il’1’^Jortlanb (Observer ____________________ Page A IO F ood SAFEWAY Q Ingredients for life.® Christmas Prime Rib /A D e c e m b e r 17, 2 0 0 8 hearty b e e f receipe f o r your holiday meal. Wild Mushroom Ingredients WOW that • I tablespoon unsalted butter • Exlra-virginoliveoil • 2 pounds assorted m ushroom s, such as erem ini, oyster, shiitake, chanterelle, o r white, trim m ed and sliced • Leaves from 2 fresh thyme sprigs • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1/2 cup C abernet Sauvignon • 1/4 cup reserved beef broth (drippings from roast) or low -sodium canned broth • 1/4 cup heavy cream • I tablespoon minced fresh chives jou've earn Prime Rib Ingredients them...don forget to redeemthe • I (3-rib) prim e rib beef roast, about 6 pounds • 5 garlic cloves, smashed, plus 2 heads garlic, halved • 1/2 cup grated fresh or prepared horseradish • 1/2 cup sea salt • 1/4 cup freshly ground black pepper • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 carrots, peeled and chopped • 2 parsnips fluir g »' s jíí’ é DOUBLt y(tiH n Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Lay the beef in a large roasting pan with the bone side down. (The ribs act as a natural roasting rack.) 2. In a small bowl mash together the garlic, horseradish, salt, pepper, and olive oil to make a paste. 3. Massage the paste generously over the entire roast. Scatter the vegetables and halved garlic around the meat and drizzle them w ith a 2-count o f oil. 3. Put the pan in the oven and roast the beef for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours for m edium -rare (or approxim ately 20 minutes per pound). 4. C heck the internal tem perature o f the roast in several places with an instant-read therm om eter; it should register 125 degrees F. for m edium -rare. Rem ove the beef to a carving board and let it rest for 20 minutes. The internal tem perature o f the m eat will continue to rise by about 10 degrees. 8. Rem ove the vegetables and set aside. 5. Pour the pan juices into a fat separator or small bowl and set aside to allow the fat and beef juices to separate. Pour off and discard the fat. You will use the tasty beef juices for the m ushroom s. 6. Place aclean skillet over medium heat. Add the butter and a 2-count drizzle of oil. W hen the butter starts to foam, add the m ushroom s and thym e; and season with salt and pepper. Stir everything together for a few minutes. Add the red w ine, stirring to scrape up any stuck bits; then cook and stir to evaporate the alcohol. When the w ine is alm ost all gone, add the reserved beef juices. Let the liquid cook down and then take it off the heat. Stir in the cream and chives, and season with Earn DOUBLE Gas Rewards each time you spend $100 on Gift Cards* HOLIDAYS I HOURS (leta'b &«« s'»"' salt and pepper. Acorn Squash Soup G ift Ingredients • I Acorn Squash — Chopped • 1 Carrot — sliced • 1/2 Sm all O nion —sliced • 20 M illiliters w ater • 1 1/2 Teaspoons butter • 2 T ablespoons all-purpose flour • 1/4 Teaspoon salt • 1/8 Teaspoon Black Pepper • • • • • • • 2 Deciliters Vegetable Broth 2 Tablespoons sherry 1 Pinch ground nutmeg 1 Pinch paprika I Pinch ground allspice 1 Pinch red pepper 50 M illiliters half-and-half Card d e lig h tfu l v e g a n h o lid a y trea t. S e r v in g S ize : 2 • 1 I ablespoon Sherry • Ka,e • Paprika Rancher's Reserve' Beef Ribeye Roast Boneless Pork Top Loin Roast B m -n Or Boneless New rw* Hoist SAW up BUSO Id. SAW t« to $2.00B. Shop S afew ay firs t! Choose from over 300 Gift Cards and use them to buy stuff for yourself or give as gifts to save HUGE at the pump. — W ild , . C aught Only w ith youi Directions 1. Place carrots and onion in a saucepan; cover with water. 2. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat, and sim m er for 10 m inutes or until vegetables are tender. 3. Drain; com bine vegetables with chopped squash and 1/3 cup w ater in container o f an electric blender or food processor. 4. Process for 30 seconds or until m ixture is smooth. 5. Set aside. 6. Melt butter in a large Dutch oven over low Buche de Noel heat; add flour, salt and pepper, stirring until sm ooth. 7. Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. 8. G radually add pureed vegetable mixture, broth, and next 5 ingredients; bring to a boil. 9. Cover, reduce heat, and sim m er for 20 m in­ utes, stirring occasionally. 10. Stir in half-and-half and, if desired, 1 1/2 T bsp sherry. 11. C ook until heated. 13. ,f desired, serve on a bed o f kale. Optional: Sprinkle with paprika. Super Colossal King Crab Legs & Claws 6 to Ha. ^ramimi Or eftwe Resti Dungeness tomatal »S9 99« SMialptSnCh "Buche de N oel is the French nam e fo r a Christm as cake shaped like a log. This one is a heavenly flo u rless choco­ late cake rolled with chocolate w hipped cream. Tradition­ ally. Buche de N oel is decorated with confectioners' sugar to resem ble snow on a Yule lo g ." Ingredients • 2 cups heavy cream • 1/2 cu p c o n fe c tio n e rs ' sugar • 1/2 cup unsw eetened co ­ coa pow der • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 6 egg yolks • 1/2 cup w hite sugar • I /3 cup unsw eetened cocoa pow der • I 1/2 teaspoons vanilla ex ­ tract • 1/8 teaspoon salt • 6 egg whites • 1/4 cup w hite sugar • c o n fe c tio n e rs' su g a r fo r d u stin g Nabisco Snack Crackers Lucerne® Milk Gallon. Whole, 2%, 1%. Skim Supreme or Fat Free At ctieckstand. first item wi# scan at regular price, second 7 to 10-OZ. Selected varieties. Club Price: $2.00 ea. SAVE up to $358 on 2 item «wi reflect swings I Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F ( 190 degrees C). Line a I Ox 15 inch jellyroll pan with parchm ent paper. In a large bowl, whip cream , 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar, 1/2 cup cocoa, and 1 teaspoon vanilla until thick and stiff. Refrigerate. 2. In a large bowl, use an electric m ixer to beat egg yolks with 1/2 cup sugar until thick and pale. Blend in 1/3 cup cocoa. I 1/2 teaspoons vanilla, and salt. In large glass bow l, using clean beaters, whip egg whites to soft peaks. G radually add 1/4 cup sugar, and beat until w hites form stiff peaks. Immediately fold the yolk m ixture into the w hites. Spread the batter evenly into the prepared pan. 3. Bake for 12 to 15 m inutes in the preheated oven, or until the cake springs back when lightly touched. Dust a clean dishtowel with confectioners' sugar. Run a knife around the edge o f the pan, and turn the warm cake out onto the towel. Rem ove and discard parchm ent paper. Starting at the short edge o f the cake, roll the cake up with the towel. Cool for 30 minutes. 4. Unroll the cake, and spread the filling to within I inch o fth e edge. Roll the cake up with the filling inside. Place seam side dow n onto a serving plate, and refrigerate until serving. Dust with confectioners' sugar before serving. Minute Maid or Florida’s Natural Orange Juice 22.6to34.5-oz. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $3.50 ea. 64-02 Selected varieties. Oub Price: $2.50 ea. SAVE up to $3.56 on 2 lol