4|j3artlatth ©bserucr ____________________ December31. 20081 Page A12 Typical North American Diet Falls Short The processed food industry loads fat, sugar and salt into their products because they are cheap. They use chemicals to change these cheap, raw materials into brightly-colored, tasty products with a long shelf life. Food producers buy the cheapest raw materials, manufacture the product as quickly as possible, then sell it fo r the highest price. Good business sense, but, what is lost in the manufacturing is quality fo o d and a healthy, well-balanced diet. NOTE: Always check with your doctor before beginning a new diet plan. Sack to the Basics: Enriching your diet with wholesome foods Get fast results Reduce your urge to eat Especially if you make yourown smoothies. Homemade fruit smoothies are packed with ingredients proven to keep you full for hours: fiber from whole fruits, soy or whey protein, essential fats, wholesome yogurt, etc. Lunch Scientists from the New Y o rk Obesity Research Center found that people who used soy-based shakes lost three times more weight than those who consumed the same amount of calories eating regular food. Sim ilarly, the Journal of the American Dietetic Assoc, showed that those who followed a fruit and fresh food diet plan lost almost twice as much weight over 12 weeks as those on a traditional diet with the same number of calories. A metabolism-boosting protein-rich fruit smoothie. See smoothie recipes below. Mid-Afternoon Snack Mid-Morning Snack A s with the mid-morning snack, have a serving of whole fruit and/or a 10-oz glass of homemade fruit ju ice or homemade vegetable juice. Serving of whole fruits, such as: apples, pears, persimmons, lychee, star fruit, plums, peaches, grapes, nectarines, melons, cherries, citrus fruit, pomegranates, quinces, pineapples, berries, ugli fruit, apricots, fresh whole figs, mangos and papaya. Add or substitute a 10-oz glass of homemade fruit juice or homemade vegetable juice. F in d fre e fru it ju ic e recipes at http://www.healthrecipes.com/fruitjuice_recipes.htm Supper Juice ©ict D esign you r own m ain course around a variety o f delicious healthy foods. You can begin yo u r meal with a crunchy salad o r hearty vegetable soup, then munch on satisfying vegetables drizzed with olive o il o r butter, a serving o f protein an d a serving o f carbs. A im fo r 500 - 600 calo ries during supper. A frozen dinner w ill do i f you're in a hurry o r too tired to cook. Choosing a dinner that is not built around noodles o r rice is yo u r best choice. Breakfast Start the day with a metabolism-boosting protein-rich fruit smoothie. If you are in a hurry, a high-quality commercial shake powder w ill do, but better still if you make your own protein fruit smoothies at home. They can be prepared the night before and put in the freezer. Experts say that your morning meal can play a key role in your weight loss efforts by helping to curb your m id-m orning and afternoon appetite. Food choices at breakfast time can determine your blood sugar levels for the rest of the day. Homemade fruit smoothies have the advantage because they are healthier and offer a fat-burning, hunger-blasting balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat. The blend Jr nutrients helps by Salad Vegetable ideas: • all varieties o f leafy greens such as romaine, endive, spinach »cabbage, shredded • mushrooms, sliced • carrots, grated or sliced • bell peppers, all colors • zucchini, grated • green beans, finely sliced • tomatoes, all varieties, chopped • cucumbers, sliced P aul A. N eufeldt the P orti , and O bserver S m to keep your blood sugar levels steady for hours. • sprouts, all kinds • beets, grated • celery, sliced G ra in s and Carbohydrates: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, brown rice, whole-grain bread products, legumes, whole-grain pasta, cereals, com, etc. Smoothie Recipes It is am azing what you can do with a frid g e f u ll o f fre sh fru it and a blender. The difference between blender recipes an d ju ic in g is the added advantage o f soft fib ers. This is wonderful fo r clean in g and m aintaining a digestive tract. B len der recipes are an excellent addition to a healing and cleansing program. In a blender, processfruit with the rest o f the ingredients. Blend until thoroughly mixed and serve. Protein: Lean beef and pork, turkey, chicken, fish, seafood, dairy products, soy . products, lamb, eggs, nuts, seeds, etc. N on-starchy Vegetables: Beets, turnips, carrots, parsnips, summer squash, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, green com , green peas, string beans, asparagus, onions, egg plant, salsify, okra, kohlrabi, endive, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, chard, spinach, dandelion, and all plants used as greens, etc. Apricot Pineapple Smoothie Recipe 1/4 cup crushed pineapple 1 fresh apricot, diced 6 strawberries 1/2 banana 1 1/2 cup water 1 tbsp. skim m ilk powder 1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional) 1 tsp. flax seed o il (optional) Banana-Strawberry Fruit Smoothie Recipe 1 banana, frozen 6 strawberries, frozen 1 1/4 cup water 1 tbsp. skim m ilk powder 1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional) 1 tsp. flax o il (optional) y fwEw SEASONS MARKET N O W D E LIV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o rite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to re n o w d e liv e rs g r o c e r ie s rig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . Tropical Fruit Shake 1/2 mango 2 tbsp. frozen pina coloda m ix (or 1/8 tsp. natural coconut extract) 1/2 banana, frozen 4 strawberries, frozen 6 ice cubes 1 1/4 cup water 1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional) 1 tsp. flax o il (optional) Banana-Berry Fruit Smoothie 1/2 pear, cored 1 /4 cup frozen blueberries or frozen mixed berries 1/2 banana, frozen 1 1/4 cup water 1/8 tsp. cinnamon 1 tbsp. skim m ilk powder 1 heaping tbsp. high-quality protein powder (optional) 1 tsp. flax oil (optional) Banana-Orange-Strawberry Fruit Shake 1/2 cup orange ju ice 1/2 banana, frozen 6 strawberries, frozen 1/2 cup water 1 tbsp. skim m ilk powder 1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional) 1 tsp. flax oil (optional) i w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) f