(Eh D e c e m b e r 17. 2 0 0 8 e JJortlanb ©bseruer Page A 7 At Peace with a Dragon peace with their dragon. The Reluctant Dragon is most enjoyed by ages 4 and up. The show opens Friday, Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Dolores Winningstad Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway, and continues on Saturday, Dec. 20 and Saturday, Dec. 27 at 11 a.m.; and Sunday, Dec. 21 and Dec. 28, with shows at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. both days. Tickets are $ 14 for children and $16 for adults. What happens when a mag­ nificent dragon moves into the neighborhood? Find out in The Reluctant Dragon, Tears of Joy Theatre’s delightful tale based on the story by Kenneth Grahame. The dragon, as wonderful as any dragon who ever took the stage, is not the fearsome type. He, like the boy who befriends him, is more inter­ ested in art and poetry. The local villagers, however, as­ sume they are in grave danger and call on a renowned dragon fighter to save them. Sir George discovers the dragon is peaceful but to keep the villagers happy, he and the dragon stage a mock battle with great showmanship. Sir George wins, the dragon prom­ ises to be good and the villag­ ers decide they can live in You can't judge a dragon by its scales or reputation in ‘The Reluctant Dragon, ’ a Tears o f Joy Theatre production playing the next two weekends at Dolores Winningstad Theatre, downtown. ‘Write Around Portland’ Reading United Methodist Church, 1838 S.W. Jefferson, at the Goose Hol­ low Max stop Readers will include bum sur­ vivors, adults and youth living with mental illness, people living in low income housing, adults with developmental disabilities, women living HIV/AIDS and many others. W rite Around Portland o f­ fers w ritin g w o rkshops for people who might otherwise not have access to the pow er of Write Around Portland, the writing because o f incom e, iso­ volunteer writing group, releases lation or other barriers. its 28th anthology, Now/PaslZ Admission to the reading is Future, during a public reading, free, but donations of any amount Wednesday, Dec. 17, from6:30 are accepted to support the work p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the First of the group. HEW 1B A R S EVE MMNMRM Network Ignored Stalker Threat Idol ju d g e w arn ed p ro d u c e rs (AP) — Paula Abdul says the Fox network and "Ameri­ can Idol" producers knew Paula Goodspeed had stalked her, and allowed the woman to audition for the show any­ way. "I said this girl is a stalker of mine and please do not let her in," Abdul said during an in te rv ie w w ith B a rb a ra W alters on her Sirius XM radio show. Goodspeed was found dead of an apparent suicide in a car near Abdul's home last month. Abdul said "Idol" producers ignored her p ro tests and brought Goodspeed on the show "for e n te rta in m e n t value." "It's fun for them to cause me stress," Abdul said. "This was something that would make good television." At the behest of producers, Goodspeed appeared on the show more than once, Abdul ters" for nearly 18 years and that she maintained a restrain­ ing order against the woman at times. The "American Idol" judge also accused Fox of making her home address public, al­ though she added that Goodspeed found the place on herown after an audition: "She followed me home with her mom." Paula Abdul When Walters asked why Abdul remains on a show that said. Abdul, 46, said Goodspeed put her in peril, Abdul replied: had written her "disturbing let- "I'm under contract." OPRAH W IN F R E Y IT A 1 I4 W K I T f H E I ~ W IM F R S .W . H a m ilto n C ourt P o rtla n d . O reg on 9 7 8 3 9 (5 0 3 )8 0 8 -5 9 5 0 ’ PRESENTS “PURE HEART! A BROADWAY HIT!” USA Today 5 2 5 Fred Meyer A cross A merica BROADW AyY, PORTLAND DECEMBER 3 0 -JANUARY 4 • ONE WEEK ONLY! KELLER AUDITORIUM