Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 03, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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    December 3. 2008
Page A6
"T.S.E. Enterprises Cleaning
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N atalie Cole
Fights B ack
After Ashley Viewed
A ngela G abriel
T he P ortland P layhouse,
602 N.E. Prescott St., recently
opened their doors with the
new d ra m a tic p lay “ A fter
A shley.” T his play uses vari­
ous form s o f realism , sarcasm ,
and satire in a m odem setting.
It displays various form s o f
fiction and exploitation that
intrude on the need for per­
sonal privacy when suffering.
A fter A shley, the play w rit­
ten by G ina G ionfriddo is bril­
liant, controversial, and abso­
lutely hilarious; com parable to
a m odem version o f O scar
W ilde. The Portland Playhouse
theater com pany accom m o­
dated their guests with o f free
coffee, food and alcohol d o ­
nated by the Portland Brew er
Com pany, Peet’s coffee, and
C ostco International.
P ro d u c e d by M ic h a e l
W eaver and Directed by Brain
W eaver, “A fter A shley” play­
ers are a w onderful collabora­
tion o f talented perform ers to
the stage from various acting
backgrounds exceeding from
NY International Fringe Festi­
val, W e Players o f Oakland and
the local Stark Raving Theater
in Portland.
A lthough, A fter A shley’s
acting was phenom enal, loud
dialogue ladden m usic garbled
ch a racters sp eak in g at one
point during the perform ance.
Look for upcoming perfor­
mances of the Portland Playhouse
and get information on the web
at portkuidplayhouse.org.
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Eight-time Grammy winner Natalie Cole, 58, hasn’t
thrown in the towel on her career. In fact, she’s giving
life everything she has.
The acclaimed singer "gets real” with Jet magazine
and opens up about being diagnosed with hepatitis C as
well as how she’s coping with kidney failure. “I hope
nobody 1 know gets it. I hope they find a cure,” she said.
Despite her illness, Cole says she still wants to look
her best at all times.
“Honey, I can’t be looking sick and be looking bad.
Some things are not acceptable. You got to roll with it,”
she said.
Jet’s Dec. 8 issue is currently on sale.
Helping with AIDS Awareness
MTV marks the 10th anni­
versary of its AIDS aware­
ness campaign this year with
an hour-long documentary by
U.S. singerand Destiny 's Child
fo unding m em ber Kelly
The music channel launched
"MTV Staying Alive" in 1998,
and has produced films, com­
petitions and celebrity tie-ins
to educate young people about
the risks of HIV and AIDS
and encourage them to talk
about it.
The latest initiative isa video
diary featuring Rowland, who
along with Beyonce Knowles
"P o tlu c k in th e P a r k " F u n d ra is e r - Sun­
day. Dec. 7, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the
Acadian Ballroom. 1829 N.E. Alberta St. pre­
sents the Tom G rant Band featuring Nancy
C urtin, Kate Davis, Rebecca Kilgore, Toni
Lincoln, Shelly Rudolph, Ron Steen and Dave
Captein. For more inform ation, call 503-546-
6800 or visit potluckin.org.
C o n c e rt N ight - Thursday, Dec. 4, at 8 p.m.,
in the Mt. Hood C om m unity College The-
ater-G resh am C am pus, w ill present an
evening of jazz to the com m unity; free adm is­
sion, for more information, call 503-491-7158.
Benefit F ashion Show - Friday, Dec. 5, from
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.. A loha High School, 18550
S.W . K innam an Rd., present an evening of
fun fashions to benefit the O regon Food
S ex , C h o ice an d R ock & R oll B en efit --
Aladdin Theater, Saturday. Dec. 6. at 8 p.m.,
an all-star line up to benefit Planned Parent­
C o in in g H om e: Illu sion ist
Ja c k s o n R ay n e - Sunday,
Dec. 7 ,at 7 p.m.. the Illusion­
ist Jackson Rayne, alumni o f
S kyview High School, in
V ancouver; tickets are avail­
able at the door.
N o rm a n S y lv ester B and -
Friday, Dec. 12. at 9 :3 0 p.m.
the band w i 11 take the stage at
G em in i's in Lake O sw ego
and at 9 p.m. on Saturday,
Dec. 13, live at the C andle­
light. For m ore inform ation,
call 503-281-5989.
helped launch the successful
girl band Destiny's Child in
1990. The group split in 2005.
In "The Diary o f Kelly
Rowland," the 27-year-old
travels to South Africa. Kenya,
Tanzania and the United States
and meets young people af­
fected by HIV /A ID S and
those trying to educate people
about the risks.
"It places HIV/AIDS out in
the open, and in doing so cre­
ates an openness of dialogue
on the 'taboo' subject," MTV
said in a statement.
The video can be watched
at staying-aliye.org.
Kelly Rowland
h IT E E r A I * M k E f * T
River Room at C hinook W inds C asino R e­
sort in Lincoln City. No cover charge.
L ive Ja zz — Every Friday and Saturday from
K an aw ak so o m a ( Q uiet T h u n d e r) C e le b ra ­
tio n - Saturday, Dec. 13. from noon to 10
p.m., Mt. H ood C om m unity College invites
the public to jo in the annual pow-w ow . This
free celeb ratio n offers authentic m usic,
dance, crafts, food and entertainm ent.
8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees Lounge
at the RiverPlace Hotel. 1510 S.W . H arbor
W ay, will host the ongoing w eekend series
featuring P ortland’s rich jazz scene with no
cover or m inim um purchase. For m ore infor­
mation, visit pdxjazz.com .
O p en M ic N ig h t — Every
P o etry a t M irac le s — Local and national
artists and m usicians share an evening
o f spoken w ord and music at the
M iracles Club, 4069 N.E. M artin
L u th e r K in g Jr. B lv d , ea c h
W e d n e sd a y ’s, betw een 7 :30
p.m. and 9:30p.m .
Bob th e B u ild er - TV s Bob
the Builder andhisC an-D o
Crew invite aspiring young
builders to help get the job
done in a hands-on travel­
ing exhibit at the Portland
C hildren's Museum. The 2,000
square-foot, multime-
dia exhibit invites explora­
tion and team w ork for children
and fam ilies. T he show runs
through Jan. 19.
W ednesday night at 7 p.m..
Proper Eats M arket and
C afé, 8638 N . Lombard
S t., h o st o p en m ic
S lid ers G r i ll - S l i d ­
ers G rill, 3011 N .
Lombard, features an
eclectic assortm ent
o f perform ers on the
m ain stage, accom panied
by delicious food. Call 503-
459-4488 for more information.
F r e e F ir stF rid a y N ig h ts--T h e
Portland C hildren’s M useum
has partnered with T arget to pro­
vide free adm ission to everyone on the first
Friday o f each m onth from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
O M S I A fter D a rk -O M S I After
D ark is a night at the m useum for
the 21 and overcro w d filled with
food, drink and science fun; $10
fee. For more information call 503-
797-4 0 0 0 o rv isito m si.ed u .
O re g o n Z oo B u ck T u esd a y s - On the 2nd
Tuesday o f every m onth, the zoo hosts 2-
Buck T uesdays w hen guests can tour the
zoo during regular zoo hours for the dis­
counted price o f $2 per person!
S u n d ay Night Jazz. - Jazz, enthu­
siasts can enjoy listening to the
cool sounds o f Mel Brown, in the Rogue
O M S I $2 D ays - T he first Sunday o f every
month can spark your passion for science at
the OM SI when adm ission is ju st $2. For
m o rein fo rm atio n .v isitO M S I.ed u .
M u sic M ille n n iu m F ree S h o w s
Vine & Get “SSAWIATOr
833 North Killingsworth Street, Portland,
Oregon 97217 • Tel.(503) 285-8745
Business hours
Celebration Jam
In Honor of President Elect
Monday- Friday 11 :OOam-3:3Opm
Monday- Friday 3:00-pm— 9:00pm
Saturday-Sunday noon-9:(X)pm
North Portland
F ix■ i *
Dubbie OO
Da Champ
( all 5O3-288-(X)3a ads@portlandob scrver.com
Ir w c V ib e H r ti ce C f * W
I n n < u
m «■ M i m i
i h / y l l M l l M H : H i m
• M i e l l i i i m
n n n e . »
W » « i * r t »«•*
/ \
ll $
A d v e rtis e w ith d iv e rs ity
- T h e M usic M illen n iu m , 3158
E. B urnside, hosts in-house live
perfo rm an ces. E njoy free m usic
and the o p p o rtu n ity to m eet
local artists. C all 503-231 -8926
for a sch ed u le.
A *'wi*
S j m h i . z R ' t I B y
. _____
Wednesday. November 19"' 2008 at The Greek Cusina
Friday. November 21s’ 2008 at Santorini s
The Greek Cusina 404 SW Washington Portland, OR 97204
N orthw est B reak o u t Show - Fri­
d ay , Dee. 26, at 9 p.m., enjoy fea­
tured artists such as Liv Warfield,
M yG, Soul P and many other hip-
hop perform ers at the Doug Fir,
830 E. Burnside.