^O rtlaitÒ ©bscrUCt V ! December 31. 2008 Page All Advertise with diversity in T ■) [Lì n r t la n ù (J!)b a e t u e r ( .ill 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob seiver.com 9HK graphics Paul A. Neufeldt 503-875-1695 panndrw @ yahoo.com Affordable Design and Business Support Graphic Design Logos • • Signage Company Identity • • O utdoor Events Ad Design • Web Design State Farm'1’ Providing Insurance and Financial Services L Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Kids eagerly listen as a PGE employee talks about power line safety Save Money, Live Healthy with Fix-It Fair Brrr...It's cold outside. W ant to save money and stay w arm ? W orried about your furnace, your pipes, your heating? E ver w ant to com ­ post or start a w orm bin to reduce the food w aste in your trash bin? Thinking o f planting a garden in the spring, but not sure w hat grow s best in this clim ate? Then Fix-It Fairs are perfect for you to prepare your hom e and fam ily for this w inter season. T he best part of a ll- it's free! Fix-It Fairs have been around for 22 years, (formerly known as the Block-By-Block pro­ gram ) and the nam e says it all. It's about making life better, w hether you are fixing your hom e, your finances, your diet or your lifestyle. The first Fix-It F air o f the season w as held in N ovem ber and was a huge success. 650 people filled the gym at Lent School through­ out the day. "W ish there was enough tim e in the day to go to every w orkshop,” one fairgoer said. Fortunately, there are tw o m ore fairs this w inter season, so you still have the chance to com e out if you m issed the first one. The next two Fix-It Fairs will be Saturday, Jan. 10 at Parkrose High School and Satur­ day, Feb. 7 at G eorge M iddle School. W ith over 40 exhibitors and 35 w orkshops on w ater and energy savings, hom e im prove­ m ent and general tips for healthy living on a budget, the Fix-It Fair is a one-stop shop. You will go hom e with plenty o f useful inform ation and giveaw ays to get you started. Professional daycare is available for families and a sm all lunch will be provided. The 22nd A nnual Fix-It Fair season is presented by the City o f Portland Office of Sustainable D evelopm ent and supported by Energy T rust o f O regon, Pacific Power, Port­ land D evelopm ent C om m ission and Port­ land General Electric. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Ask Deanna'. Real People, Real Advice have w anted to get back at her for backstabbing me. How do I repair a ruined reputation and deal with these vicious tw o-faced people? — Totally Ruined; On-Line Reader Dear Ruined: Dear Deanna! I had a friend that w as lonely and unhappy, so I decided to help her. I asked her to be my room m ate and introduced her to my crowd. She later told our mutual friends about my personal business and she becam e best friends with them. They told lies about me around cam pus, my grades dete­ riorated, and I lost my friends. I ing. Dear Deanna! M y g irlfrien d is sen d in g m ixed sig n als about o u r relatio n sh ip . A t tim es, she m akes m e feel as if I ’m the only one fo r her and other ti m es she m akes m e feel as if she d o e s n 't w ant me. A s long as I ’m sp e n d in g m o n ey and th in g s go her w ay sh e ’s happy. W h en th in g s a re n ’t ro sy o r I have an issue o r need atten tio n , she acts funny. I’m b eg in n in g to feel like s h e ’s using m e b ut d o n ’t know how to ap p ro ach her. H ow do I ask w h ere I stand in th is rela tio n sh ip ? — Wayne; C onsideryourself lucky that your so-called friends have been re­ vealed as wolves. These w eren’t your friends to begin w ith and you shouldn't let them see you stress. Hold your head high, get a life and find a new set o f friends with high values and morals. The tw o-faced people are beneath you and you should separate your- splf. G et a tutor to help pull your Altus, Okla. grades up, and stick with people that have com m on interests. Stay Dear Wayne: positive, sm ile and keep it m ov­ Y ou’re being used and have al- low ed yourself to becom e a finan­ cial sponsor. If you ca n ’t pull the m oney aw ay and still get the girl, you h av e y o u r an sw e r. She d o esn ’t give a dam n about you and her em otions are tied to your m oney and w hat she can get out o f you. You can m ake an effort and let her know y o u ’re scaling back on the spending and ask to have your needs met. If she agrees to w ork on this, then stick with it. If not, pack your bags and exit stage left. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeannal @yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA9021I. Website: www.askdeanna.com Michael E Harper Agent We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Bishop H .L. H odge, Ph.D . PastorTTeacher/Revivalist "The Voice Speaks" W orsh ip S ervice: Sunday 8:00 A.M. Sem inar: Bible Them es, W ednesdays 6:00 P.M. “G od T h e F ath er,” “G o d T h e S o n ,” “G o d T he H oly S p irit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone to join us at our appointment with Jesus. We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ Name!!! To inquire about our T raining Ministry call 5 0 3 8 6 3 - 6 5 4 5 or em ail: hodgehspks@ m sn.com Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 michael@ bridgetownrealty.com Please call me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. Evangelist, Broadcaster Remembered Rev. Charles Williams Celebration of Life Lorenzo Joe Carter Celebration o f Life services for Lorenzo Joe Carter will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan.3,at Daniel's M emorial Church, 1234 N.E. KillingsworthSt. Fondly rem em ­ bered as “Renzie,” he was bom in Port­ land on April 26, 1962, the son o f Joe Will Carter and Josephine Carter- Holmes. H e a tte n d e d K ing an d S tephenson E lem en tary, and Capital Hill and Markham schools, completing a General Education Diploma. He worked at the Forestry Center along with a variety o f other jobs. He enjoyed camping, fishing, playing cards and dom i­ noes. He was a free spirited person and loved to give to those in need whether it was a word o f encour­ agement or financial assistance. He loved life and was not con­ formed to life's restrictions and constraints. He loved his family and friends. He was also known for his sense o f humor, for being an abominate reader, and for being a self taught scholar and highly intelligent person. He accepted Jesus Christ in his life in 2006. W hen he shared the word of God with others it was apparent that he was on fire for the Lord. He is survived and cherished by his parents, Lenton Holmes and JosephineCarter-Holmcs; his sister Josephine Carter-Holmes, a sister Simone Carter-Beard and her husband Lawrence Beard; several nephews and nieces and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.Hc was preceded in death by his father. A rrangem ents entrusted by C ox& C ox Funeral Chapel. » F u n eral se rv ic e s fo r Rev. C harles W illiam s, w ho died Dec. 24,2 0 0 8 at the age o f 85, will be held Saturday, Jan. 3 at 11 a.m. at Life C hange C hristian Center. Public visitation is scheduled Friday, Jan. 2from 12p.m. to7p.m . at Terry Fam ily Funeral Home, and again at the church on Satur­ day from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. before the service. Evangelist W illiam s w as bom Dec. 7, 1923 in L ogan’s Ferry, Penn., to Lora K. Phillips and Jerem iah Henry W illiams. He ac­ cepted Jesus C hrist as his Savior at the age o f 14 and was called to the m inistry at the age o f 15. He attended Nyack C ollege in New York, formerly know n as N yack M issionary T raining In­ stitute. G od gave him the privi­ lege o f carrying the gospel within 2,000 m iles o f circling the world. He was elected to serve on the Board o f M anagers o f the M is­ sionary A lliance and served as a leader o f the Black Field under the allian ce’s specialized ministries. He was a leader o f the Mullen Bible C am p in Lake Lure, N.C. In 1968, after much prayer and after hearing him preach in C ali­ fornia, Evangelist W illiam s ac­ cepted an invitation to com e to Portland in 1968 from Mrs. Esther Schmit. Since that tim e he has served as president o f the N ational N e­ gro Evangelical A ssociation o f Oregon, currently known as Evan­ gelical M inistries International; as past president o f the National A ssociation o f E vangelicals of O regon, w orked in the Boise N eighborhood A ssociation and encouraged fellow ship between faiths through inter-church m eet­ ings. He has proclaim ed the gospel for 33 years over KPDQ in Port­ land. This broadcast is now being heard through a netw ork o f sta­ In Loving Memory Mattie A. Dyer Services for Mattie A. Dyer who died Dec. 14,2008 wereheld Dec. 29atCoxand Cox Funeral Chapel. Interment followed at Rose City Cemetery. She was bom on April 1 7 ,19l6inA rcola, Miss.,the seventh o f 12 children bom to the union o f the late Eugene (Bud) Cusic and Mary Ann Cusic. H erearly childhood years were spent in Mississippi where she attended school. At an early age she gave her life to the Lord, and was a member o f Mt. Arnot Baptist Church in Trelake, Miss. In 1941, she and Lewis Dyer Jr. were joined in matrimony. Shortly thereafter they moved to Portland. ‘Big Mama’ Dies at 99 Emma Boyd, a resident o f Portland since the early 1950sandaffectionatelyknownas"BigM ama" passed away on Dec. 2 1,2008 at the age o f 99. She was bom Dec. ,5 ,1 9 0 9 inT atum ,Texas and married Rev. Eugene Boyd who died in 1978. She was a hairdresser and a homemaker. She was also a dedicated member of her church community t tions across the USA and Africa. E v a n g e lis t Williams is the fa­ ther o f four chil­ dren. His first wife and m otherofhischildren, Rosalia Oliver, faithfully supported his evangelistic efforts while caring forthechildren and the family home until her death in 1982. In 1985, he m arried Dorothy N ottage, who served with him continuously in the support of his m inistry. E vangelist W illiam s is sur­ vived by his wife, Dorothy; sons, Charles Jr. and wife; Candis, Smith and w ife M arilyn; John; and daughter Lois W alls; 10 grand­ children and a host o f relatives and friends. Visit the online obituary and sig n a g u e s tb o o k at terryfamilyfuneralhome.com. A rrangem ents by: Terry Fam ­ ily Funeral Home. She joined Mt. Olivet Baptist Church where she actively served faithfully on various circles and ministries for some 50 plus years. She worked as a domestic engineer, caregiver to all in need and most o f all nanny for all the grandkids. “M a’s hotel” was always open. She was preceded in death by her husband; and a son, Norman Dyer. She leaves to cherish her memory and celebrate her life; two sisters, "Ma Emma," 105 years old of Detroit, Mich, and Claudia Collins of Kansas City, Mo.; 4 daughters, Barbara Thompson, Anita Jenkins, Jeanette Richardson and Genora Dyer-Dishman, all of Portland; four grand­ children, 5 great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins. Arrangements entrusted by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel. and was loved and respected by many family and friends. She is survived by her sister, Bessie Ann Coleman; a brother, Embra Kindle; 12 grandchildren, 26 great­ grandchildren and 41 great-great-grandchildren. A celebration o f her life will be held at Highland Christian Centeron Friday, Jan. 2 at 11 a m . Viewing is scheduledThursday.Jan. I from 3p.m. to 7p.m. at Ross Holly wood Chapel. 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