Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 10, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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    îl!f |Jurtl¿iuh (©bscrucr
December IO, 2008
! complus
K e e p i n g y o u li) T o u c h
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State Farm*
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Michael E Harper
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We moved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
Winfry Show Moved for Inauguration
O reg o n Zoo a n d L ions C lub T eam U p - Fri­
day, Dec. 12, the L ionsC lubof Oregon will be
accepting donations o f used eyeglasses and
hearing aides for refurbishm ent and distribu­
tion to people in developing countries; re­
ceive a discount on zoo adm ission plus a free
pair o f 3-D glasses for Zoolights.
Stale Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61/10
N orm an Sylvester Band -
Friday,Dec. !2,at9:30p.m .
the band will take the stage
at Gemini ’ s in Lake Oswego
and at 9 p.m. on Saturday,
Dec. 13, live at the C andle­
light. Formore information,
call 503-281-5989.
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
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Good D eeds Can
M ean Good
T a x B reaks!
Soon you'll be
preparing your
federal ta x return...
And you're not
don't fo rg e t you can
lim ited to
count your donation
donations, we'll
to KMHD 89.1 FM as
a charitable
•Your car
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Your donation can
add up to a nice tax
if you itemize
T h a i F o o d C a fé
K a n a w a k so o m a (Q u ie t T h u n d e r)
C eleb ratio n - Saturday, Dec. 13, from noon
to 10 p.m., Mt. H ood Com m unity College
invites the public to jo in the annual pow ­
wow. This free celebration offers authentic
music, dance, crafts, food and entertain­
T h e C o lo r P u rp le -
Portland will host the
Broadway smash hit
The Color Purple, the
Musical about Love,
Dec. 30 - Jan. 4 at the
K eller A uditorium .
T he stage p ro d u c­
tion is based on the
P ulitzer P rize-w in ­
ning novel by A lice
Wal ker and the m ov­
ing film by Steven
Spielberg. Tickets can be purchased at any
T icketm aster outlet or portlandopera.org.
P o etry a t M irac le s — Local and national
Sundays, currently through Dec. 21, enjoy
the deliciously im provised holiday treat for
the entire family atC urious Com edy Theater,
the new venue in V anport Square, 5225 N.E.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. For more infor­
mation, visitcuriouscom edy.org orcall, 503-
im e u a im iim
artists and musicians share an evening of
spoken word and music at the M iracles Club,
4069 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd, each
W ednesday’s, between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30
N orthwest Breakout Show
— Friday, Dec. 26, at 9 p.m.,
enjoy featured artists such
as Li v Warfield, MyG, Soul
P and many other hip-hop
perform ers at the Doug Fir,
830 E. Burnside.
B ob the B u ild er - TV s Bob the Builder and
his Can-D o Crew invite aspiring young
builders to help get the jo b done in a
hands-on traveling exhibit at the Port­
land C hildren’s M useum. The 2,000
square-foot, m ultim edia
exhibit invites exploration
and team w ork for chil­
dren and families. The show
runs through Jan. 19.
O M S I A fter D ark -O M SI After
Dark is a night at the m useum for
the 21 and over crow d filled with
food, drink and science fun; $10
fee. Form ore information call 503-
797-4000 or visit om si.edu.
S u n d ay N ig h t J a zz - Jazz enthu­
siasts can enjoy listening to the
cool sounds o f Mel Brown, in the Rogue
River Room at C hinook W inds Casino Re­
sort in Lincoln City. N o cover charge.
H o lid a y G u id e
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m ., the Mt. Hood Com m u­
nity C o lleg e- G resh am
Cam pus, will host the fes­
tival featuring handcrafted
gifts and seasonal items.
Friday, Dec. 12
th ro u g h S u n ­
d a y , D ec. 14,
P ortland F esti­
val B allet p re ­
sen ts the N u t­
cracker with over lOOchildren from
the Portland area at Portland C om ­
munity C ollege’s Sylvania Campus
Forum Theater, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave.
A cro b atics, aerial
dance, live original
music, an evening of
pure Do Jum p fun!
C u rren tly through
Jan. 4, at the Echo
Theatre, 1515S.E.37
A v e . F o r m o re
information.call 503-
The Wizard of Oz- There's no place
like home!
Dec. 13, through
Jan. 4, the N orth­
w est C hildren's
T h e a tr e
S c h o o l, 1819
N.W . Everett St.,
invites everyone
to follow D o r­
o thy dow n the
Y e llo w B ric k
Road all the way
to the Em erald
C ity in th is
T e c h n ic o lo r
m asterpiece brought to life! For more infor­
mation, call 503-222-4480 or visit nw cts.org.
W ednesday, Dec. 3, and Thursday, Dec. 4,
833 North Killingsworth Street, Portland,
Oregon 97217 • Tel.(503) 285-8745
Oprah Winfrey
for the Holidays
Scrooge Lives Holiday Festival
Friday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m., the Clark
College Concert Choir will fill the Royal
Durst Theatre at the V ancouver School
o f Arts and A cadem ics, 3101 Main
Street, with joyous m usic; the concert
is free and open to the public.
Holiday Triple Play
Dec. 5, thru Dec. 21, G resham Little
Theater, 30639 SE Bluff Rd., presents:
Gift o f the M agi, The Elves Musical
Revue, and The Nutcracker. Perfor­
mance schedules are Friday and Satur­
day at 7:30 p.m. with a Sunday matinee
at 2 p.m.; formore information, call 503-
Cordially invites you to a
New Year’s Dance
Holiday Inn Portland-Airport *8439 N E C olum bia B lvd, Portland OR 97220
Tickets can be purchased from any Jack & Jill club m em ber
A limited amount o f tickets will be sold at the door.
For information, please call (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -2 9 1 9 or ( 5 0 3 ,4 2 1 - 4 8 7 7
Sliders ( î r i l l -Sliders Grill, 3011N. Lombard,
features an eclectic assortm ent o f perform ­
ers on the main stage, accom panied by deli­
cious food. Call 503-459-4488 for more infor­
F re e F irs t F rid a y N ights — The Portland
C hildren’s M useum has partnered
with Target to provide free adm is­
sion to everyone on the first Fri-
day ofeach m onth from 5 p.m. to
à Ç
8 p-m -
O reg o n Z oo B uck T u esd ay s —
On the 2nd T uesday o f every month,
the zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays when
— guests can tour the zoo during regular
zoo hours for the discounted price o f $2 per
person !
O M S I $2 D ays - The first Sunday of every
month can spark your passion for science at
the OM SI when adm ission is ju st $2. For
more inform ation, visitO M S I.edu.
M usic M illennium F ree Show s - The Music
Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house
live perform ances. Enjoy free m usic and the
opportunity to meet local artists. Call 503-
231 -8926 for a schedule.
nuts roasting and more; for more inform a­
tion, call the Dapper Frog at 541 -265-3764.
Heavenly Holidays
Friday, Dec. 19 thru
Sunday, Dec. 21, the
Portland G ay M en’s
C h o ru s
p re s e n ts
Heavenly Holidays, at
Kaul A uditorium on
the Reed College Cam ­
pus, an eclectic collec­
tion honoring many
traditions o f the sea­
son such as H anuk­
kah, Kwanzaa, C hrist­
m as and m ore. For
more information, call 503-226-2588.
OMSI Holiday Magic Laser Show
Currently through W ednesday, Dec. 31. Per­
form ances are at 3 p.m. T uesdays through
Fridays and at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
w eekends and holidays.
t u b a c h r is t m a s
Tuba Christmas
Saturday Dec. 13, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., at
Pioneer Courthouse Square, tuba enthusi­
asts, music lovers, and all o f those last minute
shoppers will rejoice in the sound o f nearly
200 tubas playing the festive music o f the
The Holiday Express
The Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation (ORHF)
will hold its annual fundraiser, the Holiday
Express on Dec. 7, Dec. 9 and Dec. 14-16 on
the Oregon Pacific Railroad operating out of
Oaks A m usem ent Park. For more inform a­
tion, visit orhf.org orcall, 503.224.8499.
Holiday Dlve-ln Movie Nights
$ 2 0 .0 0 P er p erso n • No Host Bar • Featuring a “S ilen t A u ctio n ”
Music provided by “DJ” Ricky Pettifore • Sem i-form al A ttire R equired
North Portland
O p en M ie N ight - Every W ednesday night
at 7 p.m., Proper Eats M arket and Café, 8638
N. Lom bard St., host open m ic night.
Newport Beach Holiday Celebrations
W ednesday December 31, 2008 • 9:00 pm to 2:00 am
Monday- Friday 11 :OOam-3:3Opm
Live Ja z z - Every Friday and Saturday from
8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees Lounge
at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W. H arbor
W ay, will host the ongoing weekend series
featuring Portland’s rich jazz scene with no
cover or m inim um purchase. For more infor­
mation, visit pdxjazz.com .
W eekends, currently thru Dec. 20, holiday
magic happens at N ew port featuring: wine
tasting, Santa, strolling m usicians, chest-
Jack & Jills Social Club
Business hours
Monday- Friday 3:00-pm— 9:(X)pm
Saturday-Sunday noon-9:(X)pm
donating money and cheering him at the Demo­
cratic National Convention.
She famously shed tears on a stranger's
sh o u ld er in C hicag o 's G ran t Park after
Obama's election-night acceptance speech.
A Harpo spokesm an says at least two
shows are planned in W ashington that week,
the second on Jan. 21.
Oprah Winfrey will broadcast her show
from Washington, D.C. during President Elect-
Baraek O bam a’s inaugural week.
Harpo Productions says Winfrey will host a
live episode o f "The Oprah Winfrey Show"
from the Kennedy Center Opera House on
Jan. 19, the day before Obama takes the
presidential oath o f office.
W infrey has been a prominent Obama sup­
porter, appearing with him at campaign rallies,
The Polar Express makes a splash on, Friday,
Dec. 12, and Fred Claus will delight children
Friday, Dec. 19, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in
the Mt. Hood C om m unity College Aquatic
Center-G resham Cam pus; form ore inform a­
tion, call 503-491 -7243.