il! * ^ l î n r t l a n b f f i h s e r u c r Page A4 O pinion December 17, 2008 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to Bill Gates Needs Help Building bridges for students Ji dge G reg M athis The econom y, to put it bluntly, is in the toilet. In N ovem ber, more than half a m illion A m ericans lost their jobs. Major cor­ porations are filing bank­ ruptcy and small businesses are closing their doors. E very one, even the very wealthy, is feeling the pinch. And w e've yet to hear any predictions on when this econom ic crisis will start to resolve itself. O ne group that is particularly vulnerable in all o f this: low- income students. Only about 25 percent o f stu­ dents from low-income families ftn- by positions. Jobs that would norm ally go to them are going to candidates who, in a b e tte r e c o n o m y , w ouldn't bother applying. W ithout a college de­ g ree, the jo b search is longer; the unem ploym ent rate for people without that diplom a is four tim es higher than those who have one. G ates' new program is sorely needed. But he needs help. O ther wealthy foundations, like Ford and MacArthur, for example, also need to create sim ilar or com ple­ m entary funding programs. M oney isn't all that is needed. S m allcrnot for profits focused on We must all make a commitment to ensuring our young people go on to receive their college degree. ish college. For black and Latinos that number is around 20 percent. The rising costs o f secondary education and a lack o f bridge program s that take these students from u n d er p erfo rm in g high schools to college m ake it diffi­ cult for these young people to transition to higher learning suc­ cessfully. As a result, many of them end up dropping out. M icrosoft founder and philan­ thropist Bill G ates w ants to help. Through his foundation, he will donate nearly $70 million in an effort to double the num ber of low -incom e students who either receives a college or vocational degree by their 26th birthday. Most o f the money won't go directly to students. Instead, it will go to program s designed to help students succeed in college. Not having a college degree limits a persons earning pow er overtheirlifetime. D uringareces- sion, non-degreed individuals are com peting with those who have degrees for a lim ited num ber o f education can strengthen their m entoring programs. Faith orga­ nizations can create program s d e sig n e d to h elp the yo u n g people from their com m unities make it through college. Church mem bers can serve as m entors or tutors to young students. W e m ust all m ake a com m it­ m ent to en su rin g o u r young people go on to receive their col­ lege degree. The work force gets more com petitive with each pass­ in g y e a r. J o b s are b e in g outsourced to o th er countries because o f a lack o f qualified w orkers here in America. If we do not work to ensure that our young people are educated, thiscountry will fall further behind in the global market place. We'll lose more jobs and it will be that much more difficult to rise to the economic and social prominence we are capable of achieving. JudgeGreg Mathis is vice presi­ dent o f Rainbow PUSH and a board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. ■MnMMHMHMMMHNraMMl A n E con om ic R ecovery fo r E veryon e Our plan supports urban communities BY youth; jo b training for disadvan­ tag ed w o rk ers; h elp fo r the stalled-out auto industry; and the possible creation o f a tem porary public service program sim ilar to the one that generated more than M ARC H. M orial The National Ur­ ban L e a g u e ju s t submitted its "Eco­ n o m ic R e c o v e ry Plan for JobCreation in Urban Com m unities" to both President-elect Barack O bam a and Congress. O ur plan is designed to help stabilize our reeling econom y and stem the steady erosion o f jobs that included 533,(XX) jobs lost in N ovem ber and nearly 2 THE SPINACOLUMN Dr. Billy R. Rowers million jo b s so far this year. Some econom ic experts are forecasting that if this trend co n ­ tinues the unemployment rate will be least 9 percent by the end of next year. That could mean unem- A n ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Part 27. Chiropractic VS Migraines: Saying goodbye to the most menacing of headaches Q: Can anything be done for one com m ent I'll never forget! one precious m om ent, let alone m igraines? I’ve had them for the The story had a happy, but isn’t years suffering needlessly? Find last 2 0 years and I sincerelycan’t it sad that it had such an unfortu­ y o u r freed o m th ro u g h good nate beginning. So many suffer health N O W ... naturally. Find take it much longer. fre e d o m th ro u g h A; I had a patient once ask the for so long with their pain. They y o u r sam e question. Her concern, literally w aste years o f their lives, C h iropractic...and make each how ever, was that Chiropractic waiting, thinking that it is ju st a day count, is n ’t it tim e you might hurt. A fter becom ing a tem porary condition. Life itself is stepped up to safe, effective p atien t, she began to m ake a tem porary condition. W e are all Chiropractic? progress. Slow ly but surely the here for only a while. Why waste nauseating effects o f the m i­ graine were leaving her. One day. relaxed and w ithout pain, she 2124N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 said to me “ I c a n ’t believe that I Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 w aited 20 years for this!” T h at's It is imperative that when we go to work rebuilding America, those who live in urban America are not left behind. ployment rates as high as 17 per­ cent for A frican Am ericans and 12.5 percent for Hispanics. C learly, we have not seen the promised benefits o f the $700 bil­ lion taxpayer bai lout of Wal I Street. Main Street and urban Am erica need action now. For m onths we have been call­ ing for an econom ic stimulus plan that includes an imm ediate exten­ sion o f unem ploym ent benefits; more help to states for infrastruc­ ture projects, a greater invest­ ment in sum m er jo b s for at-risk 1 OO.OOOjobsduring the recession o f 1974-75. W e agree with President-elect O bam a, the nation's governors and m ayors and a growing num ­ ber o f leading econom ists that the centerpiece o f a job-focused recovery plan must be substan­ tial investm ents in rebuilding the nation's infrastructure and shift­ ing to a greener, more energy efficient and energy independent econom y. We know this will work. One D epartm ent o f T ransportation Platinum Fade S A L O N Flowers' Chiropractic Office 5010 NE 9th Unit A Portland Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 yding I f f off last & year’s models Hours o f operation: M-F Sat Sun 9 a m - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 11 am-6 6pm il!C ^ p n r t l a t t h (O b se rv e r Marc H. Morial is president and chief executive officer o f the National Urban League. Established 1970 G in CERTIFICATES AND LAYAWAY PLANS AVAILABLE 122 N. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217 (503) 281-0255 USPS 959-680 4747 NE Martin Luther Ring. Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 EDiron-iN-CHirr. P u i i . ishfk : Charles H. Washington NEW SINGLE SPEEDS FROM $299.00 study found that for every $1 billion in investm ent, 48,000jobs are created in one year. W ithout these much needed investm ents in infrastructure, many inner city com m unities are doom ed to con­ tinue the cycle o f joblessness and poverty. It is im perative that when we go to w ork rebuilding America, those w ho live in urban A m erica are not left behind. The N ational Urban League is urging Congress to specifically address the needs o f disadvan­ taged w orkers through its seven- point plan: 1. Fund proven and success­ ful models o f w orkforce training and job placem ent sim ilar to the Urban League's successful U r­ ban Y outh Em pow erm ent Pro­ gram. 2. Fund the Sum m er Youth Employm ent Program at a level o f $3 billion to put 2.5 million teenag­ ers to work next summer. 3. Fund p re-ap p ren ticesh ip program s in the construction in­ dustry targeted to "green jobs" to benefit disadvantaged w ork­ ers. 4. Infrastructure plans should include more than roads, high­ w ays, bridges and levees. More C om m unity D evelopm ent Block G rant m oney is needed for reno­ vation o f schools, com m unity centers, libraries, recreations cen­ ters, parks, etc. 5. A percentage o f all infra­ structure m onies should be d i­ rected to jo b training, placem ent and preparation for d isadvan­ taged workers. 6. Fund a tem porary public serv ice em p lo y m en t program aimed at creating 150,000-200,000 jo b s in urban areas. 7. Congress m ust include pro­ visions that establish and rein­ force goals w hich ensure that minority and w omen-owned busi­ nesses participate fully in con­ tract opportunities created by the econom ic recovery plan. T o read our full plan, log on to E d it o ii : M ic h a e l L e ig h to n D is tr ih i .non M snsc . f x : M a rk W a sh in g to n CnF.ATivt DmrcToii: P a u l N e u fe ld t The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition ol such ad. 0 200H THE PORTLAND OBSERVER A L L RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART W ITH O U T PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED The Portland Observer Oregon’ s Oldest Multicultural Publication -is a member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1X85. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgam­ ated Publishers. Inc. New York, N Y. and The West Coast Black Publishers A M o eM o n 1 P osthmstw ; Sendaddress changes to Portland Observer, P 0 Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR9 7 2 0 8 C A LL 5 0 3-288-0033 F A X 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5