'ri|t ^.Inrtlanh ffibscruer December 3, 2008 PageA7 Advertise with diversity in Œl!C| J n r t k u t h i O b e e r t i e r Call 503-288-0033 ads ©porfiando!' serv er.co m C o m p u t e r R e p a ir W e F ix L a p to p s & D e s k t o p s • • • • • • COMMUfR txtK V IC LS Screen replacem ent K eyboard Custom system s Data Backup/Recovery Virus & Spyware Removal H ardw are/Softw are Installs 311 NE K illingsw orth C PCS 5 0 3 -2 4 7 -3 1 6 9 State Farm4’ Providing Insurance and Financial Services IM IU ItN C I Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper J Agent We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Portland Stage Set for Best Loved Musical O prah W infrey, Scott Sanders and the producing team o f the Broadw ay smash hit The Color Purple, the M usical about Love, are proud to announce that Port­ land will host the first North A m erican Touring production of The C olor Purple foreight perfor­ m ances, Dec. 30 - Jan. 4 at the Keller Auditorium. N o m in a te d fo r 11 T o n y Awards, including Best M usical, The C olor Purple opened on Dec. 1,2005 at the Broadw ay T heatre in New Y ork City w here it ran for over two record-breaking years. The stage production is based on the classic Pulitzer Prize-win­ ning novel by Alice W alker and th e m o v in g film by S tev e n Spielberg. It is the unforgettable and inspiring story o f a woman named Celie, who finds the strength to triumph over adversity, and dis­ cover her unique voice in the world. M ichael K uchw ara o f the A s­ W ith a joyous G ram m y nom i­ sociated Press described the stage nated score featuring gospel, jazz, perform ance as “a roof-raising pop and the blues, The Color story o f trium ph” and Richard Purple is about hope and the heal­ C orliss o f T im e m agazine said it ing pow er o f love. was a soaring, epic tale that “made Good Deeds Can Mean Good Rufus Bonds, Jr. (Mister) and Adam Wade (01 Mister) on stage for the North American tour o f The ColorPurple, coming to Portland Dec. 30 - Jan. 4. Tickets are now on sale. Tax Breaks! Soon you'll be preparing your federal ta x return... And you're not don't fo rg e t you can count your donation lim ited to monetary to KMHD 89.1 FM as a charitable donations, we'll take P a u . K olnik . ajo y fu l noise in my heart.” Elysa G ardner from USA Today raved, “Pure heart! It celebrates the in­ spiring relationships o f faith and love, A Broadw ay hit!” Tickets are now on sale. Prices Your donation can add up to a nice tax deduction if you itemize •Your boat range from $28.50 to $73.50 and c a n b e p u rc h a s e d at an y Ticketm aster outlet or by visiting o n lin e at broadw ayacrossam erica.com or portlandopera.org. •Your house OPRAH H o lid a y G u id e contribution! •Your car PHOTOS BY W IN F R E Y PRESENTS Christmas at Pittock Mansion Currently to Dec. 31, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m ., the Pittock M ansion, 3229 N.W . Pittock Drive, is trans­ form ed into a holiday m asterpiece filled w ith vin­ tage toys and decorations. Multicultural Holiday Fair A m ulticultural holiday fair featuring jew elry, art, soaps, skin care, pottery and more is sponsored by the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee. A lso enjoy music and food. Sunday, Dec. 14, 3 1 1 N. Ivy. Zoolights Portland Raceway's Winter Wonderland T hursday, Dec. 11, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m ., the Police A ctivities League invites the public to join them at the Pittock M ansion. For more inform ation, call 503-823-0250. (4(X)I Southw est C anyon Road) The Portland O r­ egon Z oo is transform ed into a w inter wonderland, decorated with nearly a m illion lights. Anim ated animal silhouettes swing through trees,jum p across lawns, hide in bushes and appear in places where they're least expected. For more inform ation, call 503-220-2786. Holiday Reception and Fundraiser Currently through Jan. 1, Sundays - Thursdays. 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Fridays and Saturdays, 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., the largest drive-thru light display in the Northwest astonishes and delights with holiday vignettes. PIR is located at 1940 N Victory Blvd. Christmas Ship Parades The Christm as Ship Fleets sail the C olum bia and W illam ette rivers every night, beginning Dec. 12, through Dec. 21. For m o re in f o rm a tio n , v is it christm asships.org. Portland’s Singing Christmas Tree Com e see C hristm as the w ay it was m eant to b e ! A delightful Holiday Tradition in the Portland area for 46 years. Currently through Dec. 6, in the Keller Auditorium, Southw est T hird and Clay. For more inform a­ tion, cal 1503-557-8733. PURE HEART! A BROADWAY HIT! SOARING 8 JOYFUL!' USA Tothy Time Holiday Ale Festival During Decem ber, the Holiday Ale Festival keeps attendees warm and dry under a large clear tent at Pioneer C ourthouse Square. Christmas Bazaar The first C hristm as Bazaar, sponsored by the W om en’s H om e and O verseas M issionary Society, is held Saturday, Dec. 13from 10a.m. to 3 p .m .a t C om m u­ nity AME Zion Church, 3605 E. 13th St., Vancouver. For more information, call 360-693-4566. Oregon Symphony Gospel Christmas Enjoy a very special evening o f joyful C hrist­ mas celebration, full o f passion, pow er and inspi­ ration, Dec. 12 through Dec. 14, at 7:30 p.m. For more inform ation, call 503-228-1353 or visit o rsym phony.org. FredMcyor 5 B roadway 2008 A cross A merica , P ortland DECEMBER 30 - JANUARY 4 • ONE WEEK ONLY! N ov. 29 D ec. 28 Closed Dec 24 & 25 Sun-Thurs 5-8 p m Fri & Sat- 5-8 30 p m KELLER AUDITORIUM (SW 3rd e-Clay) --------------------- 1 ONLINE BroadwiryAirossArtienui con CALL ticketmoster 503-790-ARTS(jat) or 503-241-1802 u n s IN PERSON Visit the Portland Opeta Box Office, (Jlisrcanittnnsmn: CROUPS 2C • ÎWti 503-295-3509 fitters vififAi tt Mmcv r m r w dwryrs 5 minutes from downtow n Portland o ff Hwy 26 West. Or take MAX Light Rail and receive $1 off zoo admission, www.oregonzoo org K1O3L KATUO THE OBSERVER quarter page (5 65" m 10 25") COLOR PURPLE Ad runs 12/03/08,12/10/08 & 12/17/08