PageA5 December 31, 2008 Portland Observer Year in Review continued from A3 Drivers, Watch Out! April 23 -With the recent deaths of two bicyclists in bike lanes solidly etched into the city’s collective memory, newly de­ signed green bike boxes, designed to provide even more safety to bicyclists are introduced to Portland streets. For Lease: MLK Properties April 2 - Months after its completion, the Fremont Project at the intersection of Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Fremont Street stands empty. While new projects mark the boulevard’s transformation from urban blight, high market prices are blamed for vacancies in several newly constructed buildings. Youth Lose Jammin 95.5 May 7 — Young Portlanders are left wondering what would fill the void as the city’s only mainstream hip-hop and R&B station, Jammin 95.5 gets reformatted into sports talk radio. > Fighting a Stigma May 21 - Pemell Brown and Leslie Esinga walk the streets of New Columbia to check on neighborhood concerns. Community organizers were gearing up to promote a safe environment for the new community which replaced Columbia Villa, a public housing site plagued by gangs. Homeless School Celebrates May 14 - The Community Transitional School, a private non-profit K-8 for children of families who are homeless, celebrates the opening its own new school building on Northeast Killingsworth Street in the Cully neighborhood. continued on page A6