lanuaiy 7. 2009 Page AIO A ctor #1 for Theater Appeal No nam e on the m arquee was $228 million. "Seven Pounds," m ore pleasing to theater ow ners currently in theaters, has pulled in 2008 than Will Smith, accord­ in a somewhat lackluster$39 mil­ ing to a survey o f m ovie exhibi­ lion in two weeks. Following Smith, tors. in order, were Rob­ S m ith , s ta r of e rt D o w n ey Jr. "Hancock" and "Seven (" Iro n M an," Pounds," was voted the "Tropic Thunder"), star who generated the Christian Bale ("The most box office revenue Dark K night"),Shia for theaters. LaBeouf ("Indiana Sm ith is only the sec­ Jones and the King­ ond black actor to be Will Smith dom of the Crystal chosen in the Quigley poll, which since 1932 has asked Skull") and L aB eoufs "Indiana movie exhibitors to vote on the 10 Jones" co-star Harrison Ford. Last year's winner, Johnny stars who brought in the most business. Sidney Poitier topped Depp, who didn't have a film released this year, didn't make the poll in 1968. S m ith's su perhero sum m er this year's poll, nor did seven­ blockbuster, "Hancock," grossed time w innerT om C ruise. Back by Popular Demand O ld S chool M aster B arber Reggie Brown Hours/Days'. 11-7 Tues-Fri • 10-7 Sat Reggie’s Barber Shop 3213 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. BIvd • 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -0 2 2 2 Specialize in all hair types, Straight razor cuts/ lines /shaves; Sheers, Clippers and Fades The Bad Boys of Dance, featuring young dance superstar Rasta Thomas and an athletic all-male company o f dancers, performs Jan. 15-17 at the Newmark Theatre, downtown. Bad Boys of Dance Company makes West Coast debut W hite Bird w elcom es the ex citin g new com pany Bad B oys o f D ance to P ortland, T hursday, Jan. 15 through S aturday, Jan. 17 at the N ew m ark T h eatre, led by the young dance su p erstar R asta T hom as and fe a ­ tu rin g an ath letic all-m ale co m p an y o f d an c ers. M aking its W est C oast debut, the seven m em b er com p an y includes C raig D eR osa, a fin alist in the first season o f the hit te lev isio n show “ So You T h in k Y ou C an D ance,” form er O regon Ballet Theatre Prin­ cipal Jon D rake and v eteran B roadw ay d an c er R obbie N icholson. A s th e ir nam e w ould suggest, the Bad B oys do not play by the rules. A rtistic D irecto r R asta T h o m as b o rro w s freely from the w orlds o f ballet, B roadw ay, tango, hip hop and co n tem p o rary d an ce, creatin g an im aginative m ix o f energetic ch o reo g ra­ phy th at ap p eals to a w ide audience. T he co m p an y d eb u ted in the su m m er of 2007 at the 75th an n iv ersary o f the Ja c o b ’s P illow D ance F estiv al in B eckett, M ass. T he B ad B oys p ro g ram for P o rtlan d is sp lit into tw o acts. “ I ’m Y our M an” fea­ tu res ch o reo g rap h y by R asta T h o m as, his w ife A d rie n n e C a n te rn a -T h o m a s, and B roadw ay c h o re o g ra p h er Jerry M itchell, set to m usic o f A sto r P iazzo lla, Bill W ith ­ ers, Ja cq u es Brel, and B enny G oodm an, am ong others. T h e second act “R ock Y o u ,” ch o re o ­ g rap h ed by A d rien n e C an tern a-T h o m as, is n o -h o ld s-b arre d trib u te to the m usic o f M ichael Jack so n , Q ueen and Prince. T ick ets are $20 to $55 plus service fee at all T ic k etm a ste r o u tle ts an d the Portland C en ter for the P erform ing A rts Box O ffice. Gallery goes ‘Modern Salvage’ The Portland Community College Cascade Campus Art Gallery is presenting the mixed media show “Modem Sal­ vage,” by a variety of local artists. The works of Matthew Letzelter, Kim McKenna, Sterling Lawrence, Matthew Green, Jason Adkins, and Jeff Koons will be on display from Friday, Jan. 9 to Feb. 18, with an opening reception from 5 to 8 p.m., Jan. 9 in the gallery, Room 102, Terrell Hall. Guest curator Derek Franklin will host a talk about the show’s collection and the inspiration that went into the making of the pieces from 4 to 5 p.m., Monday, Jan. 26, Room 222, Moriarty Arts and Humanities Building at Cascade. GRAND OPENING T h a i F o o d C a fé < 833 North Killingsworth Street, Portland, Oregon 97217 • Tel.(503) 285-8745 Business hours Lunch Monday- Friday 11:00am-3:30pm Dinner Monday- Friday 3:(X)-pm—9:00pm Saturday-Sunday noon-9:(X)pm Norman Sylvester Band - -Friday, Jan. 9, at 8:30p.m., the N o rm an S y lv e s te r Band takes the stage at C lyde's in Portland, and on Saturday, Jan. 10, at the Roadhouse 101 in Lincoln City at 9 p.m. For more inform ation, call 503- 281-5989. C h o eo lateF est - Currently thru Feb. I , the W orld Forestry Center. Enjoy cascading chocolate fountains, delicious samples, wine, sake chocolate pairings, and more. The M agdalene Sisters - Screening on Fri­ day, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m., at In O ther W ords Bookstore, 8 NE K illingsworth. A thought provoking film about teenage girls sent to M agdalene Asylum s, labeled as “fallen" by their fam ilies and society. ★★★★ POWERFUL! North Portland . ( ¡ m i l THI U lA M IT A N M V III » UOAMIZATtON an » m n m a t m « m e n that i v i rv i» iu m .' amuit -Ì ee T ilm Good Deeds Can Mean Good Tax Breaks! 1 urn ç tm i a J tn tte t tu » fitn u t, . ^ / / JU preparing your federal ta x return... don't fo rg e t you can lim ited to count your donation monetary donations, we'll take •Your car •Your boat •Your house to KMHD 89.1 FM as a charitable contribution! Your donation can add up to a nice tax deduction if you itemize featured in ‘Modern Salvage' at PCC Cascade. d ill 17, at 8 p.m., the festival features the enchant­ ing Sean-nos N orthw est Concert. Ja p a n e se A m erican New Ye a r C eleb ratio n M ochitsuki 2009 - Saturday, Jan. 17, Port­ land Com m unity College, Sylvania Cam pus, hosts the celebration andculturalfairfrom 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For tickets, call 503-205-0715. Bob th e B u ild e r - TV s Bob the Builder and his Can-D o Crew invite aspiring young builders to help get the jo b done in a hands-on traveling ex­ hibit a, the Portland C hildren’s M useum. The 2,000 square- foot, multimediaexhibit invites exploration and team w ork for children and families. The show runs through Jan 19. L u n a M usic S eries - Fri­ day, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m., In O ther W ords Bookstore, 8 NE K illingsworth, will show case lo­ cal female musicians. For more inform a­ tion, visit m /lunam usicseries. W rite A ro u n d P o rtla n d — W rite Around Portland, will host a free 10 week writing w orkshop, for those who have fam ily m em ­ bers serving or have served in Iraq and Afghanistan cam paigns; for more inform a­ tion, please call 503-796-9224. Soon you'll be And you're not 4 piece by Jason Adkins, one o f the local artists Poetry at M iracles — Local and national artists and m usicians share an evening of spoken word and music at the M iracles Club, 4069 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd, each W ednesday, be, ween 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. M u lticu ltu ral Film Series - A public screen­ ing o f “Life + Debt," a docum entary on the impact econom ic globalization can have on a developing country, plays M onday, Jan. 12 at 6 p.m. in the Jefferson High School C om m unity Room A53, as part of the school ’ s monthly M ulticultural Film Festival. Irish C u ltu re — Friday, Jan. 16, from 8 p.m. to 12:30 p.m., celebrate Irish culture by enjoy­ ing the beautiful Irish Ceili Dance with Crumac, 6 18 S.E. Alder, andon Saturday, Jan. Basics o f ( ioing S o lar W o rk sh o p - Portland State University will host the free one-hour w orkshop teaching the solar basics; differ­ ent solar technologies, financial incentives, loan options and m ore. W orkshops are scheduled for Jan. 22 and Feb. 17, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For more inform ation, visit en erg y tru st.o rg. Yard, Garden & PatioShow -- Friday, Feb. 27 thru Sunday. M arch I , at the Oregon Con- vention C enter, stroll through lavish display gardens, enjoy free sem inars, wine tasting and more. For more information, call 503-342- 6401. O M SI A fter Dark - O M SI A fter Dark is a nigh, at the m useum for the 21 and over crow d filled with food, drink and science fun; $10 fee. For more inform ation call 503-797- 4000 or visit om L ive Ja z z - Every Friday and Saturday from 8p.m . to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor Way, will host the ongoing weekend series featuring Portland’s rich jazz scene with no cover or m inim um pur­ chase. For more inform a­ tion, visit . O p e n M ic N ig h t - Every W ednesday night at 7 p.m., Proper Eats M arket and Café, 8638 N. Lom bard St., host open m ic night. ___ S lid ersG riB -S lid ersG rill,301 IN . Lom bard, features an eclectic as­ sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage, accom panied by delicious food. Call 503- 459-4488 for more information. F re e F irs , F rid a y N ig h ts - The Portland C h ild ren 's M useum has partnered with T ar­ get to provide free adm ission to everyone on the firs, Friday o f each m onth from 5 p.m. to 8p.m . O re g o n Z oo B uck T u esd a y s - On the 2nd Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2- Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the zoo during regular zoo hours for the dis­ counted price o f $2 per person! O M S I $2 D ays - The firs, Sunday o f every m onth can spark your passion for science a, the OM SI w hen adm ission is ju s, $2. For more inform ation, v isitO M S l.ed u . M usic M illennium F ree S h o w s -T h e Music Mi llcnnium, 3 158 E. Bumside. hosts in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to meet local artists. Call 503- 2 3 1 -8926 for a schedule. I