Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 17, 2008, Page 5, Image 5

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D ecem ber 17. 2008
Avoid Over-eating this Season
Heatlh adviser offers tips
by M akeisha L ee
The cold o f w inter alone is enough to cause
some people to overeat. Com bine this with the
stress o f the econom y, the holidays, and an
abundance o f seasonal foods - and the tem pta­
tion can becom e very overwhelm ing.
So how can you short-circuit that temptation
and still enjoy yourself? Here are 5 easy, practical
and realistic tips to use:
Seniors Feeling Younger
Seniors may be getting old,
but they still feel about 13 years
younger than their actual age,
according to a new study.
Seniors involved in the six-
year project, which assessed 5 16
men and women aged 70 and older,
revealed that they felt on average
13 years younger than their chro­
nological age, with women per­
ceiving they w ere closer to their
actual age than men.
"People generally felt quite a bit
younger than they actually were,
and they also showed relatively
high levels of satisfaction with
aging over the time period stud­
ied," said Jacqui Smith, apsycholo-
gist who co-authored the study.
Participants initially said they
felt an average of 10 years younger
than they were, a num ber that fell
to seven years by the end o f the
In separate research. Smith and
others found links betw een feel­
ing youthful and improved health
and longevity.
"Feeling positive about get­
ting older may well be associated
with remaining active and experi­
encing better health in old age,"
she said. "Perhaps feeling about
13 years younger is an optimal
illusion in old age."
Some o f the oldest participants
said they felt even younger over
time. But those in poor health said
they felt closer to their actual age.
This is not the time to start restricting calories to
the point where you’re so hungry...even the
foods you "hate to eat” starts to look good. The
key is to eat small meals or snacks frequently
throughout the day. This way, you w on’t ever
really feel hungry, and you’ll be able to resist all
those grains and high-sugar foods that will sabo­
tage your healthy diet. Fill up on all the nutritious
foods, like healthy meats, vegetables, coconut or
With drug
The Oregon Food Bank has
volunteered to distribute flyers to
seniors about resources for pre­
scription drug benefits through its
statewide network o f more than
900 hunger-relief agencies.
In partnership with the State of
O regon's Senior Health Insurance
Benefits A ssistance program, the
Oregon Food Bank will provide
inform ation about M edicare Part
D drug benefits when it distrib­
utes em ergency food boxes.
"H ealth-care costs are a key
reason why many O regonians
som etim es need em ergency food
assistance. H unger is an income
issue," said Jon Stubenvoll, di-
rector o f advocacy for Oregon
Food Bank.
Oregon SHIBA is a volunteer
network providing people with
M edicare free, unbiased help. It
also provides anyone interested
in Medicare, I ike a person ’ s loved
ones, friends, or caretakers, with
that same free information.
For more information or assis­
tance, call SHIBA's Hotline at 1-
W h eth er you d ecid e to in d u lg e in a new blouse,
d ress o r a special shirt and tie, the p o in t is to
p u rch ase som ething that you are really looking
fo rw ard to w earing and th at you feel good
about. W hen you feel g o o d ab o u t y o u rself,
y o u ’ll be less inclined to keep reach in g for the
"b e tte r than sex" cake.
A sim ple, quick walk outside will not only give you
a quick burst o f energy, it will also take your mind
off o f food. Y ou'll feel refreshed and your food
cravings will likely be dim inished. Taking a walk
after dinner is especially helpful because moving
around will help your meal to digest and reduce
your chance of becoming sluggish or tired.
Makeisha Lee is the author o f "Why Black
People Can't Lose Weight."
has a different
meaning to everyone,
and that meaning can change
from year to year, depending on what fate
lias brought your way. For some, it lu s been a year
o f prosperity... for others, it lias been a year ol loss.
Fortunately, time lus a way oi healing and letting us
go forward
Food Bank Reaches Out to Poor
2Buy a New Outfit
Get Some Fresh Air
Don’t Starve Yourself
Seniors may be getting old, but they still feel about 13 years younger than their actual age,
according to a new study.
some berries that you w ant so that you w o n 't feel
that y o u ’re missing out.
to celebrate again.W lutewr the year
lias brought your way, we want you to know our
larnilys thoughts are w ith you.
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