Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 17, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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December 17, 2008
o r tla m
J O l se rv e r
lattò ©bseruer
A u f©
H e v ie w
Page A9
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2 0 0 9 Land
rover LR3
K athleen C akr
The 2009 Land R over LR3 is a
m id-luxury SU V s offering com ­
fortable and safe ride. T erm ed as
a versatile utility vehicle, the 2009
Land Rover LR3 com es with class­
leading capability, spacious inte­
rior, innovative user-friendly tech­
nology, and a distinctive design.
As for hauling a m an's worldly
possessions around, it had more
than enough power.
T he LR3 offers strong throttle
response, a departure from older
Land Rovers. The4.4-liter V8, rated
at 300 horsepow er, is a stroked
v ersio n o f Ja g u a r's 4 .2 -lite r,
adapted to the LR 3’s particular
re q u ire m e n ts. T h e in c re a se d
stroke length enhances torque,
so that the V8 delivers 315 pound-
feet at 4000 rpm. Com bined with
the electronic six-speed transm is­
sion, the V8-equipped LR3 moves
out sm artly at part throttle, and
has passing pow er in reserve.
The gas m ileage, how ever, w as a
sad 12 m iles per gallon.
T he L R 3 is built w ith w hat
L an d R o v e r c a lls in te g ra te d
b o dy-fram e architecture, w hich
co m b in es h y d ro -fo rm ed steel
f r a m e r a i l s w ith a r ig id
m o nocoque b ody shell. R ubber
m ounts and dam p ers b etw een
the fram e and body p ro v id e iso ­
lation from n oise, v ibration and
h arshness. P rem ium m aterials
such as alum inum , m agnesium ,
and h ig h -te n sile -stre n g th alloy
steel are used in key areas to
Specifications: 4.4L 300HP Aluminum Alloy V8
engine; Six Speed Electronically Controlled Auto­
matic with Command Shift (normal, sport, and
manual shift modes); 12 MPG City, 17 MPG High­
way; $49,300 MSRP before added packages
save w eight. O u ter steel body
panels are tw o-sid e g alv an iz ed
to p revent co rro sio n . T h e tw o-
piece ta ilg a te is alu m in u m for
ease o f open in g and clo sin g .
T h is a p p ro a c h a c c o u n ts fo r
m uch o f the LR3's relatively light
w e ig h t, c ris p h a n d lin g , an d
so lid feel.
I was comfortable driving the
LR3. The high ride gives you a
com manding position on the road,
and the flat surfaces around you -
- such as the window controls,
center console and top of the dash
- seem to fit the rugged appeal of
this SUV. The LR3 has a spacious,
airy cabin with com fortable seats.
It can seat up to seven passengers
with the optional third row, and the
seats fold flat into the floor indi­
vidually, making this a versatile
utility vehicle.
T he d istin ctiv e step p ed ro o f
line, a recognized brand elem ent
p reserv ed from the p rev io u s-
g en e ratio n D isco v ery , cre ate s
h ead ro o m for rear-seat p a sse n ­
gers w hile com p en satin g for the
h igh flo o r req u ired to c lea r the
c e n te r d iffe ren tia l and to give
the L
D riving on paved surfaces, the
imm ediate sensation is o f com po­
su re an d p ro te c te d p e rso n a l
space. The driver is seated high
above the average car, and insu­
lated from outside noises, vibra­
tions or intrusions. Steering is
notably solid and progressive,
and very little road vibration is
tran sm itted through the thick
steering wheel.
The Land Rover LR3 offers
solid handling, versatile passen-
ger/cargo room , and many stan­
dard convenience and safety fea­
tures. Land Rover leaves the LR3
relatively unchanged for2009, with
the exception o f a few interiorand
exterior tweaks. Though it doesn’t
offer the raw pow er or better reli­
ability o f rivals, the SUV is praised
for its unique blend o f luxury and
rugged perform ance.
State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
N tU M N C I
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
We moved to our new location at:
Dear Deanna!
I am over 40 and look very good for
my age. I date younger men, love
younger men and prefer intimacy
with younger men. M y daughter
who is 20 years old is jealous o f me
and at times, w e’ve com peted for
the same love interests. She’s not
speaking to m e now because her
boyfriend left her and now he wants
to date me. My daughter is im por­
tant but she can’t control my love
life. Should I just let this young
man go to make her happy or keep
him ? -G ood Looking Mom; Los
Dear Good Looking:
You m ay look good for your age,
but there’s nothing cute about
scooping up your daughter’s left­
overs. S he’s right to be upset and
no man should m ake you this
foolish to not understand her feel­
ings. Y ou’veobviously mistaken
her em barrassm ent for jealousy.
You need to grow up and be the
parent in this relationship and put
your daughter’s concerns before
any man. In other words, d o n ’t be
nasty going behind your daugh­
ter and choose her instead o f her
boyfriend. A nd for the record.
Cougars belong in the zoo and
not on the street.
Ask Deanna !
Real People,
Real Advice
Dear Deanna!
Dear Deanna!
I’m aC hristian and I thought 1 was
happily m arried. I think my hus­
band may be having an affair with
my cousin. He h a sn 't displayed
any signs o f cheating nor has his
behaviorchanged. Ilo o k e d a th is
cell phone bill and see that h e’s
been calling my cousin on a more
than regular basis. It pushed me
over the edge when I cam e hom e
late one night and found him at
my cousin’s house eating pizza
and w atching movies. Is there
som ething going on or am I inse­
c u re ? --W orried Christian;
I w ant to have a baby but my
boyfriend is against it. He w ants
to w ait until we get m arried but he
has no plans to propose soon. He
has threatened that he will leave
me if I trick him and com e up
pregnant. My clock is ticking and
I w ant a baby before I get too old.
I don ’, understand what the prob­
lem is and I am w illing to end this
r e la tio n s h ip if th in g s d o n ’t
change soon. How do I express
the seriousness o f this baby is­
su e w ith my b o y frie n d ? --
Part o f the atm osphere is cre­
A rea residents are invited to
the fifth ann u al "S ig h ts and ated by dressing w arm ly with
Sounds o f C hristm as” celebra­ stocking caps, scarves, gloves,
tion on Sunday, Dec. 21 at 5 p.m., and other "bundle up" clothes.
at the M oore Street Salvation There will be several fire pits to
keep you warm and lots o f glitter­
Arm y, 5325 N. W illiam s Ave.
The entire parking lot o f the ing lights and decorations to en ­
local com m unity center is trans­ jo y the magic o f the season.
At 7 p.m ., activities will move
form ed for this festive trip dow n
in sid e to en jo y a d e lig h tfu l
memory lane.
Fam ily activities will include children’s musical perform ance
carriage rides, holiday foods, perform ed by the youth o f M oore
booths and m usic, including the Street.
• For more information, call 503-
D ickens’ s Caroler's in their Victo-
rian attire, brass band players and 493-3925 o r503-286-4381.
much more.
Haircuts for Homeless
operator o f N orthw est O rchid
Salon, 203 N.W . Second Ave.,
said the annual holiday charity
event will take place betw een 9
a.m. and 5 p.m.
Dear Tanisha:
Your relationship is missing the
word marriage. Your boyfriend
doesn't have the title o f husband
and going ahead with your baby
plan equals ignorance. Your boy­
friend should realize he can ’t be
tricked into pregnancy if he pro-
fects himselfespecially if your little
clock is ticking. If he hasn’t pro­
posed on his own will, pregnancy
w on’t change his intent or ur­
gency. Face it, he’s not interested
i n a baby or marriage right now and
you can either love it or leave it.
Ask Deanna is w ritten by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph.D.
"The Voice Speaks”
Christ M em orial Com m unity
Church, l552N .K illingsw orthSt.,
invites the hom eless and other
disadvantaged populations to a
free com m unity turkey dinner on
Saturday, Dec. 20 at 11 a.m.
W arm clothing, coats and to i­
letry packs will also be available
for free w hile supplies last.
For m ore inform ation, contact
church pastor Rev. Roy L. Tate at
Michael Tillery
michael@ bridgetownrealty.com
Please call me, your neighborhood
specialist, for any o f your Real Estate
needs. My success is built on a
com m itm ent to quality service.
W orship Service: Sunday 8:00 A.M.
Seminar: Bible Them es, W ednesdays 6:00 P.M.
“G od The Father,” “God The Son,” “God The Holy Spirit”
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite everyone
to join us at our appointment with Jesus.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ Name!!!
T o inquire about our Training Ministry
call 5 0 3 8 6 3 -6 5 4 5 or em ail: hodgehspks@ m sn.com
Lutheran Church
NE 15th & Knott 503-288 6174
We invite you to join us on
C h r is tm a s E ve
"O H o ly C h ild ”
7 pm Candlelight Jazz Carol Service
Marilyn Keller, Shirley Nanette, Ron Steen,
Kevin Deitz, Steve Christofferson
10:30 pm musical offerings
11 pm Candlelight Carol Service
Organ & Choirs Choir D irecto r: Glenn Ludtke
Free Community Dinner
Fax 503-227-8757
Dear Worried:
It’s am azing that as a C hristian
you have the W ord, but run when
the world slaps you with a test o f
faith. Y ourhusband d o esn 't need
to call your cousin or any w oman
unless it’s business. He should
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Tanisha; Jacksonville. Fla.
Natchez, Miss.
Moore Street Holiday Party
A dow ntow n P ortland hair
salon will open on Sunday, Dec.
21 for free haircuts for the hom e­
Lan N guyen, the ow ner and
also be hom e late at night. Yes
som ething is going on if you
d id n ’t know w here he was and
found him at your cousin’s house.
Share your concerns and suspi­
cions with your husband, sug­
gest a few rules concerning your
cousin and keep it moving.
CHRISTMAS DAY Worship 10 a.m.
A multicultural, welcoming
and affirming church
Rev. W.J. "Mark” Knutson
New Prices Effective May 1,2007
Martin Cleaning Service
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Residential & Commercial Services
Minimum Service CHG.
Carpet Cleaning
2 Cleaning Areas or more
$30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas
(Includes: 1 small Hallway)
1 Cleaning Area (only)
(Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra)
Stairs (12-16 stairs)
(With Other Services)
Heavily Soiled Area:
Additional $10.00
Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning
AutoZBoat/RV Cleaning
Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment
Spot & Stain Removal Service
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$109 - $139
Chair or Recliner
$35 - $49
Throw Pillows
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See Flyers for Additional Prices
Call For Appointment
(503) 281-3949