ilìe^lortlanb ©bseruer Page A2 December 17, 2008 Chicago Students Quiz President-Elect During naming of education secretary (A P ) — A d o z e n g ra d e schoolers got their own chance to quiz President-elect Barack O bam a on Tuesday, getting an earful on such issues as longer school days, how it feels to be on television, and even the first puppy's "business." "H ow will you feel when you m ove to the W hite House?" one child asked. "I'm going to be excited," O bam a said, explaining that he would have a "pretty nice office" in the shape o f an oval when he got to W ashington. Obama was joined by V ice Presi­ dent-elect Joe Biden and Arne Duncan, the head o f the Chicago school system and Obama's pick for education secretary. The three g ree ted the y o u n g ste rs, w ho P resid en t-e lec t B arack O bam a a n d Vice P resid en t-e lec t J o e B iden visit s tu d e n ts T u esd a y a t th e D odge R e n a is s a n c e A c a d e m y in Chicago. (AP p h o to ) ranged from first-graders to fourth- graders, after a news conference at the Dodge Renaissance Academy inChicago. O bam a met with them in a li- brary at the academy. They sat on the carpet in front of him, each eagerly raising their hands to ask questions and discuss what they were learning in school. "Decim als," O bam a replied to one student. "W ow, Joe doesn't even know hisdecim als,"he joked about Biden. T h e p re sid e n t-e le c t talk ed about how his daughters, 10-year- old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha, will get a dog when they make the move to the W hite House next month. "They've been asking fo rad o g for years now," he said. O bam a said the girls would need to take care o f their pet. And that didn't just mean feeding and walking the dog. "You know , if they do their business, if they've got som e p o o p — you got to make sure that you're not ju st leaving it there," O bam a said. T he presid en t-elect fielded more questions from the children than he did from the m em bers o f the press, who cam e to the school for a m orning news conference where O bam a announced Duncan Deadly Gunfire Inside Church Transit Walloped con tin u ed as his education secretary. Not all the children's questions were lighthearted. One child, who said a cousin was serving in Iraq, asked O bam a about the troops o verseas. "One o f the things that I prom ­ ised I would do is to try to bring this war in Iraq to an en d ,” O bam a said, adding that he hoped to have them hom e in about a year and a half. A nother asked O bam a what he would do to represent the ef­ forts o f civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Obama said not just presidents, but everyone could do their part to honor King's work by treating people with respect and listening. "Dr. King used to talk about the fact that, you know, no m atter w hat your jo b is, you w ant to do your best," O bam a said. "And right now you're jo b is to learn, so w hen you guys are in class you got to make sure you're w orking as hard as you can." fro m Front ets, like C hicago or Seattle, but have found the system too costly. TriM et isn't sure how it will change its system, but isconsid- ering a partnership with credit card com pa­ nies. The agency is still on track to unveil its new Max Green Line in September, running from Clackam as County to the Gateway Transit C enter and then dow ntow n to Port­ land State U niversity via the new Portland Mall tracks. The Interstate Yellow Line will also begin service to PSU via the revamped Mall in September. Despite all the difficulties facing Tri Met, Young is optim istic. She hopes that the economic stimulus package that is expected to em erge shortly after President-elect O bam a takes office will include measures aimed at giving mass transit a boost. She explained how autom otive interests are also clam oring to get the bulk o f the stim ulus geared toward aging bridges and roads. However, in the past Oregon has gotten a cut for mass transit. Additionally, she pointed out that the bill is purportedly geared tow ard jobs and energy. "W e think w e’re in a pretty good posi­ tion for both o f those," Young said. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Police re s p o n d to a 9-1-1 e m e rg e n c y call a fte r a m a n is critically s h o t during a funeral Friday a t N ew H ope M issio n a ry B a p tist Church, 3 7 2 5 N. G a n ten b ein . The victim la ter d ie d o f h is injuries. “We are about n eig h b o rs help in g neig h b o rs im prove th e ir com m unity.” Mary Harrell at Friend* of Tree* ¡0}■ ¿82- 8846 To order street trees, visit Enter the coupon code below to recieve 10% o ff yo ur yard or street tree order: S O B S N 10 F r ie n d s o f T r e e s A Portland man died M onday after being shot Friday during a funeral at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 3725 N. Gantenbein. Police said the victim, Darshawn Lavone Cross, 31, was a known gang m em ber. The man who shot him ran from the church after the shooting. He has not been arrested. O fficers are looking for a white C hevy Im pala car that may have been used in the get­ away. W itnesses said there was a distur­ bance between the two men during funeral services. The men apparently w ere separated tem porarily before m ultiple shots rang out. M ourners fled out o f the church in panic. Iraqi Shows Contempt for Bush President Bush made his final swing as president through two war zones M onday, visiting with troops that he sent to Iraq and Afghanistan and will soon turn over to a new com m ander in chief. Surely the most unexpected point in the carefully scripted, two-day presidential trip cam e when a reporter threw his shoes at the president during a press conference in Baghdad, both of which Bush artfully dodged from behind the podium. "This is your farewell kiss, you dog!" the reporter shouted in Arabic w hile hurling one shoe, and then the other. The reporter was later identified as M untadar al-Zeidi, a correspondent for Al- Baghdadia television, an Iraqi- ow ned station based in Cairo, A m a n th ro w s a s h o e a t P re s id e n t G eorge W. B u sh during a n e w s c o n fe r e n c e with Iraq P rim e M in ister Nouri al-Maliki on S u n d a y in B aghdad. The m a n th rew tw o s h o e s a t B u sh , o n e a fte r a n o th er. B u sh d u c k e d b o th throw s. Egypt. Saddam Hussein with their shoes In Iraqi culture, throwing shoes after U.S. M arines toppled it to at som eone is a sign o f contem pt, the ground follow ing the 2003 Ira q is w h a c k e d a s ta tu e o f invasion. Crowing Healthy Communities L o m b a r d B a n k R o b b e r S e n te n c e d 1st Time Homebuyers Now is a great time to buy! Why rent when you can own?? The US Government is offering a $7,500 tax credit to 1st Time home buyers. This won’t be available forever so, act quickly to take advantage. INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE. Call Today 503.890.1181 Ralph Rene W illiams, 58, o f Portland, has been handed a 12 year prison term for robbing the U.S. Bank, L om bard-E m erald Branch, in A ugust 2007. W illiam s wore a full disguise and used a firearm when he threat- ened tellers at the bank to steal $27,000 in cash. Prosecutors argued for more 511 Vil 1 prison time based on the severity o f the offense and because sev­ eral of W illiams’ prior convictions were too old to count under the advisory sentencing guidelines. zn i - kZ7 ? African American AIDS Awareness Action Alliance (A6) Eligible categories of artwork: Enter to win: Visual Art Written Word Live Performances Recordings (Audio/Video) Anyone in the Portland Metro area and S W Washington can enter! Awards Ceremony T hem e: Black Life is Worth Saving! Get Educated! Get Tested! Get Involved! Get Treated! John R. Pjfis Broker/ Realtor 9200 Sfc fcinnyhrook Bk.| Suite #400 Cbddmlx. Ok 97015 Office 505 536 A421 -Ew 505-356-6621 Saturday February 7 2009 100 5 0 0 pm Luther Hall Concordia University E ntry fo rm s a v a ila b le a t: k n o w s e x p d x .c o m /g e tin v o lv e d .h tm l E ntries must be s u b m itte d by F rid a y , D e c e m b e r t 9, 2008 lite r fnfurn i.fnmu* P o rtb n 1 M e tro p o ita n KELLER WILLIAMS 1 Ajwr -c wti ir of Rea I io ** rh. u m u >1to D3 MLS M/«r So«*. Cell 503.890.1181 if you n e e d additional Info, please c o n ta c t Ronnie Meyers 503.988.3030 x 25677 or ronnie.w.meyers®)co.multnomah, or Khalil Edwards, Unify Project o f Oregon. 503.417.7991 or