PageAIO : CALL FOR BIDS C lassified /B id \il\erlise withdiveir\it\ in Pni-tLntib (Ohsicruvr Call 503-288-01033 diversity ’"Print A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop Mattress with Box Set. Still Sealed in Plastic. Can Deliver $200. (503)828-8927 Participate in Democracy Zoic Cod J to flr.J j iccotton ■’«o' ^f^lorthxnh ©beerUer CITY OF CAMAS To contact Change Leader & Strategist for Multnomah County’s Future: Deputy Chief Operating Officer (DCOO) You are a business redesign strategist & collaborative leader. When others see challenges, you recognize op p ortunities. Your tra c k re c o rd in e ffe c tiv e ly d e v e lo p in g , d riv in g and im p ro v in g upon la rg e -s c a le b u s in e s s p ro c e s s e s fo r a com p lex organization has an im p re ssive list o f w ins. Your success is due, in part, to your stro n g business and political a cu m e n , s tra te g ic th in k in g , a n a lytica l skills and co m fort working with colleagues at every level, from line staff to senior m anagem ent. (©bseruer Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob Portland Development Commission The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon Portland is internationally recognized for its qua lity of life, distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system . Playing a key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica's most livable cities is the Portland Development Com m ission’s mission. PDC is the City’s urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e're currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our workforce for the follow ing positions: Law Clerk - Student HR Generalist(s) - 2 positions Principal Budget Analyst W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values diversity in its work force and is com m itted to Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action. Apply online at ww w Portland Developm ent Com m ission. 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 City of Portland Portland Recycles! Business Assistance & Outreach Lead Specialist (Portland Office Sustainable Development) Approximate Monthly Salary: $4,384 to $5,841 The B usiness Assistance and O utreach Lead S p ecia list will o v e rs e e , im p le m e n t, a nd a d m in is te r th e b u s in e s s p ro g ra m o f th e P o rtla n d R e c y c le s ! P la n to in c re a s e com m ercial recycling to 75% of all w aste generated by 2015 a n d to im p ro v e w a s te - p re v e n tio n p ra c tic e s . The person in this position may work some weekend and evening hours To Apply p lease go to www. cl.Portland, or. u s /lo b s An Is this your dream jo b - are you the perfect candidate? If so, this may be your chance to have a m a jo r im p a c t on your com m unity by im proving local government effectiveness at the policy level. Im agine creating efficiencies in service delivery that expand access or improve services to M ultnom ah County residents; pushing the agenda fo rw a rd on v ita l c o u n tyw id e p ro je c ts ; and im p le m e n tin g in n o va tive local g o ve rn m e n t initiatives. If yo u fe e l th a t yo u ca n s tre n g th e n o rg a n iz a tio n a l c a p a c ity , d riv e m e a n in g fu l change & have the experience, qualifications & m otivation to fulfill this challenging role, you are in vite d to a p p ly fo r th is opportunity. Please download th e jo b announcem ent from our CITY PROJECT: WS-656A PROCUREMENT OF BIOSOLIDS DRYING SYSTEM SUPPLY AND SERVICES ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE: $2,000,000 Sealed Proposals will be received by the undersigned at the City of Cam as, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington 98607, until the bid closing at 10:00 a.m. local tim e on W ednesday, January 21,2009, for furnishing the necessary labor, materials, equipm ent, tools, and guarantees thereof to provide biosolids drying system supply and services. The Project includes p reconstruction services, equipm ent supply, construction services, and post construction services. T h e b io s o lid s d ry in g s ys te m m a n u fa c tu re rs h a ve been preselected to provide proposals for this project and are listed below: 1. Andritz Separation, Inc. 2. Huber Technology, Inc. 3. Kruger, Inc. Proposals from m anufacturers other than listed above shall not be accepted. The Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud shortly after the tim e and date stated above. Proposals are to be subm itted only on the form provided In the Contract Provisions. All Proposals m ust be accom panied by a certified check, cashiers check, money order, or bid bond payable to the “City of C a m a s” and in an am ount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total am ount bid. Contract Provisions and Contract Plans m ay be examined at the office o f the City of Cam as or the office of the Project Engineer, G ray & Osborne. Inc., (Seattle at 701 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 200, Yakima at 107 South 3rd Street or Olym pia at 2102 Carriage Drive SW, Bldg. I). A copy of the Contract Provisions and Contract Plans may be obtained, free of charge, in electronic form at (PDF on com pact disk(s)) along with registration as a planholder on/yatthe Seattteoffice of the Project Engineer, Gray & Osborne, Inc., 701 D exter Avenue North, Suite 200, Seattle, W A 98109, (206) 284-0860. Registration as a planholder Is required to obtain Contract Addenda. A list of planholders will be m ade available, by request, through the Project Engineer’s office, via the U.S. mail. Financing of the Project has been provided by the City of Camas, W ashington, and W ashington State Public W orks Trust Fund. The City of Cam as expressly reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to w aive m inor irregularities or inform alities and to Award the Project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder as it best serves the interests of the City. The City of Cam as encourages the solicitation and recruitment, to the extent possible, of certified m inority-owned (M BE) and wom en-owned (WBE) businesses in construction of this project. Q uestions should be directed to Project Engineer, Eric Nutting, (206) 284-6860. Equal Opportunity Employer >7^ PORT OF PORTLAND Steel Buildings CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional governm ent operating airports, marine term inals and industrial parks in the greater Portland metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing com petitive cargo and passenger access to world markets while enhancing the region's quality of life. To view current jo b openings and to access the application form , visit the Port's website at w w w or call (503) 944-7400. The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer committed to w orkforce diversity and affirm ative action. Factory Deals Can Erect w w w Source#186 Phone 360-772-2055 Job Opportunities NOW HIRING No exp needed. Good pay and ben-efits, paid tra in in g, p rom otion s, regular raises. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri 800.914.8536 Need Help with your Business? fo r c o m p le te d e ta ils . In itia l screening deadline: 1/16/09. M ultnom ah County is actively recruiting persons from diverse backgrounds to en ha nee service delivery to our community. City of Portland Portland Recycles! Program Coordinator Approx Mo. Sal.: $4,834 to $6,446 The Portland Recycles! Program C o o rd in a to r will d evelop and coordinate residential programs for the Solid W aste & Recycling P ro g ra m in th e O ffic e o f S u s ta in a b le D e v e lo p m e n t. F o r m o re in fo and to a p p ly o n lin e , go to h ttp :/ / w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s / jo b s / An Equal Opportunity Employer (S igned)___ _____________________________ CITY CLERK R&H Construction Company for The Housing Authority of Portland University Place Sub Bids Requested for: Bid Package #1: Abatem ent Bid Packages will be available starting 1/6/2009 Pre-Bid M eeting: 1/8/2009 10:00 AM Bids due by: 4:00 PM 1/13/2009 Bid Package #2: Dem olition Bid Packages will be available starting 1/13/2009 Pre-Bid M eeting: 1/16/2009 10:00 AM Bids due by: 4 :00 PM 1/27/2009 ■ , B R&H CONSTRUCTION A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop Mattress with Box Set. Still Sealed in Plastic. Can Deliver R&H Construction Company 1530 S W Taylor St Portland, OR 97205 OR CCB#:38304 Bid Contact: Jake Sly 503-228-7177 Fax: 503-224-3638 $150. (503)828-8927 Old School 1985 SS Monte Carlo We offer several services to help your business whether you are just starting out or already in business and have to make cut backs. Hire us by the hour or monthly package rates. • • • • • • • Administrative Support Services Answering Services Bookkeeping Service (Quickbooks) Notary Email and Calendar Management Mailing Services & Much More... Black w/ Red Trim Garage Kept! Original Interior, Excellent Condition! $3,500. 0B0 Call Gary @ 503-875-7152 FULL-TIME OPPS HS grads ages 17-34. Full pay, b e n e fits , tra in in g , 30 d a ys vacation/yr, $ for school. No exp needed. Call Mon-Fri 800-914- 853 6 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms Including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled, veterans, and emerging small business enterprises. L egal N otices N e e d to p u b lis h a c o u rt docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit o f publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e- mail your notice for a free price e-mail: classlfleds