit o f political theater. D em ocrat Roland B um s o f Illinois was inform ed he would not be seated because his paper­ work was not in order. He pledged a lawsuit, the latest twist in a MLK Weekend Celebration through Service loin the fun and help your community! January 17-19 political dram a that began when he was nam ed to O bam a's Senate seat by Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who has been charged with hav­ ing attem pted to sell the appoint­ ment. Parting from many of her Demo­ cratic colleagues, Diane Feinstein o f California, the chairm an o f the LIVE UNITED. Diversity Works at Senate Rules Com mittee, said that the Senate should seat Burris. H ow ever tainted by corrup­ tion charges, B lagojevich has the right to appoint som eone to Presi­ dent-elect Barack Obama's former seat, Feinstein said. Feinstein said that blocking Burris would have ram ifications fo r o th er g o v ern o rs' ap p o in t­ ments. O bam a was across town in a meeting with his econom ic advis­ ers as the opening gavels fell in the House and Senate at noon. His inauguration as the nation's first black president is two weeks away. Waterfront Dock Named for Duckworth renam ed the Kevin J. D uckw orth B lazers at the tim e o f his death. “T h is is a w o n d erfu l w ay to M em orial Dock. A s stip u lated by the C o u n ­ m em orialize K evin and the work It's m ore than appropriate that we name the dock on the Eastbank cil-ap p ro v ed nam ing policy, a he p erfo rm ed on b eh a lf o f the E splanade in his honor," said le tte r w as sent to the K erns Portland Trail Blazers.” Saltzman outgoing Portland M ayor Tom N e ig h b o r h o o d A s s o c ia tio n . said. “ I ch e ered on K evin and Potter. “T he dock represents a T he co m m ittee, co m p rised o f all the B lazers d u rin g the ‘90s legacy o f hardw orking men and citizen s and city staff, rev iew ed and w as sad d en ed , like m any P o rtlan d ers, at his p assin g this wom en, a culture o f com m unity the req u e st and ap p ro v ed it. “ A m ong the m any trib u tes sum m er. N am in g this p o p u lar and a love for the water. There could be no more fitting m em o­ to m em orialize K evin, this might fishing spot after him is a fitting be the h o n o r he w ould have trib u te to a w o n d erfu l m em ber rial.” P o tter and P o rtlan d P arks been the m ost ex cited ab o u t,” o f the P o rtlan d co m m u n ity .” D uckw orth rem ain s the 10th C o m m issio n er Dan S altzm an T rail B lazers P re sid en t L arry le a d in g s c o re r ( 7 ,1 8 8 ) an d w ish e d to m e m o ria liz e M r. M iller said , “ It ce le b ra tes his rebounder (3,327) in Trail B laz­ D uckw orth’s place in P o rtlan d 's love o f P o rtlan d , the T rail B laz­ ers h isto ry , c o m p ilin g averag es history by nam in g a p ro m in en t ers and the o u td o o rs. W e are o f 13.6 p oints and 6.3 reb o u n d s fish in g spot after him . W hat h o n o red th at the C ity o f P o rt­ in 527 gam es w ith P ortland. b e tte r lo c a tio n , th e y d e t e r ­ land has reco g n ized K evin w ith Fans interested in m aking a m ined, than th is p o p u lar fish ­ such a p erfect trib u te .” tax-deductible donation to the A m em ber o f the T rail Blazers ing location in the heart o f d ow n­ K ev in D u c k w o rth M e m o rial from 1986-93, D u ck w o rth re­ tow n P o rtlan d , in the shadow of Scholarship Fund should send m ain ed in the P o rtlan d area a f­ the R ose Q uarter. their contributions directly to the te r his 1 1 -y ear N B A c a re e r T he city lead ers su b m itted a request to the P o rtland Parks ended. An avid fish erm an & O regon C om m unity Foundation, and R ecreatio n N am ing C o m ­ o u td o o rsm an , and a sk illed c a r­ K evin D uckw orth Scholarship m ittee that the cu rren tly nam ed penter, D uckw orth served a H eri­ Fund, 1221 S.W. Yamhill St.. Suite “C o n v en tio n C e n ter D o ck " be tage A m b assad o r for the T rail 100, Portland, OR 97205. continued Learn more about projects and Register at Volunteerwith yourfriends, family, children or co-workers and Illinois U.S. Senate Appointee Roland Burris makes a statement Tuesday after departing Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. (AP photo) fro m Front